SaLuSa to me - First Contact Requires a Minimum Level of Vibrations fromYou, as a Collective Consciousness- 28 Sept 2011


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. This is our first question:
“Greetingsfrom Florida! I have only 2 concepts I wished to have cleared up. The first oneis, on the topic of ascension, I understand this is a planetary event, yet fromwhat I see, not many know of it. Are disclosure, first contact, and perhapsactual guided education on ascension to occur BEFORE THE EVENT to ensure a fairequal chance at ascension?

The 2nd question is “do the genetics of ourfamilies affect our personalities? Like if one parent came from a very lovingand expressive family, while the other parent stemmed from a strict and rigidlysuppressive family, would these two very different histories conflict insidethe mind or field of that child?”


SaLuSa: Good evening. Indeed many of you are unprepared for Ascension on many levels. By this we mean that you are under the influence of negativebeings, you are not free, you are stuck in a world of materialism andmechanicalness, and you live in a constant state of anxiety, completely unawareof your own divinity. I do not speak of lightworkers here, but of the state ofbeing of the majority on your planet. As we have said previously, Ascensiononly requires love vibrations from you, as well as your to desire to ascend.However, the resonance of what you perceive as love now, is different from whatAscended Beings perceive as Love. True Love is free, unselfish; it wants onlythe highest good for others. What many on your planet refer to as love at themoment, is different from one person to the other. There exists the actual actof physical love, which some of you mistake for lust. There is also the feelingof love, with some of you mistake as emotional dependency. And there existsconscious unconditional Love. So you see dear friends, even when we speak oflove, there are in fact several levels.


The most favourable vibrations for Ascensions are the vibrations forconscious unconditional love. At the moment, it is a difficult thing for yoursocieties to envisage such a thing as conscious unconditional love. Those ofyou, who had loving conscious parents, know this kind of love from theirchildhood. It will be a matter of reconnecting with this part of your heartwhich has closed as you were growing up. The living conditions on your planetare closing your hearts as you grow into your adult life. Others will have tolearn and experience conscious unconditional love as a total novelty, becausethey have never experienced it before in this lifetime. However, they willunderstand with our help very rapidly. You have all been Ascended Beings in thepast; therefore once you will recover memories of yourselves as AscendedMasters in the past, the feeling of unconditional love will flow naturally foryou all.


This of course, will be true for those who choose to ascend and who willbe willing to be in our company and receive our gentle guidance. As we havepreviously said, we are not here to force any of you on any path and we helponly when we are asked to help. You will always be treated with the respect andlove you deserve, dear friends. You are spending hours in traffic; you must dounfulfilling jobs in order to pay the bills, while others are worried of nothaving a job and do not know how to survive another day. Most of you are livingin your head all day long; you are unconnected to the rest of yourself. Theconnection with your body is missing and you have no idea about your ownfeelings most of the day. We do not say these things as a reproach, for none ofthe above are in fact your direct fault.


These conditions have been created by yourselves and your ancestorssince the Fall of Atlantis. Ever since that time, you have been living induality. Ever since, you have been cut off from your true self, since thattime, Man on Earth has a double nature. Dark entities have taken control ofwhat is taking place on Mother Earth for ten thousand years, dear ones. Withthe return of the Golden Age on your planet, there is now need for all of youto get rid of what has served you and your ancestors in the past. This processof transformation is done through generations indeed in usual circumstances. Asyou know, you do not have this path. Since your Fall from Atlantis was due toan accident initially, and you and Mother Earth have both asked for help, inorder to raise your level of vibrations to the required level for Ascension,Creator has indeed granted your request. You are to regain your previous statusas a Galactic Civilisation and we have been authorised to help you to thisintent.


As you know, we are working with Divine Beings, such as Angels andArchangels, in order to help you through this difficult time for you, as wellas for your planet. And it is Divine Decree that we are to help you cleanseyour no longer desired baggage. Indeed we have been sent to help you preparefor Ascension as you put it. However, you also have your share to do. We areonly here to show you the way, but you are the ones who will have to walk thepath to Ascension, dear ones. This implies that in order for First Contact totake place, there is a pre-required level of vibrations from you as CollectiveConsciousness. This is what we are waiting for. Once this pre-required level ofvibrations sets permanently on your world, the rest will follow automatically.Disclosure will follow, Free Energy will be common knowledge, and people willno longer feel greedy, afraid, jealous, possessive, and aggressive or feellonely. Once this settles permanently on your planet and is understood enoughin order to become common knowledge, love and unity will inhabit your worldagain.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and am glad to see that this level ofcollective vibrations is rising exponentially on Mother Earth. We are monitoringthe rise in your conscious levels daily, dear friends. From the higher realms,we do have a good perspective on your progress. As we often remind you, you arereceiving help as no civilisation or planet has received before. There is noroom for failure and Ascension is assured for all those who chose it in theirpath. Be at peace and carry love in your hearts.


Thank you
Laura Tyco

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