SaLuSa to me: Open Up Your Heart – 5th Sept. 2011
Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Here is our first question: “A questionthat worries me a lot is, do I have to physically die on Earth to ask forillumination and preparation for Ascension, or can I do this in thisterrestrial life with discipline? Invoking my guardian angels and the LightBeings? But how can I achieve this if I can’t even achieve for a minute asecond of peace and I have not been able to silence it not even for amoment? Could you help me please withthis, could you gift me instructions on what I have to do to improve my mental,spiritual and physical state? How can I helpmy loved ones and those around me?.”
SaLuSa: As we have said previously Ascension does not require the deathof your physical body at this time. It is one of the rare occasions wherehumans are allowed ascend directly with their physical bodies. Although therewill be need for your physical bodies to be altered from what they are nowhowever. The changes in your bodies will take place one step at the time,according to the cosmos incoming energies. There are also a great number ofascended beings working to facilitate healing your bodies, upgrade DNA andreactive and develop your subtle higher bodies. Your bodies will move fromcarbon based bodies to crystalline bodies.
Although we have already started this work with some of you, the vastmajorities of healing and regeneration will take place after disclosure. Wehave planned a great deal all the necessary stages for this. You brothers andsisters from Inner Earth will also help a great deal with this matter. We willhelp you with the necessary transitions step by step. If you wish to start workon yourself now, we have dealt with all these type of questions in previousmessages. I would encourage you to read all previous messages from thischannel, as well as messages from Mike Quinsey.
You will find a great amount ofdetails in the messages. I would recommend circulating the light within yourlimbs and your spine. This would help the healing of the body, but also of theemotions and of your mind. In this manner your higher self will also be allowedworking with your body directly. All that is required for this is you to bringyour attention to your body and your emotions. Sensation of your body will helpyour higher self penetrate your body and proceed with healing and upgradingyour DNA code.
Regarding finding peace within, this is a difficult thing for most ofyou dear friends. The mind never stays still, it is always planning ahead orreviewing the past. It never can accept to just be still, in the now moment.You are all constantly picking up interference noise from each other and fromother dimensions. At times, personalities from your past lives will alsoresurface, like the trace of a ghost. It will never end dear ones, for as longas you are in duality. What is important however is to distance yourself fromthe inner talk, form the commentator.
This is a flow of words and images, such as your radio or yourtelevision. It is taking place in the front of your brain. A good way ofdistancing yourself from it is to anchor your light in your back, focus on yourfeet rooted in Mother Earth and in your body in general. Connect with the partof your brain wich is located in the lower back of your head. This part isconnected to the higher energies and to your spine. It travels right down intoMother Earth through your spine. The more you practice doing this, the more youwill find inner strength and inner peace dear one.
You have probably noticed that people age at various speeds. This has todo with their health and the purity of their body. The more your higher selfcan integrate your body, the slower the aging process. The Ascended Mastersfrom your planet have learnt to Ascend on their own, just with the help fromhigher self. Some of them were also in various Mystery Schools where ancientknowledge has been preserved in order for your species to ascend according intheir life time. Much of this knowledge was found in Tibet, in Egypt, inAtlantis, or in Sumer for instance. They have reached knowledge to immortality.Because of the mass Ascension will take place at the end of 2012, those of you whoare willing and whose vibrations will allow for Ascension, will be carried bythe higher energies, by the energy of your brothers and sister and by theenergy of Mother Earth.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Our here is our next question: “Hey Laura! as a17-year-old high School student, it can become quite a difficult challenge tobalance this information with a close minded and freedom stripping system suchas school. I understand the basics when SaLuSa says to release old energies andwhat not and that many from the past are now surfacing. My question is, how dowe actually let og of these emotions, these blockages. And then what it theconfirmation that such a thing took place? heheh, i have a HUGE problem withcommunicating with other humans.”
Laura:SaLuSa 謝謝你。我們這裏是下個問題:「嘿Laura!作為一位17歲的高中生,身在綁架自由的體制像是學校,用封閉的心智思考,平衡的吸收這些訊息是個困難。我瞭解SaLuSa說釋放舊有能量還有什麼最好避免,目前有許多過去的事物浮出水面。我的疑問是:我們如何放下這些情緒和堵塞?怎麼接著確認這些事情已經發生?嘻嘻,我與他人溝通有巨大問題。」
SaLuSa: Your current education system is indeed in much need of reform.The current system fails to take into account the essence of the young pupilsand to adapt to their needs. The system expects the students to adapt to thesystem. We realize that the expectations are not always realistic, nor are theytaking into account each pupil’s individual and specific capabilities, talents,knowledge and skills. The current system wishes to mould all youth into servingdrones and deprive all of skills and higher intelligence. We look forward topresenting our cultures and education system to your leaders, as soon as changein government takes place.
What is needed in order to “let go” and release blockages is to bepresent in your life. All you need is to see where there is pain and to be awitness to it. You can ask for help from your guides and higher self in orderto release your pain even further. Seeing what is, is the first important stepto your liberation. Be present in your life when you meditate, when you eat,when you walk, when you interact with others. You are all multi-dimensionalbeings dear ones. Although you do not have consciousness of all the otherdimensions you are living in. You become aware of other realms in dreams aswell as in meditation. In your daily life, you fail to realize your connectionto all that exists however.
As soon as you understand that all the events in your life happen for areason, although you may not yet be aware of the reason, you will come to abetter understanding of others and of yourself. We always encourage you to tryto relate to others by finding what you have in common, rather than focusing onyour differences. If you can open up your heart to those around you, andunderstand they too are subject to the same laws and realities as you are, youwill begin to be feel more empathy for others. Try putting yourself in theother person’s shoes, as you say is also a good exercice in order tocommunicate and understand others better.
Dear friends compassion and love for those around you is critical in thepresent times. In order to better understand others’s needs, it is necessary tounderstand your own needs first. Share your love, patience and understandingwith those who come to you for help and advice. However unsolicited for adviceis not recommended. Try not to judge others, because they can only judgethemselves eventually. Be present in your life, open up your heart, be truthfulto yourself, but do not hurt others in their resolve. Respect each othersdifferences and find a common ground where possible, dear friend.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with these words for now. Myheart is with you all dear ones. We arenear you, and stand by for your call to us. We wish to support you and help youall find peace at all times.
Thank you, SaLuSa
Laura Tyco
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