Tom’s Thoughts and Observations





















Collective Madness












The Doomsday Scenarios

















The Implicit and Unspoken Consequence















Vibrational Fields of Protection


In this message, the Hathors gave two methods for dealing with the chaotic nature of the transition state that our planet is now entering. Both of these methods deal with the heart and/or emotional states associated with the heart. This is not surprising since the Hathors have told me from day one that the most effective and safe means to accelerate one’s spiritual evolution is through the heart and through the emotions of appreciation and/or gratitude.


The first method they shared is for those who are new to this type of information. If you are an advanced practitioner, you might wish to skip over this next section since it is fairly basic. My discussion of the advanced technique follows the heading The Advanced Technique/Philosophical Considerations.






The Basic Technique


The idea here is to enter into the emotion, or feeling-state, of appreciation or gratitude. And you enter this state of body and mind for no reason other than choosing to experience it.


In other words, you don’t look to something in your life that you feel appreciation or gratitude for. You enter into this feeling-state through an act of will.


According to the Hathors, when you reside in this state of body and mind, you create what they call apositive attractor. It positively affects your mood, your thinking, and your behavior and, they would say, your vibrational energy-field as well.


The Hathors are suggesting that we enter into this feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day—so that we become masters of it—meaning that we can enter it anytime of day or night at will.


They say that this ability will serve us greatly as we, and the other nearly 7 billion people on this planet, enter more deeply into the consequences of so many Chaotic Nodes. In other words—the feeling state of appreciation or gratitude is an antidote, a mental/emotional protection, against chaotically induced stress responses.


The more often you practice this flipping of your mental/emotional state into the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, the better you will become at it. This type of emotional brain skill is just that—a skill. And like all skills, mastery is gained through repetition. We have to build the neuro-circuits in our brains before we can count on the response to be there when we most need it.


If you are the type of person with a well-developed neural network that gives you access to your emotions, you can probably just recall the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. And as you do so, you will notice the quality of your emotions changing into the coherent and positive feeling of appreciation or gratitude. Now all you need to do is choose to enter into this feeling-state several times a day. Do it as a type of mental experiment. Do it in situations when it is easy and do it in situations when it is difficult to do, like when you are annoyed, impatient or angry. See what happens when you intervene into your own mental/emotional experience with this coherent emotional state (i.e. appreciation or gratitude). And remember, the more you practice this, the more adept and masterful you will become.


If you are the type of person who does not have direct access to your emotions, you might try the memory recall method. The idea, here, is that when you remember an event or a situation in which you experienced an emotion, the emotion tends to come back into your awareness when you access the memory.


Thus, the first step is to recall something in your past that you felt appreciation or gratitude for. It does not matter what the reason was. It could have been something big, or it could have been something small. It really doesn’t matter so long as you felt some degree of appreciation or gratitude.


The next step is to recall the actual memory. Remember the situation, the details of where you were. Bring all your senses into this experience. Imagine yourself actually physically being there. See it; hear it; feel the physical sensations. As you fine tune your memory of what it was that made you feel appreciation, you will find yourself feeling that emotion again.


The final step is to let the memory drop away so that what you have left is the feeling-state itself. As you rest in this coherent emotion of appreciation or gratitude, familiarize yourself with its quality. Eventually you will be able to recall the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude without having to go to the memory. At this point, you are ready to enter into the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day. And remember… practice makes perfect.


Some people are unable to access the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude either directly or through the memory recall method. This is usually due to many different factors such as neural networking in the brain and especially past history. In other words, when these persons go searching for something in the past they felt appreciation or gratitude for, they come up empty. They simply cannot recall any positive experience that would generate these types of feelings.


If you happen to be this type of individual, you can create a new neural network in your brain that will allow you to experience the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude even though you have never actually experienced it in your life.


To do this, you will be engaging something called creative fantasy. And as odd as it may sound, in certain situations the body/mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event.


When you create a healing fantasy, you release powerful healing responses in your body/mind even though the source for these healing responses is your imagination!


The first step in this particular method is to think of something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. It doesn’t matter what this imaginary something is. It could be something really big, or something simple. It just needs to be something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude.


Next, you start to build the fantasy by imagining yourself in the situation and receiving whatever it is that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. Imagine yourself fully and completely in this situation, as if it were actually happening. See it; feel the physical sensations; hear the sounds.


