銀河聯邦資訊 2012年1月9日 提升之路是你們的
2012-01-10 0:24
Understandingbetter the process which you are now going through requires one to set asidenotions of extraterrestrials, agents of the dark cabal, instances of seismicactivity, and focus on what it's really all about, which is love. Love is thekey. It is love that you have found a way to safeguard in your hearts and souland it is through love that all things, either mundane or miraculous, arepossible. Your ascension into the higher realms is all about the amount of loveyour race, the human race, has been able to build and has been able to maintain.Everything else involved is a branch of the mighty tree which is love. 請理解你們目前經歷的過程需要你們放下很多雜念,例如外星人,黑暗政府,劇烈的地殼運動,並把精力集中在真正重要的事情上,也就是愛。愛是關鍵的鑰匙。從愛中你們才能找到自己心和靈魂的護衛者,所有的一切,不管是日常事務還是奇跡,因愛才變得可能。如何提升入更高的領域完全取決於你們種族,人類,所擁有的愛的數量以及保持量。任何其他的事情都只是一顆由愛產生的大樹的一個分支。
TheGalactic Federation and the Ashtar Command are here with you yes, but they arenot here to issue you your pass into the higher dimensions, they are here in asupporting role to assist you in your time of ascension. Their roles arelimited to keeping the cabal and their many minions at bay while you work onthe things that will bring you through ascension. They are also in charge ofmonitoring your Earth systems and keeping in check as much seismic activity asis possible to allow your planet to ascend without severe earthly rumblings.These Galactic alliances are also monitoring many more processes at this time,but what is important to remember is that they are not the overseers of yourascension. The Creator is the overseer, and you are the participants. The Cabalare your antagonists, and the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation areyour allies. 銀河聯邦,阿斯塔指揮團隊確實在這裡,但是他們不是在這裡確保你們進入更高層領域,他們在你們提升的這段時間擔當著輔助者角色。他們的角色僅限於以下方面:在你們專注於有助於自己提升的事件時,防止黑暗政府對你們的提升造成任何阻撓;他們也負責盡可能監視你們的地殼的活動情況,從而讓你們的地球系統在沒有劇烈震動情況下提升。在此時刻,銀河系的盟友們也做著其他很多事情,但是要記住的重要一點是,他們不是你們自己提升的監督者。造物主是監督者,你們是參與者。黑暗政府在這過程中扮演者反派角色,阿斯塔指揮團隊和銀河聯邦是你們的盟友。
Wemonitor your Internet and we also visit your social networks without directparticipation and we see a number of you who seem to believe that you arewaiting for us to ‘pull the switch’, as it were, and set you free from yourpossessors and catapult you into the higher realms. This is not the case atall. It is all up to you when you ready yourselves for ascension bysufficiently increasing your collective vibrational levels through yourexpansion of consciousness. We also assist you in this effort by sharing withyou our understandings, and we try to lift your spirits by giving you a glimpseof what your new lives will be like very soon in the coming days. By this wehope you will all begin to vibrate with higher frequencies as a child might onyour Christmas Eve, or the night before his or her birthday celebration or thebeginning of an exciting vacation with family. 我們監視著你們的網路,同時也融入在你們的社交網路中,但是我們並不直接參與你們的活動。我們看到你們中很多人在等待我們按下一個按鈕,然後就把你們從目前的情況下釋放出來,並將你們推入更高領域。事實並非如此。提升需要通過擴展你們的意識從而提高你們的振動級別,什麼時候準備好提升,這一切取決於你們自己。在這個過程中,我們幫助你們,和你們分享我們對提升的理解,我們試著告訴你們未來的生活是什麼樣的,從而幫助你們提升。我們這麼說的意思是,我們希望給你們創造希望和預期,從而提高你們的頻率,就像在聖誕夜等待禮物的孩子,或者在在等待生日宴會開始,或者在充滿期待的家庭旅行就要開始的前夜。
Aswe have said, if you could see for just one moment what we see awaiting youjust up ahead, we are confident so many of you would be buzzing so greatly inyouthful excitement and expectation that your planet and people mightimmediately traverse the plane and launch into the higher dimensions. We wantnothing more than to see you reach your glorious day, and this day will come.Try to take this process one day at a time and work on the little things thatwill bring you greater things. This is how it's done; one small step at a time.The days are passing you by faster and faster now as time as you experience itis compressing at an increasing rate. By the time you near the end of 2012,your days will feel quite short and weeks will pass in what used to feel likedays. We say to you that time is running short and many events are soon totranspire. Try to enjoy these, your last days of your current reality, aseverything is going to change quite radically for you. Breathe in deep the waythings are now as soon you will exhale and your entire reality will be bornanew. 如我們所說的,如果你們能看到哪怕是一瞥就在你們眼前的美好世界,我們相信你們中如此多人會充滿幸福地喧攘著,充滿將你們的星球和人們立刻推入高維度空間的渴望。讓你們到達那狂喜的一天是我們唯一想要的,那一天會到來。請一步一步完成這個過程,每天完成一點,最終將點點滴滴拼湊起來,完成更大的事情。這就是事情完成的方法,每次一小步。隨著你們的體驗正在以不斷加快的速度壓縮著,你們的時間正在變得越來越快。當你們接近今年年底的時候,你們會感覺時間非常短暫,一周就像一天那麼短暫。我們告訴你們,時間正在不斷縮短,很多事件很快會真相大白。請試著享受這過程,你們正處在目前真實的最後的日子,因為很多事情正在以非常激烈的方式發生著。請盡情地體驗你們現在所體驗的事實,因為很快你們的真實會以一種全新的方式來到你們面前。
