

2012-02-10 0:12

To the Beloved Lightworkers of the World,



We are the Angelic Forces of Victory and we come to youin these times to bring you empowerment, that you may know that your dailyefforts to raise your frequency levels and your love quotient is being met uponthe higher planes with an even greater magnification and so you are eachbecoming the Radiant Ones, the Human Angels who are in the process of the remembranceof your Divine heritage. We walk beside you to the victory of the Mastery ofyour rising above the human condition, that you may fulfill the greater Planfor your lives and the lives of all sentient Beings upon your Planet.



Know, Beloved Ones, that Love IS the most powerful andcompelling force in existence. There is nothing that can withstand its power,its essence, its all encompassing acceptance. As you lift yourselves intohigher aspects of yourselves, you will understand that Love is the medium ofexchange between all citizens of all the galaxies and universes throughoutCreation. Know that by your practice each day of affirming and decreeing theLight that you are, that you are in the process of becoming that Light, thatLight that you have always been but have forgotten during your many sojournsinto the duality experience.



Therefore, we ask that you keep in mind that we are alwayswith you, supporting you, encouraging you, instilling inspiration and joywithin your hearts and within your Souls when needed. We cajole you whennecessary for you to move on, we regale you with our choral orchestrations, weplay with you to bring out your Lighter side. Long have you been encased in adenseness that is now lifting with greater rapidity and soon you shall see theend of the tunnel into greater Light. Know that joy and laughter are the waysto the Lighter side so fill yourselves up each morning with the Light and theLove that we send to you and feel it, enjoy it, BE it!



In these coming times, it is the uplifted Lighted Soulwho shall experience greater ease and grace and it all begins withinyourselves. You are the Creators of all that you experience in your daily livesand if you are experiencing that which is less than Lightness and Love thenthere are still lessons to be learnt from your experiencing. We tell you thatthese too, shall pass, Dearest Ones, and you shall emerge triumphant upon theshores of a beautiful New Earth, one that you, individually and collectivelyhave created. Realize that you are most powerful in the Radiance of yourbeautiful Beings and as you walk this Earth, you bless all within yourRadiance.



Be at peace within yourselves, know that all is well andthe cycles of duality experiencing are coming into completion. That is goodnews for ALL! Victory is your birthright, victory leads you into the rightplaces and right timing for your highest and greatest good. Victory is close athand and is the highest outcome no matter what situations and challenges youhave been dealing with. Love everyone and everything that comes within yourRadiance and allow your Christed Self greater access in every cell and atom ofyour Being.



We are so very grateful for this opportunity to impartour message to you and we promise our continued assistance and support in allthat you encounter upon your individual journeys on the Ascension Path.



You are each so very Loved.



The Angelic Forces of Victory








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