與大天使麥達昶的對話 -關於瑪雅日曆,第九波,以12為基礎的星門 (3)
2011年11月06日 星期日 01:11
轉載自 gongjian19 最終編輯 U2覺醒
Question to Archangel Metatron: Is the ninthwave, the Unity wave ? If so, are we ask to really start de co-create unityconsciousness ?
Archangel Metatron : This modern conceptual version ' termed theninth wave, does indeed in itself have the ability to create sufficientgroup conscious focus to stir greater inertia in the quickening that is alreadyin place as the Ascension draws nigh. The ninth wave then is an interpretationthat is established with specific valued intents.
Now, that you refer to as the ninth wave , is in Truth aconceptual and conventional initiative based on an interpretation by ahighly evolved soul, and a very credible theorist . We will add that fittedwithin the interpretation of the writer is the astrological timing of March 9ththrough October 28, 2011.
現在,是到了談論第九波的時間了。事實上它是一個傳統意義概念上的解釋,這個解釋基於高度發展的靈魂– 一個非常可以信任的理論學家。我們要說這第九波是建立在上一波基礎上,也就是2011年3月9日到2011年10月28日基礎上的。
The concept and the initiative of the 'ninth wave' however, is acontemporary interpretation and is not truly a preset of the 'Mayan' Calendar ,yet that does not diminish its intended validity or value. For indeed itcarries a very high vibration. So understand that although it iscontemporary it is a valid insert.
But in response to your question we tell you that the ninth wave isbeing created in the present, and as a result of the focal belief and groupfocus, it will benevolently occur.
But to be clear, it is the resonant momentum of the Ascension itself thatis quickening the energies, and without this source, there would be nopotential for a ninth wave. It is the critical moving inertia and positivemomentum of the planetary centering in the Galactic field that is the prime source.As such there are truly many astrological influences that we will say play thetrue roles in the Ascension , independent of the coining of the 'ninth wave' ofconsciousness conversion. Indeed the equinoxes, solstices and eclipses of2011 and 2012 are the original and true potency sources of the energeticcontributions toward the field of unity consciousness. 明確些說,它是提升本身引起的共振加速了這個能量,沒有提升所產生的能量,就不會有第九波進化存在。移除這顆星球的阻力和同時提供動力從而讓它靠近銀河系的中心,也就是知識的源泉,是極其重要的。因為有很多天文影響在提升的過程中扮演非常重要的角色,而這些天文學的影響獨立在第九波意識轉變之外。實際上,四分點進程,夏至,以及發生在2011和2012年的日食是原始的以及真正最重要的引導人類走向統一意識的能量源泉。
The ongoing foundation of the myriad influences that areestablishing the acceleration of the Ascension energies are truly the basis ofthe opportunity for increased consciousness, and these will occur with orwithout what is termed the ninth wave. However, the conceptual stated intent ofthe ninth wave, as we have stated, is of intrinsic value, and is capable ofgaining momentum and assisting in the establishment of unity consciousness onits own merits, if it garners sufficient participation. We will add that therewill be other such momentous concepts conceived between the present and Dec 21,2012, and all will find fertile ground within the energetic foundation that isoccurring.
So whether one chooses to refer to the inertia ongoing as the ninth ortenth wave, or any other selected naming, it is an interpretation that truly issubjective and not truly a part of the Mayan calendar as such. Rather the'ninth wave' is an interpretation, and from that perspective has its ownbenevolent merits that are capable of drawing focus, and accordingly formulatethe unity wave that is its appropriate and commendable intent.
The Ascension is, in geo-mathematical terms, occurring in base 12. The Atlanteans utilized base 12, as well as other mathematical bases dependingon the dimensional application. 由於提升是,以幾何學術語,以12為基礎發生的。亞特蘭蒂斯大陸的人們通常使用十二進位,同時他們也使用別的基於十進位的其他數碼計算方法。
It is perhaps more accurate to say that the Crystalline transition, which isthe core essence of the Ascension, is occurring in 12 waves, from the01-01-01 through the 12-12-12, base 12 you see.
The expansive earth of the Ascension has 12 dimensions. 144-Crystalline Grid isactivating in 12 stages through the phenomena of the 12 triple date portals.Both then utilizing the base 12.
The base-12 , twelve- wave scenario is frequencially appropriate to theresonance of the Ascension. There are 12 major 'Sun-Disc' on the planet, Eachof the 12 carry specific purpose and are receiving new crystalline codes. Each ofthe 12 primary apparatuses feed 12 satellites...the 12 connecting to the 144 ina complex geo symmetry that is suited to the base 12 of the Earth and indeedalso is the Crystalline 144-Grid formulated in base-12 mathematics.
The Mayan's had vigesimal numerical system, which used base 20. Unityconsciousness is indeed a noble aspiration, and is very appropriate, but it isnot truly specific to or limited to the dates chosen in the ninth waveinitiative. What is symbolized by 'nine' is completion or shift. But thatagain is in base 10 understanding, and not base 12.
Question to Archangel Metatron: Is this 'ninth-wave' aperiod of opportunity to reach the highest quantum state and is itthe basis for a harmonious peace on earth ?
Archangel Metatron : It is indeed an opportunity, especially within the statedintent of its contemporary author, and those that are following the concept inmass. But this opportunity is truly valid irregardless of thenomenclature or chosen timing. The Ascension is a Universal truth,and unity consciousness has been occurring since 2001, and will quicken through2012. It is a necessary accomplishment. Do you understand?
It can be more accurately stated that the 2012 Ascension isthe 12th wave of the Ascending Earth, and the movements and forward inertia have been quickening as an advent of the Harmonic Convergence,and the replacement of the magnetic grid by the 12 phase activations of theCrystalline grid.
The conscious divine energy behind what you term the Mayan Calendar isindependent of and vastly predates the Maya. It is in its core a potent livingenergy field that is by no means dependent on what is contained in the calendaror interpreted from the remnants of the calendar. It is far more than what youimagine it to be. It is dynamic and ever expanding. While it is the sourceenergy that allowed the calendar to be composed, that very composition ismerely one aspect of this dynamic gestalt.
Comment to Metatron: Many have thought that the Mayan calendar wasabout something that would happen on a singular date but in fact itis an extraordinary plan from the Cosmos that was divided into nine differentlevels of consciousness. The Mayan seemed to have understood this and left usmany indicators. Many of their pyramids, the pyramid of the Plumed Serpent inChitchen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple ofInscriptions in Palenque were all built with nine stories.
大天使麥達昶的總結:很多人認為瑪雅日曆是一部精確預測某天發生什麼事的書,但是實際上它是來自宇宙的非常大的計畫被分成九個不同級別的意識。瑪雅人似乎理解這一點,並且有很多注釋。他們的很多金字塔,在奇琴伊察的Plumed Serpent金字塔Tikal的Jaguar金字塔,以及Palenque的Inscription神廟都有九層。