
Siraya Discusses Earth's Inevitable Change


By Jess Anthony


Oct 26, 2011 - 7:27:13 PM






Siraya, I feel you have comments you want to make. I ask you to use my written voice to speak to our situation as you see it at this time.



Jess, I can speak to you now. My voice is your voice this evening. We are watching the developments on Earth and are excited to see the nearness of the completion of this phase of its evolution. This has been a period of great confusion, and many have learned lessons to avoid in the future. A smaller number has awakened to their inner connection with the spiritual universe that surrounds them. They each are part of your Creator Michael's vision for how his universe grows and deals with its problems. Each has a role, and each must accept his or her place in the tapestry showing the growth and exponential learning of the human collective.



I say we observe because we are overseers for the development of each universe within our super universe of Orvonton. Each universe has its own purpose, and the working out of each set of issues inherent in its design is described by the way it develops and addresses its core problems. Urantia, as Earth is called in our records, has had its share of trickery and persuasion not to accept its place in Christ Michael's creation. Lucifer, as you know, turned many against the plans of Christ Michael Aton, and Urantia was quarantined for the re-education of many of those siding with Lucifer.



The time of Lucifer is over, as you know. He chose uncreation, and his followers are now without a leader. They continue to act as if they have a purpose, but their cause is lost. The negativity this rejection of Christ Michael has caused is immeasurable. The effect of this reversal is evident today on your planet. The truth of spiritual unity and compassion has been subverted to a pursuit of individual power at the expense of the rights of anyone in the way. Man's understanding of his role in the created universe has been hidden from him intentionally, and his self perception has been blunted to provide little insight into his spiritual nature. He has been trained not to think or feel anything but what has been proscribed for him by those who have obtained power. This reverse education has made the majority of Earth's inhabitants politically malleable and intellectually undiscerning.



This agenda has allowed the few who have wrested control to use the majority of Earth's population for their personal interests. Their actions began in opposition to Christ Michael's intent and have continued their momentum to today. The global nature of this disruption has eaten away at the spiritual reality of Earth's creation. Man's attention today is focused more on his surroundings and his perception of position than it is on his spiritual nature and an existence beyond the details of this incarnation. He has lost his awareness that he is an eternal part of the universe that has been created for this stage of his experience.



Earth's state of being was foreseen as a possibility but not projected as the likely direction Christ Michael's creation would take. The showplace he created as Earth has become tarnished and almost unrecognizable.  Man reflects his surroundings because, unfortunately, he has forgotten his connection to Christ Michael.



The transformation that has been determined for Urantia will restore its original character and nature.  Man will be awake to his surroundings and the purpose of his existence on this planet. He will understand the role he has to play. He will see how it interacts with everyone else who is working to actualize this change.



Man will become a vessel of light and energy. His purpose will be clear and enlightening for the direction he goes as a physical being. His actions will be decided with responsibility and an awareness of his function as part of the spiritual whole.



This state of spiritual enlightenment is not achieved immediately, even as Christ Michael is shaping the parameters of what may be most open to this new agenda.  Man is removing himself from the shackles of his overlords, but his ingrained habits are difficult to erase overnight. The transformation that has begun will be in phases and is dependent upon man's willingness to embrace his purpose.



The scenario Christ Michael has devised will accomplish his intentions with less disaster than was projected, although his realization that man needs a shock to his mental system to acknowledge a paradigm shift in cultural norms seems to be persuading him that man should experience some of the results of his uncaring treatment of Earth by losing many of what are considered his basic needs. The necessity for him to evaluate and compromise in his interactions with others will trigger the start of a new way of viewing his place as a part of Urantia's mission.



You ask for details and projections. I cannot give you those. You situation on Earth is uniquely yours, and your reality will be what you make it to be. Spiritual truth means existing within the parameters of your chosen lifestyle and reconciling those with the intentions and choices of your creator. Christ Michael Aton designed and constructed his universe of Nebadon to explore aspects of an incarnation with a triune spirit. Your existence on Urantia has examined only certain aspects of what is a much grander concept. These have been focused on the limits of duality and lack of spiritual awareness that has shaped your recorded history.



This exploration has run its course, and it is time now for those desiring to continue with the evolution of Urantia to prepare for its next phase of existence. The physical form of Urantia will adapt to new waves of energy and a higher frequency of awareness. All things connected with the planet will change to accommodate this evolution. Man, as part of this physical embodiment will also adapt and assume new forms in keeping with the new levels of energy and information.



I wish I could tell you specific political and economic developments, but like the energy in your universe, they are in flux and no outcome is fixed beyond the reality of your planet changing. The need for restructuring, however, will force existing assumptions to evolve. Those that cannot or will not change will not be able to continue existing.



Watch the results of what is happening. The reportage and the commentaries are misleading, if not downright misinforming.  These untruths instruct you to accept the conclusions they present without any individual research or examination. Accepting interpretations without determining your own opinions is foolhardy.

觀察正在發生事件的結果。即使不是完全的錯誤消息,那些(新聞)報導和評論也在誤導(大眾)。 這些謊言指導你們接受他們所做出的、未經個人調查或檢驗的結論。而未經你們自我判斷的、接受(他人)的解釋是魯莽的。


To survive this inevitable change, man must prepare physically and emotionally. He must be ready to move if necessary. He must be sufficiently rested to maintain any degree of stamina. He must participate willingly and with an idea of obtaining new insights. This new perception will begin to define man's changing involvement with his circumstances and those he interacts with. The changed Urantia will be reflected in the changes in man's behavior and attitudes.  This entire one unified whole will ascend together.



I speak to you as representative of the Creator Source in Orvonton. We are pleased with what is happening on your creator's favored planet.











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