Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians,



It is time now to recover from your ailments of the last Thousands ofyears, Beloved earth humans! We are observing with joy that many of you startedto understand the signs of this time and woke up, especially to the servicethey originally have incarnated for at this time on earth.



Many of you are now suddenly recognizing and understanding what the deepermeaning of your presence on Gaia is, — and this is mostly a surprise butcarries also a lot of satisfaction.



Naturally, your soul and heart are now finally able to fully participatein life, which has been for many of you very difficult, because you could notfind any real meaning in your lifes, other than purify yourselves to come to aspiritual understanding of existence and of your own nature.



Now to understand, that this process was the very meaning of your lifebecause it was needed to purify the deep densities of earth, which you helpedwith the purification and spiritualizing process of your own body-minds, is extremelyliberating for you and you experience to be profoundly energized.



Therefore this time now has in some sense become a celebration for you,although the situation on earth has not yet officially recovered to love andpeace which is the original characteristic of humanity.

因此,現在從某種程度上是慶祝的時間了,儘管表面上看起來地球還沒有回復到人類真正的特徵– 愛和平靜。


When we made the first time contact with some of you, many years ago inthe 70s, our contactees were still living in an environment with people whowere utterly unaware of other galactic civilizations and planets who, as awhole, lived and practiced together in their societies spiritual life. Theyknew that the Divine Source Energy is Love and that all existence isoriginating from It. 



Now, only after 40 years on your planet, this situation has changedprofoundly. More and more people on earth are aware of this truth and spreadingit among others. Your planet Earth is even now on a point in your history whereShe will go through a transformation of a greatness and uniqueness, that neverbefore happened. 



Many more of you started to communicate with us, some of them can see us,many of you are in telepathic contact with us and more and more can feel thehigh vibration of our light bodies.



This is magnificent and such quickening of your evolutionary process isastounding and without comparison! 



Dear earth humans, and now you have arrived at a point in your historywhere you will make the greatest leap you ever have encountered!



Of course, it is not new for you, that on 11.11.11 massive new energieswill be activated which can catapult you into higher dimensions.



But for this to happen, you must be able to be in a disposition of anenergetic “expectancy”. Your heart must be able to reach out and anticipatethis great flux of new energy and light to flow  into your own energeticsystem. When this happens, you will be able to jump in your consciousness andunderstanding into a completely new dimension of experience. You might havevisited these places where you are going now to arrive before, but it makes adifference whether you visited only or whether you arrive at a place for good,dear ones!



When you arrive for good, this can mean many things, depending on yoursoul contract, but also depending on your level of preparedness. It might bethat, once arrrived, you will not ‘return’ to the 3 dimensional world and thatyou will just drop your  physical body. Only in the case that yourfrequency is of the highest light, a physical body of your nature can bedissolved directly into light. But this will be very rare as this requires thatyou have already accomplished  a very high spiritual realization. 



So most of you who are able to maintain their place in the higherdimensions, will be able – through their newly awakened multidimensionality –to stay with their physical body simultaneously in the 3th dimension, wherebytheir bodies will be transformed  and assume a crystalline structure. Thiscan happen very quickly but could perhaps  be physically difficult forsome, because of the adaptation of their body to their new frequency and at thesame time, the hightened sensitivity to the lower vibration of the 3thdimension.

所以,對於你們大部分能夠保持在高維度空間的人來說,將會有辦法通過他們新覺醒的多維度空間的能力– 在精神到達高維度空間的同時,又可以呆在他們物理身體內。他們的身體將會變成晶狀結構。這會很快地發生,但是有可能對你們中的一些人有些困難。因為適應在新頻率下的身體的同時,會加強他們對三維空間低緯度的敏感性。


However, as this process also implies that their new crystalline bodies can take on and hold significantly more light, that they do nothave to suffer, as they did before in their old carbon based body, in the midstof lower and denser energies.



Bottom line is, that none of you has experienced this uniquetransformation and there will be people who do not experience any problems andwho will have a very easy transition into their new body- and frequency-system,while others, depending on their history of perception and experience, mighthave to struggle in the beginning. But this will not last for long. For all theadaptation will be successful in a short time.



Those who do not arrive for good in the higher dimensions,  mightexperience them perhaps relatively shortly, and then, as they are not prepared,to stay there, come back, holding this new experience in their memory. But someof them will be able to visit these new  and higher dimensional placesmore and more often, until they adapted to it in consciousness and in theirenergy system, so that they can stay there permanently. In some cases they willdrop their body too, or live from then on multidimensionally, depending wheretheir service is.



The experience of this whole process has many different varieties, as eachhuman being is unique, but there will be of course people with similar oridentical experiences. They will find each other and join in groups together,as their soul level and spiritual experience is similar and these groups belongto soul families. Drawn to each other as a soul family, they will do theirservice to help humanity to ascend in due course of the year 2012 andthereafter. 



Dear Ones, you are now at the threshold of your great adventure in yourhistory, where there is no return to your old way of life. From now you willjump in big leaps along your ascension path. And you will leave behind yourlife of difficulties and suffering, as Mother Earth and Her new energies willcarry and transport you to new and never before experienced shores  whereall your heart desires are fulfilled.



We know that most of you who came to Mother Earth for service, were neverable during their incarnation in these times, to just rest and to 'enjoy' lifeas many other of their human fellows did and even lived for, because you alwaysfelt a huge weight on your shoulders, knowing, you had to do something important,but mostly not knowing, what it was. Now you can understand, but you will alsostart to experience —perhaps for many the very first time— the true joy ofundisturbed mere being, as you have arrived at your destination and as this will be, in your new experience, the means, to assist your humanfamily to ascend in the coming months and – perhaps years.



There is no exact and accurate ‘time frame’ we can tell, because there aremany unknown factors, as each human being follows their own unique process andlearning curve. But we can tell that the great shift is already on its way - ina mighty and powerful way. And ultimately, it will never end, because all isalways on their path of evolution and expansion in the Heart of God. 



Be well and be Blessed, dear ones! 


We are your family in the Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. 


We are the Arcturians!

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