


Dear one,



We are the Arcturians!


We take yourexperience not to be able to convey messages as usual because of computerproblems as an example.






Dear one, writingmessages will not be forever part of your service to humanity, as the energieswill change.



There will be a timewhen all your computers and your internet on your world will not work properlybecause of the interference of the incoming new frequencies on your world.Although you will probably feel at first uneasy with it – what perhaps alsoothers might feel when they are no longer nurtured and informed by messages,such as yours and of the many other channels – be assured though that thisinterference serves a greater purpose.




Dear ones, this willbe the time when each one of you will have no other choice than deepen yourrelationship with your own deeper heart to be guided and informed by it, andalso to step out from your place of retreat from your old nonfunctional world,because this is the beginning of the new world to join your brothers andsisters, your human family more directly and more united than ever before.




Soon there will be atime when you all experience direct communication from your heart with thehearts of everybody. And this will be for each of you of great joy and pleasure,as you start to recognize one another from the heart of unity and inherentlove.




You will no longerconnect with each other from a separate, distant and superficial part ofyourself, but you will connect with the Center of your Being, all seemingseparation and isolation transcended and healed with the inherent Knowing andRealization in your heart – not just the vision and the mental concept andintuition of it – that you are all one.




The conscious fieldof this Oneness is the Zeropoint Field of your Inner Heart which is greaterthan all ideas and mental processes, and which is associated with your TrueSelf and the True Self of All.




The disabling ofelectronic devices for a time will serve the initiation of humanity to discoverthis unity in their hearts with one another, so that whatever was meant by yourcontrollers to enhance your separation from each other can be clearly droppedand just disappears.





At that time most ofyour channels will have most likely fulfilled their service of providing thehuman family with information from the Higher Realms, from Souls of theChristed Light who helped to awaken them and to remember their own ChristedCenter of their very Being.




And it is in thisOneness which you all realize with one another, that you will enter the greatshift of the dimensions, which you are all so much longing for.





The direct and livelyinteraction from the heart, which will occur because you will experience somedisappearance of many of your usual constituents of your world, will serve thevery last one of you. Because as you all will come closer together -- while themeans of separation, intentionally implemented into your society by yourcontrollers, are falling apart -- all hearts will be ignited.





Therefore, although yourusual world is partly and somehow not available to you, you all will notice andexperience a greater power and fullness of your being, as you unite tocooperate and come together more closely. And by this time all animosities,fights of competition and fear will have been taken away from your auric fieldand from that of your Mother Earth. And this is also contributing greatly toyour joyful unification with your brothers and sisters.




Dear ones, you areindeed approaching a glorious time ahead. Do not fear the loss of things andways of living, but welcome the New Field of Unity, in which all hearts,including that of Mother Earth, are participating.




Humanity will awakento the Power of True Love, which is not just a personal feeling, but which isthe Power which unites and keeps together all beings,worlds and universes.




It is this Powerwhich transforms your world and your consciousness.


This is the Shift into the higher dimensions.



Be well!


Weare the Arcturians!







    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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