As you fill in your senses, the fantasy will seem more and more real to you. When you feel the emotion of appreciation or gratitude rising up within you, let the fantasy drop away so that you are left with the feeling.


Sometimes people have a secondary response to the fantasy in addition to the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. These secondary responses can include such feelings as sadness, regret, or anger that they never had anything in their life that made them feel either appreciation or gratitude.


If this happens for you, allow yourself to experience the secondary responses. The idea here is not to cover anything up, especially authentic emotional responses to situations in your life. The idea is to introduce a new feeling-state that you can work with.


If you let yourself feel the secondary responses long enough, they will eventually fade in their intensity. At this point, return to the fantasy and let the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude rise up again. Then rest in this coherent feeling-state as long as you are comfortable with it so that you begin to recognize its quality.


Some people with a lot of secondary responses may have to go through this creative fantasy method several times. Stick with it, as both it and you are worth the effort.


When you sense the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude arising from your fantasy work without secondary responses, you are ready to start experimenting with the coherent feeling-state as described above. Experiment with it. Try it in all types of situations. The more you practice entering into appreciation or gratitude at will, the more masterful you will become.


There is another, often unexpected benefit from doing this practice. As you enter into this coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude over and over again at will, you create a positive attractor. And you will eventually attract to you situations, people and opportunities that will make you feel appreciation or gratitude in your real life.



The Advanced Technique/Philosophical Considerations


I think it is quite important to discuss the philosophical implications of the Advanced Technique before going into some of the finer details. The reason for this reticence on my part is that the Advanced Technique alters brain processing and inner perception in profound ways. And I think you should know what you are getting into so that you can decide if it is, in fact, something you want to experience or not.


If you read the Hathors’ instructions for this method, you will notice that there is a moment in the technique when you focus on your physical heart while feeling the emotion of appreciation or gratitude.


If you stay with this long enough, there will be a spontaneous arising of bliss or ecstasy. And then, according to the Hathors, you remain in bliss while contemplating (i.e. being aware of) the emptiness or space that comprises your body.


This dual awareness of bliss and emptiness produces a profound shift in inner perception. It is a type of liberation, since you directly experience the infinite and non-local nature of your own consciousness. While in this state of inner awareness, the constraints of your body and the limitations of the world are transcended.


You have entered an infinite state of mind that knows no boundaries.


If you get this far into the technique, I suggest you spend a good deal of time in this expanded state of mind, and really enjoy it before going to the next step. I say this because it is for me, at least, a deeply nourishing and restful state of body and mind.


In the next step you send appreciation to both the space that comprises your body as well as the actual matter that comprises your body—remembering that all matter, including your body, is over 99% space.


Each of us will have our own experience of this step, I imagine. For me, it is a visceral experience. I am brought back from my unbounded state of mind to a state in which I am both bound by the limitations of my body and transcendent to them all at the same time. I am, in other words, both non-local and localized simultaneously. This is a truly odd state.


When I remain in this dual state of non-localized and localized consciousness long enough, I start to experience surges of energy entering my body from what seems to be the internal space of my body. And my body often starts to spontaneously enter into a type of circular rocking motion (if I am sitting upright or cross legged), which is known to yogis and yoginis as kriyas. Kriyas are a sign that subtle energies are moving through the body.


This phase of the technique, at least for me, is not restful, it is potent and energizing.


According to the Hathors, this phase of the Advanced Technique generates a flow of subtle energies from the body’s interdimensional space into the KA (the energy body) and from here into the cells of the physical body via the mitochondria and then into the DNA. I have no way to determine, for the record, if this is what is actually occurring. I am only reporting what the Hathors told me about it when I asked them some pointed questions about my personal experiences with the method.


They say that the energizing of the KA/mitochondria/DNA will spontaneously reveal insights into the process and nature of ascension if the practitioner works with this technique long enough.


And this is the crux of the philosophical dilemma. The Advanced Technique alters inner perception in such a way that you will experience the non-localized (i.e. transcendent) aspects of your being as well as the localized aspects.


Furthermore, it creates a bridge between the aspect of you that is embodied and the aspect of you that is transcendent to your embodiment. One of the effects of this bridge in consciousness is that you bring into your body some very potent energetics from the aspect of you that is transcendent to your body.


I would not suggest this technique to anyone who believes in a schism between matter and spirit or who thinks there is a battle between the spirit and the flesh. This technique is, at its most fundamental level, about spiritualizing matter. And if that is not something you are interested in, I would not advise engaging this technique at all.






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