

Greetings, I come before you today to give a message oflove. Many of you are prepared for a huge awakening in your lives and world.There is a quickening, an expansion of energy never experienced before. Somefeel it as a stillness, and an opening of their hearts. Be prepared forexperiences you have only dreamed of. Everywhere, there is a deep churning ofenergy that is building to a crescendo of gigantic proportions. Be prepared forhuge changes in your inner lives and your outer lives. Many of the things thatonce interested you, you are now finding of no interest. Love is transformingyou in many ways, dear ones.



All across the globe, people are awakening, which iscausing a massive ripple effect everywhere. You are all to be commended forthis wonderful light work. Things are stirring inside of you, dreams andintentions that are unequaled in your experience. The dam is bursting and thereare no limits to what you can accomplish with your love and light.



Keep looking to your hearts, dear ones. The answers arethere. No longer are you content to be driven by material concerns, but insteadare looking inward and upward for meaningful endeavors to satisfy your sense ofhumanity. You are all my emissaries of peace and you have been taking it veryseriously. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish when your heart is inthe lead. Be assured that you are accomplishing peace with every breath youtake. Those kind words and thoughts, those gestures of love to even those youonce paid no attention to, are affecting the world in wonderful ways.



Love in your hearts is spilling over to those in need ofit. You are finding ways to help others and it is spreading out in waves fromthere. There are no limits to this as it builds in crescendo. We of thespiritual realm see you opening your hearts and doors to others and it is abeautiful sight to see. It bestows more light into your hearts and lives andyou begin to see the world that is possible, where all hearts beat as one,where all lives are of equal and immense value, and all thoughts turn to thegreater good of all.


I AM Archangel Michael.


Thank you, Archangel Michael




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