Here is now, dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth,the Council of Elders and Youths speaking as one voice, and which has theintention to invite you to reflect on your options as the Humanity of Earth ...(Note that this Council’s Advice is directed to the entire solar system.)
Adang'a ol Natum, this is our point of view as the UnitedConfederation of Peoples varied multi-localized. Your Solar System isundergoing significant transition in the galactic configuration to which itbelongs, and this creates different aspects to consider for the People there.
One of these aspects concerns the quantum of wave-particlesemitted by your sun, who knows irreversible changes in this phase and in thesemoments. This fact affects the quality of the radiation of your star and shouldlead you to a substantial alteration of your eco-systems, which must constantlyadapt to these evolving parameters; and the way they will be operating willthen show – and without any real "turning back " - these alterations,at your local places of life and at the level of your bodies and your physiologies,up to your cellular, molecular, atomic, subatomic and pure vibrational levels.
In addition, you are subject as a global system to someabsolute laws of motion in a set – we might say in a choreographic nature -which themselves fall within more complex laws, and whose mathematic isaccurate and rigorous in this Universe deployed architecturally in its completeentirety - which includes some a priori non-listed paradigms by your exactsciences.
This subjects you both physically, harmoniously,vibrationally and luminously. So there you have this other aspect to consider:your existence as life systems and as pure light-energy is part of the architectureof all these laws, and will inform them as much, just as do all items orcomponents of this wide set which we also refer to ourselves totally.
The fact of having full knowledge and awareness of thisdata will help you maintain your overall harmony, as well as internal, in thesimple and serene acceptance of the bases of our interrelated systems and ourrespectives lives, and therefore help you through the transition phasementioned - with its alterations on your own local structures of life – in acceptance,harmony, and absolute confidence in the perfect similarity (or similarresonance) between the Laws of the Universe and those of your own body.
We wish that this advice usefully informs you and informsall your structures. So you will inform in return, by your acceptance andharmonization, all of what governs us and instructs the laws and paradigms ofour Universe deployed in its entirety.
We thank you. Receive our brotherly Love. 我們謝謝你們,請接受我們兄弟間的愛
資訊提供者:Christine Anne K. 翻譯者:Cappuccino 資訊來源網站:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/150861/message-high-council-sirius-b-c-and-more
後記:這是我第一次接到同時由這麼多議會共同發出的資訊,看來外星對地球的重視程度仍在迅速提高中。(就像臨近奧運會就會有越來越多國家報導一樣:p )這次通話只有三分十六秒,對我來說翻譯這幾句話真是太受折磨了,感覺每句話比GRE長難句還難懂。翻譯到後來不知不覺睡著了,讓我驚訝的是醒來的時候突然發現我都能看懂了。也許他們在夢裡給我補充了很多知識。不管怎樣希望大家喜歡。現在每天資訊太多,我會選擇重要的,有意思的,一點點給大家翻譯,儘量不會讓大家覺得枯燥。當然我也會儘量避免誤導資訊。希望大家繼續支持我的博客:) _ by Cappuccino |