


【獵戶座高級議會】201223日 《請譜寫自己夢的樂章》

2012-02-04 11:27

 Welcome dear ones, we come to communicate with YOU at a time when the newenergies are now increasing and pulling to the surface of YOUr very BEing thatwhich has been stored within YOU for lifetimes. It is now time to allow theseto rise to the surface and to allow the deep healing to begin. Healing beginsby allowing the emotions an outlet and we guide for all to stay with theemotions that will begin to arise. Holding on will cause more pain and traumaas that which has been stored no longer serves in the new energies and the newworld that is being created before YOUr very eyes.



The new world that is being dreamed into creation comes from a place of deeplove and that is accessed through the heart. We guide for all to allow the deepclearing of the heart. Allow all that YOU have experienced to go for YOU haveallowed the experience to talk to YOU, have learned the lessons and now mustallow the experience to dissolve. For the use of the human heart was neverallowed to be shown to YOU under the old energies. It was kept from YOU andhidden in clear view. Much will unfold across the planet and many will stepback in astonishment as that which has always been here and in full view is nowable to be viewed and heard. For we guide now on the noises that are beingheard across the planet and we guide for ALL to go within to anchor these newenergies and what the energies are now communicating to YOU. For each one ofYOU is a vibration, as the new unfolds and begins the deep clearing processwithin each one of YOU then YOUr vision will clear and YOUr hearing will beginto hone itself to new sounds, new vibrations and new communications.



We guide in relation to the unfolding of the dream and we guide in relationto what YOU populate the dream with, we draw YOUr attention to the thoughtprocess that YOU engage with and guide once more that YOUr thoughts create YOUrreality. Many are now realising this and actively working with the oldenergetic programmes that are still running within and dissolving them. Many moreare still in the old energies believing that all is outwith their reach andthat all power is now in the hands of someone else. We guide for YOU to detachfrom this as YOU are more powerful than YOU realise and if YOU allow thethoughts to randomly move through YOUr dreams YOU may begin to create thatwhich YOU do not wish to create. Energy follows thought dear ones. We guide forall to go within and to find an anchor the peace that is found within allhearts. It is there all YOU need to find it is follow YOUr emotions. For theemotions will show YOU that which needs to be cleared. By becoming the observerYOU are able to see the old energetic programmes that have been stored within.Allowing them to dissolve will allow the vision that YOU hold to clear, it willilluminate the path that YOU walk.



We cannot highlight strongly enough the need to dream and to dream clearly.For the dreaming of the human race is changing the world and that world is nowbeing dreamed into creation. Once more we guide that dreaming is not allconscious, if you are allowing the emotions to be hoarded within and they areemotions from other lifetimes then YOU may be dreaming a dream that is nowoutdated, one that YOU have already learned from but which will taint the newdream for it is not healed.



We are with each one of YOU holding the space for YOU to see that the paththat is illuminating in front of YOU, whether YOU are able to see this path isdown to the filters that are being used by YOU. For all is filtered indifferent directions and in different ways across the planet. We wish to guidemore clearly on what we mean by filters. The teachings that YOU have beentaught since YOU took YOUr first breathe on this planet are the filters thatYOU have been using to create the life experience that YOU are having. Each oneof YOU uses different filters according to need and we guide for YOU to look atthese filters or teachings. Do YOU view the world the way that YOU do becauseYOU were taught to by those around YOU? Do you hold the views that YOU do becauseof the society that YOU were born into?



All of these questions should be asked and the answers listened to. For theanswers are YOUr guide to where YOU go next. For if the answer to the questionis yes then YOU are viewing YOUr dream through the eyes of another. It is notpossible to dream the dream for another for only YOU can dream the dream thatis in YOUr heart. Only YOU have that dream for only YOU are experiencing thislife experience as YOU. Do YOU understand our analogy? Do YOU understand ourwords?



The teachings of illusion taught YOU to align YOUrself with those who hadsimilar beliefs and many did this without question, a sense of safety being thereward for doing this. This sense of safety is distorted for even within thatsense of “belonging” there is a difference, for each human BEing is unique inthe way that they absorb and process the information coming to them about theworld they create around them. We guide YOU to be discerning and to questionthat which YOU do not understand by going within and asking to the heart. Forall the answers to this YOUr human life experience are contained within, theyare not found without and many are now falling into deep confusion andfrustration around this. Where there is argument about right and wrong there isillusion for one human may perceive a right as a wrong and vice versa.



We guide YOU to look at YOUr uniqueness and we guide YOU to look at thosearound YOU and to stop comparing YOUrself. Under the old energies those whostood apart and took a stance were instantly rejected and that served to controland contain many across the planet. The new energies support and nurture, theyare here to help YOU stand as YOU, there is a difference in making a stand andstanding as YOU, can YOU FEEL it? For when YOU stand as YOU the universeclearly sees YOU and hears YOU. Many are trying to manifest and to createwhilst hiding within the confines of the old energies. The universe will not beable to see YOU if YOU are not visible. How do YOU become visible? YOU issue aclear and audible note, that is within YOUr energy signature. When YOU are YOU,when YOU can FEEL safe and secure then YOU have found YOUr note and can thensing the song that is YOU to the universe and the universe will respond.



Many are now confusing the song that is them and the note that is them. Manyare trying to connect to the universe with the same note and this is notpossible dear ones, for each one of YOU is a different UNIQUE note, do not tryto sound like those around YOU in YOUr song for each human alive has a uniquenote and a unique song to sing. It is not a matter of those who sing loudest,do not fall into this distortion for the note is heard across the universe aslong as it is clear. Are YOU clear?



