2012-02-18 0:25
You are always receiving Divine Love whether you “tunein” or not. Imagine how much greater the love can be when you consciously payattention to the flow of Divinity within you. This attunement process is notdifficult but it takes reminders and awareness to take the steps required, whenin the midst of your busy life. 不管你們是否和這股能量“諧振”,你們總是在接收著神聖的愛。想像一下,如果你們有意識地注意到在你們體內流動的神聖,你們可以創造出多少神聖的愛。諧振的過程並不難建立,但是處在繁忙的生活中的時候,你們需要時刻提醒自己,有意識地採取些步驟和這股能量諧振。
Overflowing love awaits the opening of a door to consciousawareness. When you can slow the forward motion of your life long enough tobreathe and receive this love, a level of attunement is there for you. Thisaction will bring you a sense of protection and well being that adds adimension of joy to daily life. When you allow yourself the moment to receiveDivine Love, you can open up your awareness to receive the guidance you desirefor any situation in your life. 在你們的意識大門之外,有大量的愛被排斥在外。當你們可以降低生命步伐的速度,去呼吸並接受這愛,一種和愛的諧振在等待著你們。這種行為會帶給你們一種被保護,以及很好的感覺,這種感覺會增加你們每天生活中的快樂。當你們允許自己接受神聖的愛的時候,你們可以打開自己的意識,來接收你們所期望的引導,引導你們面對生活中的任何困境。
A rapidly changing world is asking for all people to livefrom a heightened state of awareness if they want inner harmony. You often haveno time for long retreats in natural environments or deep solitude available.When one desires more acute connection to spirit, there needs to be a place ofinstant attunement. As the frequencies of energy increase on the planet, it cancause disruption in the nervous system as the body adjusts. You may feel asthough you are “over-amping” from the flow of heightened energy in yourcircuits. This feeling can be interpreted as anxiety or the desire for franticmovement. You may have requirements for major life decisions with littleinformation, in short time periods. A deep sense of centered truth andconnection to your inner guidance will go a long way to relieving the mind thatfrets in the midst of the Unknown. 在一個迅速變化的世界中,如果人們想尋求內心的和諧,他們必須生活在一種高層次意識高度清醒的狀態。你們經常沒有足夠的時間在自然環境中放鬆,或者休息。如果人們需要更加敏銳的感覺和靈魂對話,人們就需要可以讓他們容易調整自己的地方。這顆星球提升的能量,在身體調整的過程中會擾亂人們的神經系統。這個過程中你們會感覺到一股股“過大功率”的能量在你們的體內流動。這種感覺可以被解釋為焦慮或者期望做出瘋狂的舉動。你們有可能需要在知情很少的情況下在很短的時間內做出人生重大抉擇。一種深層次的感知的真實,以及和你們深層次的高我的連接會花很長時間讓大腦在面對一系列未知未來的時候平靜下來。
心的呼吸 Taking time to create this deep connection would seemparamount right now. It is often useful to create an imaginary scene, a sereneplace where you can lift your mind from its burdens of the moment. For many,having a physical action that can be repeated will provide a connection thattranscends mind, body and spirit. Doing both can release you into a newconditioned state of harmony in a very short time. When the mind is frantic,bringing your hands to your heart and breathing into the warmth of your palmscan begin a process known in physics as entrainment. Spiritually you areattuning your entire being to the beat of your heart, which connects you deeplyto God’s Love. As you slow your breaths, you begin to balance your heartbeatsand your breath. This rhythmic breathing pattern will begin to calm your mind,and bring a sense of harmony to your body in a short amount of time when itbecomes a familiar ritual. 現在,花一點時間創造和自己神層次的連接是至關重要的。它經常會創造一些想像的場景,一個平靜的地方,一個可以將你們的意識從目前的重負中移開的地方。對於很多人,做一些可以重複的物理行為會有助於身體,意識和靈魂的連接。這麼做可以將你們釋放並在短時間內進入一種新的有條件的和諧狀態中。當意識瘋狂運轉的時候,將你們的手放在心上,感受掌心的溫暖,做深呼吸,這樣可以説明你們開始物理身體的放鬆過程。從精神角度,你們在和諧到你們整個心跳的頻率中,這頻率和神的愛深深地連接著。當你們降低呼吸的速度的時候,就是你們開始平衡你們的心跳和呼吸的時候。當你們熟悉這種方法的時候,這種呼吸方法會使你們的大腦平靜,在很短時間內將平靜的感覺帶給你們的身體。
Masters have givenmantras,prayers or phrasesfor centuries to open the heart to God’s love. Usinga phrase when you breathe into your heart is offering yourself assistance thatbrings you into a more centered state. At the time, you may be only able tocroak, “Help me Angels.” Even so, know that whatever you say will be enough, if your intention is to receive loving support and guidance in that moment. 在過去的幾個世紀以來,光之大師們已經給了人們各種經文,祈禱的方式,或者短語來打開人們的心,並將那心連接到神的愛。你們將呼吸和心跳連起來的過程中,使用這些祈禱方式會説明你們進入更加穩定的,和諧的狀態。在那個時候,你們可能發出的唯一聲音可能就是“天使,請幫助我”。即使這樣,你們只要保持接收愛的支持和引導的意向就足夠了,不需要語言天使也能聽懂你們的聲音。
