SaLuSa to me – Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate withLove – Sept 18 2011
Laura: Good morning SaLuSa. Here is a question from a reader: “I have aquestion. I hope that I am on my path to ascension, I choose love and work onit not to judge and to live only from my heart and to spread my light if it isto be seen. I don’t know if I can make it. But this is not so important. Idon’t fear nearly anything because I know that I am divinely protected. I knowfor sure. But I have responsibility to my children and my pets. My sons are 19,17 and 15. They had a hard childhood due to the divorce of their parents. It ismy fault to not prepare them for what is to come, I myself made a leap in myevolution during the last year this is not long. Do my children and pets havethe chance to ascend with me, if I have the chance to do it? I love them and Idon’t want them to leave them here without me. I don’t know if they are able tolive their life alone and they don’t want to live with the father and his newfamily. “
SaLuSa: Good day dear friends. Please let me remind you that Ascensionis a certainty for Mother Earth and for all those who chose to follow in thehigher realms. All this is due to a deep fear regarding Ascension and also thesequence of events before it. As your societies are rapidly changing, it islegitimate for the collective consciousness to experience apprehensions andanxieties. We understand Mother Earth’s changes, the eco-political instabilityare also greatly contributing to the present sense of confusion and questioningfor all of you.
This is a normal part of the process dear ones. It involves getting ridof the unnecessary; of false beliefs. We have for a long time encouraged you toquestion all and everybody. This goes for your own beliefs, your own attitudesand accepted received ideas. What is ahead of you all now is getting rid of allwhich is not true, all that is no longer required. This set of false ideas wereneeded in order to maintain a sense of stability in duality dear ones. As youare nearing Ascension, all that is not needed in the higher planes, will simplybe left behind. This is true for your outer world, but also for your innerworld dear ones.
親愛的,這是正常進程中行進的一環。意味擺脫掉多餘的虛假信念(false faith)。我們有很長一段時間鼓勵你們對一切事物和每個人提出問題。從你們的信念、個人態度、接收到的概念開始。目前你們眼前要做的是切斷所有對你們不真實、不再被需要的事物。親愛的,這些虛假觀念是為了保持二元性一種穩定的感覺。當你接近【揚升】在更高的水準裡,這些都不是必要的,將完全拋諸在後。親愛的,(拋下虛假信念)對你們的外在世界是確實的,對你的內在世界同樣是確實的。
There is much talk about Ascension. People are interested in Ascension,but there are also so many theories about it, that this has come to create agreat deal of confusion and anxiety. There also seems to be division betweenthose who believe they are worthy of Ascension and those who doubt Ascension isfor them. Under these circumstances, we would recommend not to focus too muchon the intellectual aspect of Ascension, but rather to feel what it means withyour intuition and your heart. Dear friends, you all have memories buried inyour subconscious memory of your life in the higher dimensions, when you werefully ascended beings. Turn inwards for all questions related to Ascension.Trust in yourself and have faith that your higher self, your guides andprotectors will give you the answers you seek.
We are here to encourage you to develop your own understanding ofAscension and the Golden Age. We are also here to encourage you to develop yourown centre of gravity, your own sense of discernment. We are not here to giveyou all the answers that concern you, because this process of understanding anddeveloping yourselves is the most important part for Ascension. We encourageyou to develop your own weight, so to speak. Please let go of focusing oncreating division between your opinions, divisions within your groups, familyand friends, and also division within your own being.
When you are living from your head, you are choosing to live in a partthat is limiting for your consciousness. Your intellectual head andunderstanding are different from what raising your level of consciousnessmeans. So many lightworkers fail to see this time again and again. Some believethat reading books and articles contributes to their own Ascension process andto the Ascension of others. In actual fact, just because somebody, includingyoung children, animals or any life form, doesn’t read about it or isintellectually unaware of Ascension, does not mean that this person or lifeform will not ascend. Ascension means moving into a higher state of awareness,of consciousness. So animals and plants will also move up on the ladder ofAscension, along with Mother Earth.
In actual fact those who are not intellectually engaged in reading allday about Ascension are far more likely to get results before those who worryall day about it and are stuck in their intellectual centre. Living from thehead, while being somewhat cut off from what is going on inside of you andaround you is not what is needed at this time. This will only lead to furtherdivision and fear. What is needed now is inner unity and awakening. The time isnow.
The fact of not reading articles and messages about Ascension does notmean that one is unaware of it, dear friends. Every individual’s subconsciousis very aware of the coming changes. Ascension only requires your vibrations toresonate with love. This is all that is required dear friends. It is a verydirect and simple process. Children are very much in line with the lovevibrations, so are animals and plant life. So there is no need whatsoever tofeel anxiety about Ascension dear ones.
As ascended beings your powers will be limitless dear friends. MotherEarth is looking forward to the coming Golden Age and is happy to see thewaking process humanity is experiencing now. You are here to assist her in herAscension and also to assist those around you, by just your very presence hereand now. As the energies and magnetic changes will accentuate in the comingfuture, everybody’s faith will be put into question. We recommend you to remainanchored in your reality in order to be present, so that you can help others byjust being here and now. Your body is real dear ones, so anchor your attentioninside of it, experience your weight on Mother Earth, experience the wind onyour face, experience your body’s aches and pains.
Experience your own fears and doubts without placing any judgement onwhat is seen. Experience your own fear of failure, for seeing all going oninside of you will liberate you from the walls you have erected in your mind.This is part process of shading the unnecessary or rather transforming it. Youneed not be afraid of it, as you will come out a lot purer and stronger fromit. These energies directed towards all life on Mother Earth are cleansing andtransmuting. They are contributing to your Unification from the inside out. Youwill experience Oness within you first, and progressively this will lead you toOness as a human race on Earth. This in turn will bring about the Oness withyour space family and much joy is on the way dear friends.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I encourage you to turn towards your innerworld as much as you turn towards your outer world dear souls. Inner peace,balance and harmony will be perceived by all those around you, including MotherEarth. When you are in your heart, in the present moment, in the here and now,your vibrations are lifting all and everybody up.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
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