



dreamwalkerdiaries: Your First UFO Familiarization Flight: What You Need to Know


My friend Dreamwalker is organising a trip Saturday night.


It is a flight during sleep, it will be one hour long.


If you have questions for him, please leave questions in the LRC or on the comments section of his own blog or below in comments section, please :)


So far, here is the list of names taking part in our trip:


GunnerSpacemuffindreamwalkerLaura TycoSuntriaAlbanStickLesleeKonstantinosWes AnnacSteffieTotsSpikeAninadzijaHobadManta (+ wife and 2 children)VeeJohn AAzzeyAllendaleSaLuSa(Not yet confirmed)BateleurBabajij

Here is Dreamwalker’s Blog address:


and a link the the initial explaination:



~ Laura

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So here’s a few ideas for our familiarization flight that I think most of you already know, but expressing them might help get us to where we need to be, help guarantee success, etc. This is just a suggestion – I recognize and honor that everyone is different!


Before you go to bed Saturday Night



(You may wish to get a notebook and pen and a glass of water and put them next to your bed, if possible)


1. Try to avoid having too much alcohol to drink that evening, because we want to remember this! A little is probably okay, but even a little will make you thirsty, and may interrupt your process (if you like, drink a bit of energized water).


2. Whether or not you meditate, try to take a moment to think of something that makes you feel really, really happy: family, food, candy, some event in your life. You may wish to use this to clear your mind, if there’s a lot going on up there! Just try to think of that one thing.


3. Once you feel GREAT, say in your mind “I am going to join my LRC family tonight on a mothership for a one hour trip, and I am going to remember what happened!”


4. Try not to fall asleep before expressing your intent


5. Don’t worry about trying to schedule what time you fall asleep – they will time jump us all to the same spot and time.


6. Pleasant dreams, and know that we will see you soon!


During dreamtime


7. If you feel yourself starting to feel afraid, sometimes you can recite to yourself a nursery rhyme, like “row row row your boat”, and this will help ease your fears


8. You can try to “take control” of the dream, but remember that this can also result in getting “kicked out”. This is just a familiarization flight, so sit back and enjoy the ride


9. Our galactic friends will be happy to answer our questions – remember this is a great honor for them to have us on board, since we are finally rejoining our family, even if only for a little while.


10. There is no such thing as a dumb question!


11. There’s a high likelihood this will look nothing like a familiarization flight, and that’s okay too. Your brain will be translating the event into something that you need at that time. Roll with it – I feel every experience is valid and relevant!


After the dream


12. If you find yourself waking up right after the dream, try to remember to write it down – some of us forget our dreams soon after they happened, but there’s a “window” of opportunity where we can remember it just after we wake up. Even if you don’t remember it, sometimes if you start writing, the dream will just start to come to you. Write down whatever comes into your head, but don’t be selective as to what you write.


13. Don’t feel disappointed if nothing happens. Sometimes it’s more important that we get a good night’s sleep! It is after all your “higher self” who will be participating in this, and know that you were there, even if you can’t remember it!



14. I’ll be following up with my contacts after the fact to find out how things went. I encourage everyone else to do the same, if possible.


It’s okay if the accounts are wildly different, we are not going for accuracy, we are going for experience!


dreamwalkerdiaries: Your First UFO Familiarization Flight: What You Need to Know.



(Telepathic transmission through Laura Tyco)

(通過Laura Tyco的心靈感應傳輸)

Good evening SaLuSa and Allendale. You are both invited to join us on Dreamwalker one hour dream time higher self journey with his friends from an other world. We are so excited at the idea of having you with us. Will you please accompany us and do you know who Dreamwalker’s friends are and where they come from?


SaLuSa: It would be an honour for us to join you in your dream state, as we often do during your regenerative, physically passive state. You all often visit us on our ships during dreams, and the invitation is extremely pleasing.


Allendale: I believe Dreamwalker’s friends are very a friendly species of beings who have followed him since a very young age, as he was being noticed as a shining soul by them as a child. In fact, they are very close to him and his other friends from Agartha and Telos. His connection with Inner Earth beings is very strong and these 3 beings are no strangers to Selphia. Perhaps she will tell him more about who they are. I will of course be happy to meet all your friends, Laura, and there are a few coming that we already know.


Laura: Thank you, we are so looking forward to meeting you, in this gentle way. I certainly hope that the connection will be renewed in the future and will lead us to a physical meeting between us all.


SaLuSa: So do we. We have great hopes in this project, the team spirit is an important aspect in this mission. The fact that you all are connected via the internet shows that there already is an invisible thread connecting you all. Therefore this type of project will run very smoothly and will be accompanied by an enormous amount of love and taste for freedom.


Laura: Will you also be taking part in the Neptuno trip?


SaLuSa: I believe this to be a separate project, in which I will not be taking part. I wish you the best possible outcome in this regard. However I would be pleased to meet you all in the higher dimensions, in a density closer to our natural level of existence. We do trust you and your group of friends, and the outcome for such experiences is always best under such circumstances.


In fact the Neptuno project will inspire and open doors to other dimensions. Dreamwalker was greatly inspired by it for your dream state travel journey. Perhaps it would help if your readers would understand the Neptuno project as a pioneering project. In fact as with all experimental enterprises, with inter-dimensional beings, it is difficult to predict the outcome.


The fact that so many souls are involved in the Neptuno project makes the end result even more difficult to predict. We salute all those who have decided to take part in it. It is an entirely safe project and we will be watching, even though the Galactic Federation of Light is not taking any part in it. We hope to be learning from this experiment and once again salute your courage, in particular for running 2 simultaneous projects of this kind.


This is all that I am willing to discus about the Neptuno. However, if I may just give one peace of advice, it is to remain calm, not to have huge expectations. The highs and the lows in your environment for the past few days, is not beneficial in any case. The objective of the Galactic Federation of Light is to achieve our reunion in balance, and peace. I recommend to be very aware of anything taking you away from the here and now and stopsyour active daily grounding process. We favour a balanced and friendly approach, with the emotions of people involved not running highs and lows, and not involving doubts. We function best in an atmosphere of trust and friendship.


Laura: and I thank you for your insight, SaLuSa. I really appreciate your words, something for us to ponder on. I am looking forward to meeting all together, in the dream state.


Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/

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