
Beloved Ones,



In this discourse I wish to bring to your attention theneed to stay grounded each day. Work at developing a very strong grounding cordby intending and visualizing this each morning and afternoon. See yourselvesattached to the center core of the Earth by a radiant cord of Light. This willhelp you stay more focused during these times of intensifying energies.Practice deep breathing in slow, rhythmic in-breaths and out-breaths, breathingin peace, breathing out peace for several minutes at least three times daily.You will find that you will be able to assimilate the energies much betterwithout the usual side effects in the adjustment periods following thedownloading of these into your energetic fields.



Seen from our perspective, the Light is intensifying andgrower brighter and more stronger within many more of the Awakening Ones. TheLight of many of the crystalline rays is a deep, clear and crystalline hue andimparts a feeling of magic when it is viewed, similar to that which is enjoyedat this time of year at yuletide. We suggest that our Beloved Lightworkersallow themselves to experience greater feelings of wonder, magic,unlimitedness, boundlessness and joy. We understand that each of you have beenin the deep throes of cleansing, clearing and purifying and we say it is timeto take the time to enjoy these coming weeks in childlike anticipation ofimpending delights.



This practice will also facilitate the ability to let go ofremaining issues that have still not been resolved and take a break from itall. Anchoring in the joyous feelings of boundlessness and infinitepossibilities will achieve miracles in the unified mass consciousness field andenable the quality of peace on Earth to be a viable occurrence. There will bemany instances of goodwill expressed across the World and the sense of Unitywill be felt within each heart flame. Allow the inner child within you to comeout and play, use your magic wands to create magic and miracles. This is thetime to hold to these visions and these feelings so that the New Year will bebrought in on the most positive and highest notes.



Allow yourselves to flow with the energies like water flowsaround a mountain, finding a way around the greatest of obstacles and bringinggrace to all situations in your World. By practicing non-resistance and justallowing whatever comes forth to appear before you, you open yourselves furtherto the abundance of the Universe and the magic of synchronicity. Anticipatethat something wonderful is coming to you - see it, feel it, taste it inwhatever way is most meaningful to you so that your vision is firmly anchoredhere on Earth and then step back, relax and wait, enjoying the wonderfulmoments with your family and friends.



These wonderful visions and intentions will imprint the newEarth energy field with the highest and happiest of vibrations. Love aboundseverywhere and joy permeates the land! This is alchemy at its best and mostdelightful. Enjoy each moment, BE in each moment and know that you are blessedbeyond measure. 



I AM Melchizedek




    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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