Thememories of your experiences here will serve you very well as your memories of3-D Earth will be a most prized possession. Many societies will be eager tolisten and learn of your days here, as this information can be a great aid inthe structuring of their newly evolving worlds. This is one of the reasons youare here, to catalog your 3D experiences and return home with them, or evenbring them to other worlds to share them with civilizations which can benefitfrom your experiences here. Your wisdom will be a most sought after commodity,and many of you will be teachers, lecturers, and spiritual leaders of worldsthroughout the cosmos. 你們的經歷會在未來很好地幫助你們,因為你們在第三密度地球的體驗是你們值得自豪的財富。很多社會學家將會渴望傾聽,並且研究你們在這裡的生活情況,因為這些資訊會極大地促進他們所創造的新世界。這也是你們在這裡的原因之一,體驗第三密度空間的生活,然後將這些體驗帶回家,或者甚至將這些經驗帶到其他世界,用你們的經驗來幫助其他文明。你們的智慧將會是很多人求之不得的,你們中的很多人在宇宙的其他地方會變成教授,演講者,精神領導者。
Turningnow towards matters of your continuing ascension, we see many wonderful andlife-changing events soon to commence upon your society. We see your liveschanging completely all for the better with each successive event we have someticulously planned for you. The release of your people from the constraintsof the dark ones is one of the events that will be preserved within your newhistory books. This day is coming soon, as this is a vital point that must bereached to open the floodgates of many more life-changing events to quicklyfollow. 現在將目光轉向你們持續的提升活動,我們看到很多美妙的,會改變很多人一生的事件很快會在你們的社會發生。我們預期到,伴隨著我們為你們精心準備的一系列事件的發生,你們的生活會向好的方向發生巨大改變。將你們的人民從黑暗勢力的枷鎖中釋放從來,是會永久記錄在你們新的史書中的最重要的事件之一。這日子很快就要來臨了,因為這是一個必須完成的關鍵任務,這樣才能打開接下來一系列可以更大程度上改變你們生活的事件的閘門。
Allof you are our family and friends, and we will see to it that all of you receivethe guidance and structuring necessary for your upliftment into the higherrealms. You are all making such great strides, and we are so pleased at theefforts of each and every one of you. Until we can speak to you in a morepersonal fashion, we will continue to share our words through our channels andkeep you updated on changes happening behind the scenes. 你們所有人都是我們的家人和朋友,我們會負責保證你們所有人都接受到你們提升到更高領域所必須的引導。你們正在成功的路上大踏步邁進,看到你們中的每個人為此目標而做出的努力,我們是如此欣喜。在我們可以以更直接的方式交流之前,我們會持續通過我們的頻道分享我們的話,並且不斷告訴你們發生在幕後的最新變化。
Thedarkness is diminishing, and everywhere across your planet light is growing andreaching souls in every corner of the globe. Evidence of this is clearlydemonstrated throughout your social networking communities were souls from somany different lands are coming together in peaceful harmony. This is just asmall precursor to the many wonderful aspects of your newly forming world,where no longer will divides of geographical location or language work to keepyou separated from the one you are. Soon you will all be able to travel fromone corner of your world to another in moments, and you will also be able tounderstand each other perfectly no matter which spoken language you havelearned. Such are just two upgrades to your civilization you will soonexperience. As we have said, you will barely recognize your new world that issoon to blossom from the seeds of your efforts today. 黑暗正在褪去,在你們星球的各處,光正在成長,並且滿布到這個星球的每個角落。在你們的社會網路中,來自各個大陸的靈魂正在以平靜和諧的方式凝聚著,這是光正在增強的無可否認的證據。這只是你們正在形成的新世界將要發生的眾多事件的預兆。地理位置,語言的差異將不再把你們從整體中分離。很快,你們將會可以瞬間從世界的一角到達世界的另一端,不管你們的語言有多大差別,你們會有辦法很好地理解對方的話。這只是你們的文明所要經歷的眾多改進中的兩種。如我們所說,你們今天努力所播下的種子很快會給你們帶來新世界的曙光,新的世界會帶給你們如此多不同,以至於你們中的很多人甚至無法認識它。
Weare your Family of Light from the stars. 我們是你們來自光和星星的家人們 原文資訊提供者:Greg Giles 翻譯 _ Cappoccino |