Many are still following the rules of the old energies in relation to logicand we guide for YOU to realise that logic holds no place in a new world basedon emotion. For the mind cannot process emotion that is the role of the heart.When YOU are in YOUr mind YOU cannot create for the emotions needed to create,to dream, are not processed by the heart, for the mind will take YOU out of theheart at all times. It will create and invent scenarios that take YOU away fromYOU if YOU allow it. Many are now trying to work out what has happened withoutchecking within to see how it FEELS. How do YOU FEEL as the new unfolds?



For those who are boarding boats and sailing across the oceans of grief wesend much love to YOU for many are now FEELing the old dissolve and steppinginto the boats to discover where the boat will sail to. The ocean of grief wasalways taught to YOU through the old energies as a boat never to be set sailwith and the ocean was always to be ignored. The ocean of grief is a processthat a human goes through to understand that none ever leave. All that happensis the veils of illusion are wrapped tightly around the heart. We guide thatall realms are now stepping forward and many humans are now able to FEEL them.It may be disconcerting to FEEL an energy signature and not be able to decipherit but once more we guide that YOU did not have to believe in the realms forthem to connect to YOU. More and more will step forward and welcome YOU home andwe guide for YOU to clear and shield YOUr energy systems at all times. We donot guide this to allow the fear that is the residue to take hold once more, weguide for YOU to do this so that any communication is clearer. For the debristhat YOU hold within YOUr energy signature may make the communication unclearwhich then leads many to more frustration. Frustration and confusion will loweran energy signature and not heighten it.



Guarding YOUr energy signature should become second nature, we guide that weare aware of many humans who are now in fear of energies stepping forward andwe wish to guide further on this. To walk the planet earth with an energysignature that is open and welcoming to all energies is not the way to workwith the new. The old energies worked at containment and we guide the new isabout expansion and growth. The realms that are around YOU can only communicatewith YOU if you allow it for all are born with free will. If an energy hasstepped forward and YOU are not sure of its source then we guide strongly forYOU to hold the intention to let only those of the LIGHT to step forward. Manymay trigger at our words but we are here to guide and support and it would beremiss of us not to show YOU what is in plain view.



The custom on planet earth is to allow an energy to come forward andcommunicate only if agreed by the human approached and those energies mustrespect that. The realms that are around YOU all adhere to the rules of theuniverse and those rules state that planetary customs must be adhered to at alltimes. Many humans find various energies stepping forward not realising thatthe power that is within them is that within them. Not stating the boundariesand not stating who is welcome and who is not will be interpreted by manyenergies as okay. Do YOU fully understand where we guide dear ones? For thoseof a darker energy, those who are now leaving the planet will not ask, theywill assume, if YOU have not put in a boundary then expect the communication togo ahead for YOU have not clearly stated it should not. We guide this toreassure YOU and not place FEAR where there should be none.



As the realms have been hidden in plain view across the planet it makessense for these formalities to be stated. For whilst YOU could not connect tothe energies then there would be little problem. Now the energies heighten andmany more humans will be able to reach an energy vibration that will resonatewith different realms. For the most part the energies that step forward shouldbe of the LIGHT, however depending on YOUr soul path, YOUr belief system andthe thoughts that YOU allow to be processed by YOU then this may see otherenergies step forward. Many humans are recoiling and not simply stating theboundaries.



We repeat once more for clarity, the custom on planet earth is for an energyto be welcomed before communication is established. An energy will make itspresence known to the human and the human will always have a choice whether tocommunicate or not. If the choice is yes then that is established. If thechoice is no then that is adhered to. However the human in question must haveestablished within their energy signature the rules they wish to be adhered to.We guide ALL humans who are of a vibration that resonates to a level thatenergies are now stepping forward to be aware of these galactic rules and toput them in place.



Clarity of intention is uppermost in all energetic communications and weguide for YOU to be in the heart space at all times. YOUr mind may be confusedand frustrated but YOUr heart will give a clear signal to YOU if YOU are inTRUTH or not.



We wish to step back now but realise that our words may trigger and furtherguidance may be needed. Please ask us directly if YOU wish furtherclarification and we will step forward. All that is needed is the intention towork with only BEings of LIGHT at all times. BE of the LIGHT dear ones for YOUare light. It is simple, but it is often overlooked. There is much that has notbeen explained about the planet and how it works in relation to the stars andthe greater universes. More human channels will give more information in duecourse, for many are now being contacted by the realms and asked to help guidethe planet earth as all humans now move into the new energies. Once more westate that YOU have free will. Many humans who are approached to channel arestill not in TRUTH for they have not cleared their traumas and pain and are notable to state the words to the world. We send them much love as the time for embracingTRUTH and the time for coming together as a race and supporting one another isnow.



We guide that we are here with YOU, many still look to the skies but weguide we have never left. ALL realms are with YOU at all times, as the memoriescome back they will step forward. We guide the new is here to be anchored andworked with, to hold onto the old energies sees YOU dream the old dream. We askhumbly that YOU dream the new dream and anchor this for ALL on planet earth.



We are the High Council of Orion and we are YOUr brothers and sisters fromthe stars. Remember dear ones, that is all that is asked of YOU as the newunfolds. Open YOUr hearts and remember why YOU are here and who YOU are. ForYOU are all children of the stars and we welcome YOU home.



原文信息:Karen Doonan

翻譯: Cappuccino




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