
銀河聯邦資訊 201219日 提升之路是你們的

2012-01-10 0:24

Understandingbetter the process which you are now going through requires one to set asidenotions of extraterrestrials, agents of the dark cabal, instances of seismicactivity, and focus on what it's really all about, which is love. Love is thekey. It is love that you have found a way to safeguard in your hearts and souland it is through love that all things, either mundane or miraculous, arepossible. Your ascension into the higher realms is all about the amount of loveyour race, the human race, has been able to build and has been able to maintain.Everything else involved is a branch of the mighty tree which is love.



TheGalactic Federation and the Ashtar Command are here with you yes, but they arenot here to issue you your pass into the higher dimensions, they are here in asupporting role to assist you in your time of ascension. Their roles arelimited to keeping the cabal and their many minions at bay while you work onthe things that will bring you through ascension. They are also in charge ofmonitoring your Earth systems and keeping in check as much seismic activity asis possible to allow your planet to ascend without severe earthly rumblings.These Galactic alliances are also monitoring many more processes at this time,but what is important to remember is that they are not the overseers of yourascension. The Creator is the overseer, and you are the participants. The Cabalare your antagonists, and the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation areyour allies.



Wemonitor your Internet and we also visit your social networks without directparticipation and we see a number of you who seem to believe that you arewaiting for us to ‘pull the switch’, as it were, and set you free from yourpossessors and catapult you into the higher realms. This is not the case atall. It is all up to you when you ready yourselves for ascension bysufficiently increasing your collective vibrational levels through yourexpansion of consciousness. We also assist you in this effort by sharing withyou our understandings, and we try to lift your spirits by giving you a glimpseof what your new lives will be like very soon in the coming days. By this wehope you will all begin to vibrate with higher frequencies as a child might onyour Christmas Eve, or the night before his or her birthday celebration or thebeginning of an exciting vacation with family.



Aswe have said, if you could see for just one moment what we see awaiting youjust up ahead, we are confident so many of you would be buzzing so greatly inyouthful excitement and expectation that your planet and people mightimmediately traverse the plane and launch into the higher dimensions. We wantnothing more than to see you reach your glorious day, and this day will come.Try to take this process one day at a time and work on the little things thatwill bring you greater things. This is how it's done; one small step at a time.The days are passing you by faster and faster now as time as you experience itis compressing at an increasing rate. By the time you near the end of 2012,your days will feel quite short and weeks will pass in what used to feel likedays. We say to you that time is running short and many events are soon totranspire. Try to enjoy these, your last days of your current reality, aseverything is going to change quite radically for you. Breathe in deep the waythings are now as soon you will exhale and your entire reality will be bornanew.



Thememories of your experiences here will serve you very well as your memories of3-D Earth will be a most prized possession. Many societies will be eager tolisten and learn of your days here, as this information can be a great aid inthe structuring of their newly evolving worlds. This is one of the reasons youare here, to catalog your 3D experiences and return home with them, or evenbring them to other worlds to share them with civilizations which can benefitfrom your experiences here. Your wisdom will be a most sought after commodity,and many of you will be teachers, lecturers, and spiritual leaders of worldsthroughout the cosmos.



Turningnow towards matters of your continuing ascension, we see many wonderful andlife-changing events soon to commence upon your society. We see your liveschanging completely all for the better with each successive event we have someticulously planned for you. The release of your people from the constraintsof the dark ones is one of the events that will be preserved within your newhistory books. This day is coming soon, as this is a vital point that must bereached to open the floodgates of many more life-changing events to quicklyfollow.



Allof you are our family and friends, and we will see to it that all of you receivethe guidance and structuring necessary for your upliftment into the higherrealms. You are all making such great strides, and we are so pleased at theefforts of each and every one of you. Until we can speak to you in a morepersonal fashion, we will continue to share our words through our channels andkeep you updated on changes happening behind the scenes.



Thedarkness is diminishing, and everywhere across your planet light is growing andreaching souls in every corner of the globe. Evidence of this is clearlydemonstrated throughout your social networking communities were souls from somany different lands are coming together in peaceful harmony. This is just asmall precursor to the many wonderful aspects of your newly forming world,where no longer will divides of geographical location or language work to keepyou separated from the one you are. Soon you will all be able to travel fromone corner of your world to another in moments, and you will also be able tounderstand each other perfectly no matter which spoken language you havelearned. Such are just two upgrades to your civilization you will soonexperience. As we have said, you will barely recognize your new world that issoon to blossom from the seeds of your efforts today.



Weare your Family of Light from the stars.


原文資訊提供者:Greg Giles

翻譯 _ Cappoccino



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