


2011-10-09 20:08

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最終編輯 愛海之源


What energy and experiences can we expect in October 2011?



The energy this month is difficult to predict. The reason for thedifficulty is that a major turning point occurs in September of 2011.As you cross the threshold into October, much of what will happenwill depend on the choices that you made in September. The energyfor the year 2012 has been on its way into Planet Earth for the lastcouple of years, but the actual energy of the very year itself arrives inOctober. While your calendars mark the year beginning in September,the true energetic beginning of the year is in October


of 2011.這個月的能量很難預料。困難的原因在於20119月有一個主要的轉捩點發生。當你跨過門檻進入十月,許多即將發生的事情則依賴你在9月所做出的選擇。在最近的幾年裏,2012年的能量已經依它自己的方式進入地球,但是,就是這年裏它自己的實際能量則在10月達到。當你的日曆標記9月作為這一年的開始,那麼這一年真實的能量開端則是在201110月。


Many of you will find this month to be very intense. Some of you willfind the intensity somewhat exhilarating, and some of you will find thatintensity to be so great that you actually feel as if there is nothing.There will be a feeling this month, for many of you, that there isnothing to hold onto, and there is nothing you can predict. It may bedifficult for you to sense your own intuition or to find your thoughtsclearly. Do not worry if this happens. If it does, it simply means thatyou are in tune with the energy, but there is so much more than youcan comprehend. Instead of interpreting anything, you find that there is nothing really coming to mind.




This month will be experienced like the moment just before you graspa new concept. Remember what it is like when you are learningsomething new. As the new information comes to you, at first youunderstand it and then it exceeds your comprehension and your mindgoes quiet until something clicks and you fully understand the lesson.This month will be like that period of silent confusion before the clickcomes. And the click will come later, maybe in December or January.That is when you will begin to see more clearly exactly what you areworking with here and just how far you have really come.




It is important this month that you be patient with yourself, be patientwith others, and it is important that you not try too hard to makesense of things. There is strong potential for big collective shiftsto occur this month and so there could be a lot of chaos, becausewhenever big collective shifts occur, every individual on Planet Earthreacts and responds differently. And how those reactions unfold willdetermine what actually happens. Expect things to change, do notget too attached to how they are changing and just watch as the storycontinues to unfold.




How can we find the greatest benefit from this energy?




The greatest benefit will come to those of you who have a steadyspiritual practice, and to those of you who manage to take note ofnew information this month. Even as there is a feeling of suspension,even as there is a sense that much is unknown, there is a great dealof information. So much information and so many new perspectivesare available. If you take notes -- if you write down your thoughts andinsights, if you write down your questions and consider the answers,if you write your thoughts and feelings each day and watch themchange as the days go by -- you will collect the information you needto learn your lessons more quickly. Then that click, that momentwhen you finally comprehend what you have been trying to reach,will come to you sooner if you make that practice this month of takingnotes; making note of what happens and what you are feeling. Self-awareness will serve you very well this month. It has never been more important that you be aware of what you need and that you take care of yourselves. And it has never been more important that you be aware of what you feel and that you are able to see your
feelings rise and fall without becoming attached to them




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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