Sometimes the most difficult thing for a person to do isbe open to receive and allow love and support to enter your life. To havebalance, you need to be able to receive as well as give. It is a primary law ofthe Universe, this balance between giving and receiving. There are legions ofAngels waiting to assist you if you but ask. You have a Divine spark of Godthat links you to your most sacred, eternal self within your being. When youreceive this love with full awareness, you will experience a tremendous shiftwithin. This can lead to a sense of harmony and well being in your self. Youwill know you are protected and cared for eternally. It is all there for you ifyou allow yourself to receive help. Sometimes the support of the Universe cancome in the form of a friend or a family member. It often accompanies asynchronous moment of being in the right place at the right time. Yourwillingness to receive is the key. 有時候對祈禱的人來說,最困難的事情是敞開自己的心,允許愛和支持進入你們的生活。為了得到平衡,你們需要接受,也需要給予。這個宇宙的基本法則之一,就是平衡接受和給予。只要你們詢問,就會有天使領域等待著幫助你們。你們擁有神的神聖火花,那火花將你們連接到你們最神聖的部分:在你們內部存有的永恆的自己。當你們在全意識狀態下接收到這份愛,你們的內部會體驗到極大的改變。這會在你們身上產生一種和諧,舒適的感受。你們會知道你們被很好地保護著,照顧著。只要你們允許自己接受幫助,幫助永遠在那。有時候,來自宇宙的幫助可能以朋友或家庭成員的形式表現出來。這總伴隨著在恰當時間,恰當地點發生的“巧事”。你們接受的意願是獲得幫助的關鍵。
接受的練習 Imagine how different you would feel if you could trulybelieve the truth of how much you are loved? What if your body could gain asense of knowing this deep within your heart? What if your mind could relaxknowing you are being guided and protected, cared for eternally? This is possiblewith a bit of practice. Experiment with this idea by taking a moment often toplace your hands on your heart. God’s love consists of Divine Light and pureIntelligence. Breathing this power into your heart as often as you can, startsa connecting process within you, enabling a deep attunement with the Universalprinciples of Clarity and Wisdom. You can even ask for these qualities ofconsciousness to be within you. Breathe in Clarity. Breathe out confusion.Breathe in Wisdom. Breathe out frustration. Breathe in Love. Breathe out fear.Breathe in support. Breathe out feeling alone. 請想像一下,如果你們可以真正感覺到你們被多深地愛著,你們會有什麼感覺?如果從你們的身體的深處,連接你們心的地方,感受到這種愛,你們的身體會有什麼反應?如果你們的意識可以放鬆,並知道你們正在被引導和保護著,照顧著,你們的意識會有什麼感覺?這可能需要一些練習。請通過花一點時間,將你們的手放在心上,來體驗這種感覺。神的愛由神聖的光和純潔的智慧組成。盡可能將這能量吸入你們的內心,開始和你們內在的連接過程,開始一個深層次和宇宙的睿智和明晰連接的過程。你們甚至可以在你們自己的深處。尋找這種睿智。吸入清醒,呼出迷惑;吸入智慧,呼出沮喪;吸入愛,呼出恐懼;吸入被支持的感受,呼出孤單和絕望。
Your heart is beating in unity with the heartof God. Receive fromthe wellspring of Divine Grace from this place within you and you will bereceiving guidance and love. You can have a sense of being guided where youneed to go. You will know intuitively who to talk to and your inner truth willbe more clear. Through this simple process, you have attuned yourself to ahigher frequency of energy that allows you to live in harmony and alignment tothe Universal flow of Intelligence and Right Action. 你們的心在和神一起跳動。在那裡,你們接受著神聖的源泉,你們會接收到引導和愛。你們可以有種被引導,被告知需要往哪走的感覺。你們會直覺地意識到和誰通話,你們的內心真實會更加清晰。通過這個簡單的過程,你們將自己和更高層頻率的能量和諧,這允許你們生活在和諧,融入在宇宙睿智的正確行為的能量流中。
If you need words to say, as you breathe into the warmthof your hands on your heart, here is a suggestion from the Angelic Dimensions,Divine Presence, I NOW receive your love and light into myheart. Thank you for guiding and directing my actions and thoughts. I am inalignment with my Highest Good, and I gratefully receive your support. 當你們將掌心放在自己的心上感受溫暖的時候,如果你們有話要說,這裡有一些來自天使領域的建議,在祈禱的時候請說:神聖的存有,我現在接受你的光和愛,並將它們融入我的心。謝謝你們引導我前行的方向和我的思想,我在向最高層次的目標看齊,我充滿感激地接受著你們的支持。
You can close with a traditional, prayerful “Amen,” oranother Thank You. Your gratitude opens doors to receiving God’s Love. Thisawakening Presence is more available than ever before. Your heart holds the key to the Love and Guidance you are always receiving.It is for you to… Make it So. 你們可以以一些傳統的方式結束這次冥想,例如說“阿門”或者“謝謝你”。你們的感激之情會為你們打開接收神之愛的大門。這個特殊時刻,覺醒的過程會比從前任何時刻都更容易達到。你們的心保有著通向愛和引導的鑰匙,那愛和引導一直在那裡等待著被你們打開,從未離開。因為它們就是為你而準備的....就這樣吧。
資訊來源:Shanta Gabriel 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源網站:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152889/aa-gabriel-power-receiving-love |