SaLuSa to me – 1st Oct 2011 – Remember that You Are Light Beings
Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Would you please give us an update today.
SaLuSa: Good evening. We are here, with you in everything you do. We areby your side when you feel troubled, lonely, pain, or even angry. With thechanging in seasons, you feel more tired and tense. Your bodies are preparingfor a slower rhythm; you will gradually feel heavier and heavier. The energiesdirected at your planet are more difficult to deal with, in the way that theyare not as forgiving and compassionate. This is also reflected in your outerworld. As you can see, there is much change on the economic and politicalscene. You, our brothers, are less forgiving for your governments mistakes andincompetence. You are beginning to see cracks through the system’s wall andwill fully take advantage of it.
These are truly amazing times for your history. It will be remembered asEarth’s corner stone. As we are approaching the pivotal date of 11-11-11,energies will be even more heightened. Those of you who are sensitive will findit difficult to deal with the intense energies. These energies will continuetheir cleansing work for you and Mother Earth, however this will take the formof bringing up many unresolved issues into your life for the remainder periodin duality. You will find yourself changing your mind on people, situations andworld events many times during the weeks to come. Your feelings will beunsettled, insecure, and jumpy.
October, will indeed bring more of these energies, cleansing dark pathand karma in your life. However, for this to take place, these will need tosurface from your subconscious, be seen and exposed. For this to happen, youwill be confronted with many challenges, dear ones. Duality is not for thefainted heart. You knew this when you agreed to incarnating on Mother Earth. Weask you to take extra rest this month, to take your time before making decisions,and to renew the anchoring of light in your bodies. Indeed when you areconnected inside, you are one with your outer world also. You are open tospirit and to love.
When you feel unsettled, fearful, and angry, tired, frustrated or inemotional distress, remember to come back to yourself. Remember that you arelight beings, who volunteered for the greatest challenge in the universe. TheBeings from higher planes of existence are watching over you and admire you.Remember that you are never alone, and that you are all loved, no matter howyou feel about yourself. Many of you have a rather low self esteem, as if theyhad failed their part of the mission. We understand this, and ask you to stopplaying being a victim. You are light Beings, who have forgotten who you are.Remember who you are, remember yourself. You are light and love, and nothingcan ever destroy you, nobody can ever judge you, nobody can take away the lovefrom your heart against your own will.
We encourage you to continue your efforts for living in the here andnow. When you live in the here and now, impatience and fear do not exist. Ifyou are struggling with the coming energies, we encourage you in pursuing yourown spiritual development path and research. Working in a group of lightpeoples will give you back what you feel so far away from. You have each otherand you can create a better world for yourself, you can make things right foryou and Mother Earth. This will be done before Ascension, so you can see thatthe coming year has yet much in store for you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to remind you to believe in your ownpower of creation, you alone have the right to make the changes you wish to seeon your planet. You are the powerful beings and your weapon is your love andjoy. Don’t forget to ask for help to higher Beings at this time, as we are herefor your benefit. Be a witness to the changes inside of you, weather they arepleasant or not. Do not judge yourself, just be present in your life and bewith what is. Our love for you is endless and will always be so. Be Joy andhave peace of heart.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
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