SaLuSa to me – 3 Oct. 2011 – Your Own Personal Disclosure Process
Laura: Good evening, you wished to speak with us this evening. Soplease, go ahead.
SaLuSa: We will continue speaking with you all as a group. The dark hatsare continuing their efforts for world control. Although it is a desperateattempt, we wished to give you this word of caution. We are not there yet, asyou are saying. Many of you have the highest hopes for the higher good indeed.This is so very encouraging and we rejoice ourselves at your resolve. However,do not be fooled; do not confuse your own wishes and desires with reality. Stayin the present moment, dear ones. Stay grounded and stay in the now. We keepreminding you of this in all our messages through Laura Tyco. This is one veryimportant part of these messages. We wish to remind you of who you are everyday; we wish to tell you we are with you, by your side every day.
Dear friends, there is so much love and compassion awaiting you all justone step away from you. We mean this quite literally. We stand by your side dayand night, to protect you and to love you. If you only had us in your mind and in your imagination from time totime, you could feel our presence. Ask people who are in touch with the higherdimensions how do they feel about us? Ask them how it makes them feel to knowwe are by their side at every moment of their life. We do not do this in anintrusive way, and do not wish to scare you by this. We say this in order foryou to understand that you already have each and every one of you, your ownpersonal disclosure process, and your own personal first contact process.
Indeed you will not need to read about Disclosure in newspapers or tosee it announced on your television set, because you are in contact with usdaily and we are in contact with you, dear friends. There is so much love andjoy shared between us, although your own consciousness is not aware of thisquite yet perhaps. We do not mean to trick you by saying this, so we willexplain more this point. You are indeed multidimensional beings; as such thereare parts of your higher bodies, which interact with us on a daily basis. Wecan see your higher energies, and your higher bodies can also see us. It is amatter of allowing your higher bodies penetrate into your physical body, andbeing open to your higher self. If this can take place, you would allow yourconsciousness to expand and integrate your intellectual and emotionalintelligence.
As we speak, many of you are experiencing this increase inconsciousness. You find yourself having a new understanding of matters youcould not grasp before. You are finding new paths, new connections, newpossibilities, you had never even suspected before. This is because the highervibration energies are penetrating your intellect, and are developing newsynapses, new brain connections are made. You are understanding things a lotfaster now, you also find yourself a lot happier than a few days ago, and thiscame to you as a pleasant unexpected surprise. This is a taste of things to come. Your feelings are a lot purer now,and your heart feels things it had never even suspected previously. You willfind yourself inundated by tears of joy and you will discover that you do nolonger need to live in a constant state of apprehension and anxiety.
Ascension will be very much like what you are experiencing right now,but it will be amplified by as much consciousness, as there are human beings onyour world. Can you imagine, dear friends, the power of which we are talkingabout? Can you imagine how quickly things will develop from now on? This willbe brought about by a building up of momentum. You could compare the comingevents with a gathering of people, getting larger, and larger. In thisgathering imagine one person starting to sing a wonderful and joyous song, thenas we are approaching Ascension, imagine those standing next to the singer,beginning to sing, and those standing next to them, starting to sing as well.This would go on, until the whole gathering starts singing, until the entiretown starts singing with joy and happiness, until the entire country is singingin harmony and love. Such an event would spread out wide on the surface of yourplanet.
What we are witnessing now, is the start of the song, outside WallStreet. From Wall Street, it has moved into many cities, soon the entirecountry will sing the same loving song. As we are going into Ascension, theentire planet will be uplifted by the singing souls from Mother Earth. Yourlove, light, desire for freedom and the consciousness of your own actions willbe heard widely throughout the entire universe, throughout the entire galaxy,throughout the entire cosmos. Your light will bring light and love in thedarker corners of your world, in the darker corners of your galaxy and theentire universe will be full of light. Darkness will be forced to surrender tothe light. We shall no longer have a dark universe, but a bright universe, fullof the light, of love and compassion.
The Creator is ever improving the plan for your great awakening, dearones. And we are glad to say that the plan keeps getting better and better, asit unfolds before our very eyes. You are indeed powerful beings of love andlight, who are just beginning to remember what your heart is made of. Rememberthese times dear friends, the entire universe is following developments on yourMother Earth, and the entire universe is following your progress into thelight. There could not be any obstacles standing in your way from now on, so donot put limitations on yourselves dear souls. Do not tell yourself what ispossible to do or not for you to do. As we are moving towards Ascension, youwill discover hidden powers, hidden capabilities. The dark ones will flee assoon as they realize how far into the awakening process you have progressed.They are pretending not to be scared of you now, but behind closed doors, theyare making plans to leave.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and simply wished to share our joy of seeingyour incredible work for your planet and for yourselves. As your heart opensup, you will continue to be surprised every day. You will reinvent yourselfevery day, and the world you wake up upon, will be different from the world youwill go to sleep on. Changes are coming at an extraordinarily fast pace, sokeep in mind that you will be aware of this more and more. We are the GalacticFederation of Light, and have been watching over your every step for eons. Wewill be here; by your side weather you realize it yet or not. By the time allof you will know us publically, you will know us all instinctively by heart,and will consider us as old friends. We renew our love to you and justremember, that our love is just one step away at all times. Feel our presence,and don’t be scared to return our love. We are love; we are one, here and now.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
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