Saint Germain:聖哲曼】——Freedom自由


I am Saint Germain and I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT.

我是聖哲曼,用OMAR TA SATT問候你們。


LAY'O'ESHA is the Crystal of freedom. And it is my task to embed LAY'O'ESHA in your light body, and you will decide how much of this freedom you want to absorb in your soul.

LAY'O'ESHA 是指自由水晶,我的任務是把它植入你們的星光體中,你們可以自己決定將多少自由吸收到自己的靈魂之中。


Freedom is a high energy and when it is released it begins to work with a radiant power. Your freedom has often been cut. To many human beings have told you what you have to do, how you have to be. But you have often cut your freedom yourself by not daring to be as you are. Perhaps also because you thought you were doing something wrong. But there is no wrong and no right. There is the radiant power of freedom that bursts all fetters. For when you are free in your thinking, free in your soul you will feel that, as lightworker, you can carry out your service for the other human beings with a radiant power.



Freedom also means to accept abundance. Freedom means to accept love or to break with ties that are no longer helpful to you.



Freedom also means free thinking, free feeling. To be free also in spirituality. To belong to your frequency, but to be free in all things you do.



We have always, even during the 48 Steps, shown you this freedom, to walk your path self-determinedly, as support. It is one path of many paths, but it is a very nice path. For nothing is forbidden, there are only pieces of advice, invitations and instructions that are helpful to you at that time. Sometimes it may be painful for somebody when the 36 High Councillors say, this is not helpful at the moment. But trust that we only do this in order to raise the big collective, the broader view, and that they are still just invitations.



Whether you follow them is your own decision.



Become free in your work, in your being, in your thinking. Burst the fetters that bind you, free yourself from being the way other human beings want to see you. Be the way you are and know: Just as you are, you are wonderful.



Receive LAY'O'ESHA, receive the energy of freedom. For in this incarnation alone you have had to restrict yourself or submit to the collective so often. It has always been the human beings who told you, do not do this, do not do that. This is not right. Many human beings are unhappy with themselves, you know this, because they do not come up to the collective. They feel they are too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too big, too small, all that restricts your freedom. But freedom also means humility. The humility to understand with the heart that when the 36 High Councillors bring messages, they are always full of the love for each single one of you.



But the highest priority is the ascension. The highest priority the broader view, for Sangitar as well. Sometimes we tell her, this is not good for this moment, tell the human beings. Sometimes it is hard to do this in the conflict of a soul. But we have the higher, the big goal in mind, to guide you into the New Age, with all the abilities, with the divine power in you, the shine, to be free from ties that are not helpful to you anymore. For such a long time already we are working with you that the patterns that still hold you dissolve. As you feel them but sometimes cannot name them. How often a day can you make a free decision? This does not mean that there may not be rules in the collective. I mean the small personal decisions that you make for yourself. How much more would it mean if you were able to serve the human beings with your light in complete calmness, in complete trust. For yourself, find the love for yourself and be able to say: Yes, just as I am, I am right and good. For I am a divine human being on Earth. I am in the intention of love and I also respect other human beings who may have a different opinion about their personal freedom, perhaps try a new way of life. Everything is right at this time. And you will see, when the fetters that hold you loosen, you will go up many, many steps of your consciousness. For you will notice that everything you need, even the higher powers, the inheritance of God, lies in you.


但揚升擁有最高的優先權,對靈媒(Sangitar)來說開闊的視野是最首要的。有時我們告訴他(Sangitar)此時告訴大家是不合適的,在一個靈魂的衝突中這樣做是很難的。但是我們擁有更高、更大的目標,就是引導你們進入新的時代(New Age),讓你們擁有各種能力,充滿神聖的力量,打破那些對你們不再有幫助的連結。長時間以來,我們一直和你們一起解決你們仍然化解不開的模式。你們能感覺到卻無法言說。一天之中你何時能自由地做決定?這並不是說集體中不應該有規則,我指的是你自己做的小小的個人決定。如果你能夠用你的光在全然的平靜和信任中為人類服務時,它的意義又該有多麼的大。你要做的就是為自己找到愛,並告訴自己:是的,因為我之所是,我是正確的,我是優秀的。因為我是地球上的神聖人類,我懷著愛的意圖,尊重那些對個人自由有不同看法的人類,我可以嘗試一種新的生活方式。此時,一切都是正確的。你會看到,當控制你的枷鎖鬆開時,你將在意識層面上提升很多、很多。你將注意到你需要的一切,甚至是更高的力量、神之饋贈其實都在你之內。



We have the task to support you in this process. To bring the newest energies and messages to Earth through Sangitar. To enrich you, to tell you again and again how wonderful you are, and not to restrict you in your being. And thus LAY'O'ESHA, freedom, will find its way in you. Just as is right and good for you at this time. You will be able to let go of many worries and fears of your daily life with this energy of freedom. For it is these particular fears that make you do what you really wanted to leave behind long ago.



Many of you are full of yearning and thirst for action to work with their abilities and yet they often remain in an energy that restricts them because they submit to the collective. We understand these fears, we understand you better than you think. And because of that we do everything we can do in order to confirm to you, to show you that everything is possible. That there are no limits except for the ones you set yourself



Life, dare to enjoy life. Many religions express bans. But believe me, there are no bans. They are always only invitations and you decide whether you would like to follow these invitations. For the divine Reality and the energy of freedom do not use pressure, do not interfere. Full of love they show you that you are a divine human being on Earth. Here, too, many preparations were made so that this Crystal of freedom could come into being. And even before the human beings gathered here pillars of light with the energy of freedom were erected. Freedom is closely connected with the White Priesthood. And thus receive LAY'O'ESHA.

要敢於享受生活。許多宗教宣傳禁忌,但請相信我,其實並沒有任何禁忌,只有邀請,你可以決定是否接受這些邀請。神聖實相和自由的能量不會施加壓力,不會干涉。他們只會帶著愛展示,你們是地球上神聖的人類。在這裡,由於做了充分的準備,自由水晶才得以形成。在人類聚集在這裡之前,帶有自由能量的光柱早已豎立起來了。自由與白色祭司(White Priesthood)緊密聯結,這樣就接收到了LAY'O'ESHA.


Now ask your personal group of angels to pull your soul aspect into the divine flame. One of the preparations was to expand the calyces of your soul aspect. When LAY'O'ESHA is anchored in your light structure to the sounds from the divine Reality in a moment, go into the deepest intention and ask your personal group of angels for support and speak with your soul, that you want to accept this freedom energy for yourself.







    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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