
SaLuSa to me – 9 Oct. 2011 -The Love of Creator for You Has No Limit

Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Would you like to give us an updateplease?


SaLuSa: Yes of course. You are light beings covered in a shell ofmatter. Your shell works like your armour. When you are tired, agitated, andnervous or stressed, your entire body tenses up, and looses its texture’sflexibility and permeability. Your density is thicker, more compact, rigid, andit can be as hard as a stone. In fact, the Earth expression of “having a heartof stone” translates this idea very well. The physical heart is also a muscle,a very powerful pump, pushing your blood around your body. When your body istense, the blood flow is also impaired, because your heart organ can notperform as well its function. When your heart is as hard as a stone, your bodyis also tense, and your feelings are tied up in a bundle of nerves.


Under these conditions, your blood does not supply your body and braincells with the necessary nutrients and oxygen required to perform at maximumefficiency. Your thoughts become erratic, your emotions turn very rapidly intonegativity. When you sense that you are heading towards negativity, we suggestthat you walk away from a difficult situation as soon as you realize what isgoing on. Step aside, make inner space, come back to being grounded andconnected to Mother Earth, remember yourself, remember you are love and lightin human form. It is important that you do not let yourself be pulled intonegative feelings and irritability at this time. We do not ask you to bedishonest with yourself and pretend to yourself that you are happy. This wouldnot help in fact. What we feel would help is you being present and observingthe first symptoms of negativity within.


Be anchored into your bodies and connected to Mother Earth in order tobe able to do that, and of course meditation practices would help you live inthe moment and catch the first signs of a confrontational situation, or anyother difficult situation you could find yourself in. Catch your breathaccelerating, catch your jaws tighten, your body tensing up, your emotionssending you negative signals and your thoughts taking a certain definite form.What we suggest at this time, is to try to keep yourselves in a balanced andpeaceful state. Harmony and joy are the desired states from now on dear ones.So please ensure you keep yourself in a protected and neutral space, so thatyou can manifest the energies of love and light on Earth at this time.


You will be faced with increasing challenges in the coming months, asthe cabal is still reluctant in surrounding to the light. Many of them havespent hundred of thousand of years and thousand of lives believing they no longerhad any kind of connection to Source Creator Life Force Energy. They have spentso much time convincing themselves that they are only matter, that for some itstill is a huge effort to see the light, and understanding it. It will takethem even longer to understand that they are also part of the light, if theycan accept it again and let it guide their lives.

當陰謀集團仍不情願被光包圍,未來數月你們將面臨更多挑戰。他們許多人花費數十萬年與好幾千世的時間,相信自己與【源頭造物主生命力能量】(SourceCreator Life Force Energy)沒有任何連接。他們用這麼長的時間,證明自己不過就是物質(層次),對他們一些人來說還還很難認識並瞭解光。他們會花更多時間瞭解自己也是光的一部分,如果他們能再度接納這個事實,光會引領他們的生命。

As the controlling power of the dark ones will diminish, they will beable to see light manifest all around them and will eventually come to rememberwho they are also. It is not an easy journey, and some will need a slower pacefor integrating light into their life. They may need relocation, on a planetwhich would allow them to undertake their journey back home at their own pace.They will be well looked after whatever their choice is, and every opportunityfor free will shall be respected of course.


We are aware of the fact that some of you apprehend Ascension forthemselves, as much as for their loved ones. In either case, please restassured that all will be listened to, all considerations will be taken intoaccount, that the decisions will be made with your higher self, and you will bevery pleased with the end result. In the case of considerable karma, whichwould have to be dealt with, we also have the possibilities of downloading someof it into alternative realities. So keep in mind that when we say all ispossible, we mean it literally.


For example, if one soul wishes to Ascend through free will, even if theoriginal pre birth plan had not allowed for the soul to Ascend, and even ifthere is considerable negative karma to deal with for that soul, we have theresources for this soul to be allowed ascending if permitted by the SpiritualHigh Council. In such a case, the soul can Ascend with Mother Earth in thisreality, however, negative karma will be transferred into the same souls’alternative realities. It can be distributed equally in the other realities, sothat it would not represent a huge burden in the alternate realities.


This is usually not allowed under any circumstances, however, once againDivine Power is making all available for you all to Ascend if you so desiredear friends. Indeed the love of Creator for you has no limit and Creator ishappy to provide all the possibilities for you all to exit the circle ofduality at this time. So please, do not let matters concerning Ascension andbeing separated from your loved ones, trouble you. Rest assured that the planis well carried out, and it has been well rehearsed. You all know your rolesfrom before your birth, and there can always be last minutes adjustments inorder to ensure Ascension for the greater numbers. The Earth experiment hasbeen a worthy experiment, full of good and at times disappointing surprises forus all. However, the end result will please you all.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I can tell you that we look forward to yourAscension. At this time, we will truly be reunited, we will recognize eachother and we will chose to work with each other again no doubt. Creator and Godrequire much help for the administration of Galaxies and Universes. There ismuch to do dear ones, I am sure you will enjoy working with us again. You willhave full choice of your next adventures, and we are happy to be able to bepart of your Ascension dear friends.


Thank you
Laura Tyco

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