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We wish to discuss your growing fascination with all manner of apocalyptic prophecy, ancient and new, and how you bring about and create your nemesis by feeding the very fear of them through the lower vibrations of consciousness: the survival self, your three dimensional existential ‘cage’.
Although it is still a relative abstraction to you that you ‘think’ things into being, we remind you that the entire illusory field of ‘vision’ that comprises your global perspective is utterly formatted through projections of the collective unconscious. This is becoming clearer to you on the one hand, where you recognize how operating in right mind and right action produces positive and constructive manifestations of those energies. On the other, you remain rather mesmerized by the overwhelming shadows that you have still to recognize as your own demons, for it is your stimulated fear that hypnotizes you into fueling your terror and strips you of your power—as you shrink before the dark fields, where expressions of disharmony are brought to crystallization as the events now playing out in the Earth realm.
So let us look again, and again, and yet again。。。。to recognize the fear. To dissect it, piece by piece, until the very essence of its nature can be held up to the light, just as a cell is revealed through the microscope。。。。Let us move beyond the shadows, where you walk with the light of All-That-Is directly overhead, proud and erect, in clarity and serene awareness of your unfolding personal reality. You are the decision-maker, you are the free-willed consciousness unit that determines what transpires in your life—however else it may appear to you. This is your movie: you are the director, you are the actor, you are the camera and the film。。。。the audience.
State your real fear—the nature of that beast that takes you by the throat and shakes you from your roots—out loud, valiantly and with a new determination. You have an incredible assortment of fear factors from which to choose, but what is the primordial fear? What is at the core of this growing terror? Is yours a fear of total annihilation? Is it the fear of death that grips you? Do you fear the omnipotent master, cracking the whip of arbitrary authority over you? Is it the fear of losing what has been, or facing what may come…..the end, the beginning…..or this historical moment, when all appears so decisively dark and irresolute?
Is your terror the lurking madman, intent upon your death and destruction? Does it come in the form of ‘weaponised’ bacteria or in ships from outer space…..a careening comet? Are all of these demons intent upon your demise? Time is it that you consider how your perpetual state of mind affects not only your personal reality but all of that surrounds you.
The momentum of mass media and the thought-shapers is building the Armeggedon scenario, where all goodness and beauty is destroyed and only darkness survives. Will you shake yourselves from this feeding frenzy and stand for that beauty and goodness and Light? Will you send into the ethers, that infinite viewing screen of the greater perspective, a knowing that the farce that is playing is but a ‘limited engagement’, and that the true nature of the human spirit is rising? And will you understand that this is the Great Initiation, humankind’s opportunity…..nothing more, nothing less. You decide if you will cross the Tibetan bridge, leap from the burning tower or reach the highest mountaintop. You and you alone decide whether you will conquer the fear and move into position—heralding the New Dawn.
Observed. Look between the cracks, through the smoke, and beyond the obvious. Truth shines through.
State your intention : “I am spirit essence—I am the embodiment of Universal Mind. I intend that the heart and conscious mind of the light forces of the Universe prevail.” Deflect the comets from you sovereign space, refuse the bearers of dark tidings, stand tall against the winds of change.
Be brave, be strong…..be starlight.
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The Desert Days。沙漠日
We wish to speak to you of the despair and fear that has been exalted by the fallen towers—Emergency 911—and all that is emerging as the new reality of your present times. We wish to calm your anguish and help you find centre, so that you can focus on the greater issues at hand—your emergence. We wish to calm your fears, dear ones, and shine the light upon those dark waters of your mental bodies—there where your fears of survival and suffering cloud the godlight of your souls.
Know that the true beginning of that which we refer to as The Desert Days was marked by the oil tanker disaster, which spilled almost two hundred thousand gallons of petroleum upon your last pristine ecosystem, the Galapagos Islands+. Do you even remember it? That incident marked the beginning of a phase of unimaginable and rapid disruption of the biosphere and the accelerated deterioration of the natural habitats that once held—like crystals in the cave—the magic of Earth’s story.
That one event marked a most significant moment in your planet’s process—far more significant than the orchestrations of your governments or the winds of war—for it was the straw that broke the back of the camel……that indomitable animal of burden that simply could no longer bear the weight of its unending toil.
Many of you, those tuned in to Gaia, felt this in your hearts. You knew, deep within you, that it was a turning point and we would be foolish and ineffectual to deny it, for the events of these volatile earth years speak for themselves. We recognize a growing sense of importance taking seed within you. We read your anger and your sense of outrage, for your growing awareness of the ecological crisis in which you find yourselves will not let you ride this over or look away….ignoring the significance of that particular catastrophe and all that has emerged cacophonous—Earth’s total geophysical disharmony.
The destruction of the Galapagos archipelago was of such monumental importance because it was, in many ways, the final gesture—a symbolic slap upon your hopeful faces—and it stung….like salt in the open wound.
But still your hearts, dear ones.
You must not bend in resignation.
We and countless others of the cosmic community empathize…..and we understand your despair, for Earth’s process is of great interest to conscious beings beyond your world and your pain vibrates upon the heartstrings of the universe. We feel your angst and we hear your cries of indignation. Gaia’s discord is deafening. The call of the animals and the sound of the coral forests choking in the blackness…..these too, are vibrations moving through us.
We embrace you, children of Gaia….our love around you. We surround you with the strength and courage of our love and commitment, that together we (Light Ones of the Universe) may understand the purpose of these destructive processes and learn from them. This process, that of confronting the lower emotions and then raising them for the good of the entirety, is the higher aspect of what is taking place around you now.
It will be easier to understand the nature of these events as you move ever closer to the moment of the great transition. It will be easier to forgive the destructive forces when you understand how decay serves as preparation for the birthing of new forms. You are being tested to the limit and we see that some of you, the awakening, fear you are losing the way. Weighted with the suffering of your world, you may have begun to question if the light will, indeed, be there to guide you through the portal, but fear not.
In your humanness, it is absolutely understandable that you look upon the tentacles of black death washing over the white sands of your hope and your dreams of utopia and feel despair—and you are wise to mourn if that will help you purge those defeating emotions. Know, however, that such feelings will soon blow past you, for the clouds of Gaia’s despair have only momentarily taken you to the doom, blocking your vision of the path upon which your soul journeys ever upward.
You will soon be on your way again, carrying the lantern for those who are still lost in the fog of human indifference.
Do not be afraid, children of Earth.
You are the bold pioneers and you are filled the wonder of your purpose—the knowing that yours is the most incredible mission.
Go now. There is much work to be done and a great urgency. You must move quickly…..more quickly than ever before. Let there be a clear focus. Commit yourselves to the moment…..knowing that there is no other knowing that the time is upon you.
We ask you to take inventory of your methods, your intention and your resources. We call upon you to take responsibility for every thought, every act, every word. And we ask that you move decisively and with absolute determination—speaking your truth in every moment and space: to be as leaders, unshakable models of integrity and the clearest voice. To be as teachers for the children while laying yourselves open to their visions of the New Frontier.
You do know what you’ve come here to do, although life’s distractions may have blurred your memory. But here is the moment you knew was coming—the time when you are being called upon for your clarity and strength—your ability to shine the light into the darkest corners; your desire to rouse the sleeping from the deep; your capacity to serve as beacons for those lost at sea.
Rally the others and help them, too, to move swiftly—in the light of human consciousness. Never losing sight of the fact that it is the time of the Earth Keepers—a time to give back what you have taken from the earth.
Go now, children of Gaia….you are at the threshold, ready to turn the key, ready to walk through.