
2012-02-18 13:12


Processes of Brain and Mind


Masters, the reason that most of the books andcommercialized teachings on manifestation do not work, is because they do nothave the understanding of deeper mind versus 3d brain. Most are aboutmanifesting monetary wealth, and in most cases the only one truly manifestingis the publisher from book sales.



There are many nuances, many aspects unexplained in thetexts. Even when you expand the mind, you must optimize and balance the auricfield for the Crystalline aspect that allows creation to function.



The Key Evolvement Principles for Accessing the Law ofCreation are:

1.Expanded Programming of the Brain – Knowledge into Belief

2.Release of Ego-Personality Control to Divine-Mind Aspect of Higher Consciousness

3.Maintain EMF Balance

4.Activate the Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline aspect of Pituitary, Pineal, & Thymus

5.Maintain Balance & Clarity








It is essential that you understand that the 3d brain,the ego-personality aspect incorporated in your physical 3d biology isprogrammed for ‘survival’ in a primary coding. It is the ‘survival’ code thatbrings in the warning signals that involve cautions often experienced as fearand doubt. The frontal mind, the ego-personality aspect, is engineered todominate your 3d consciousness, in order to allow linear time flow and survivalwithin the physical plane. The challenge is that to arise above 3dconsciousness you must rise out of ego consciousness and flow into Divine Mindwithin the Seat of the Soul, the gateway into Divine Mind.



The brain is in 3d, the mind is of higher dimension, andwithin higher mind is your Divinity. The brain operates in 3d and in a mannerof speaking, its 3d programming is somewhat dominant in the field of duality. It operates in a more confined paradigm, and to expandinto mind, you must operate ‘outside the box’ to engage your true creativity.



Clarity in Your Objectives


The importance of defined clarity is important increation. You humans only partially engage your wishes through ‘Someday I will‘ dreamscapes. That is like partially programming a computer program. Is it anysurprise that it doesn’t happen? Someday I will travel, One day I will be rich, some day Iwill realize my dreams… these then become merely ‘maybes’, spaced in adistance. So what you are attempting to create always stays at the distance,the someday you programmed. You did not put it in the present. Yes, the dreamis the first part, but it must be clear, concise and followed by definiteactions.



Your brain has two hemispheres, one dealing withintellect, one with feeling. The brain works through bio chemical activationsand stimulus. The intensity & clarity of a thought program is extremelyimportant for it to become a belief. You see your brain is a 3d living computer. It must bedealt with in defined terms. It will not work with ‘maybe’ or ‘can I?’ For example, if one were taken into a deep hypnotic state,and asked , “Can the mind heal the dis-ease in this body?” the answer would be“Yes”. But it is the empirical answer to whether it is possible for the mind toheal the body. It is not the healing.



The Noble Path


Every thought produces a bio-chemical enzyme. That enzymeworks with the physical and nonphysical, in sync with the programming. One ofthe exceptions to the concept of ‘Ask and it Shall be given’, is that unlessthe asking is channeled from within, in sync with higher mind, it may havelittle effect.So a human on the path, in a relatively advanced state ofconsciousness, may well neutralize from a higher stance desires that wouldimpede progress. There is then, a natural filtering for those in a state ofgrace. Goals must be worthy.The most noble goal is to learn the mysteries of life. Togain wisdom and Mastery. But to achieve these goals you will have to take oncertain pressures and stresses that are taxing. It requires discipline andwill. If you are lazy, you will not get there. You must take onthe task to achieve it. So attempts to create a challenge free life may be instark conflict with a life intent on learning. Goals have challenges. Mastersdo not plan challenge free lifetimes.



Mind is the Builder


Mind is the builder, and focused will-power is theactivator. The more responsibility you appropriately take on, the more yourfrequency will increase. Learning to program the brain is essential. The brain isa biological computer with 3d filters and 3d programs that are ingrained frombirth. Unless you were born in a Tibetan Monastery, your programming has comefrom what we will term socio-cultural indoctrinations. Most social programmingteaches you to accept a very limited view of human existence, and humanability. You are taught to believe only what you can sensuallydetect through sight, hearing, taste, smell or touch.



Dear Ones, know that the physical world of matter you seearound you is imagery that you sensually interpret and project. It is receivedin the eye, transferred via the optic nerve to the brain. What is receivedstimulates neurons, and a response occurs through a bio chemical reaction thatis thermal in nature. Because you generally believe what you see, smell , tasteor hear you accept it, you believe it as real. You then decide if it ispleasing or not. The brain then releases neurons based on like or dislike. Thisis how your reality and attraction works. You are initially attracted to peoplewho are attractive, have a melodious voice and smell good ! Your physicalsensual body says yes or no.



In kind, the brain takes ideas and either accepts them ordeflects them, according to program parameters. In truth the brain is unable todifferentiate between an actual event or a psychological one, such as a dream.In multidimensional mind the two are the same. And although the human brain is capable of receiving informationand frequencies from well above 3d, most humans program it to reject anythingabove 3d frequencies of sensory conformity. The brain computer thus receivesonly what you allow it to receive. In such limiting paradigmic programming, the only partsof your brain that are activated are the right and left hemispheres of theupper cerebrum and portions of the lower cerebellum, composing and imposing anactivity level of only about 10-12 percent of the brain. The brain activity andprocesses in the neocortex of the cerebral hemispheres conduct the primaryactivity in the physical realm. The 90% majority of your brain remains unused,un-activated, programmed into dormancy. That is because any thought that doesnot fit in with the limited thinking programs of your cultural programming ordogma, you auto-deflect.



Expanding Your Belief Horizons


Herein is one of the great reasons the ‘Law ofAttraction’ does not work for you: limited belief from limited thinkingprograms. To be so narrow-minded is to be closed to the grand possibility ofanything existing beyond the small band of frequency that can be perceivedthrough the five senses of your physical 3d body. So how do you expand the brain. How do you open to mind?How do you reprogram the computer? The answer is simple but seemingly a difficult hurdle formany of you to accomplish. It is by doing. It is by examination and study, andwilling self to open.



Accordingly the very desire to expand attracts powerfulthought frequencies that will allow for expansion. And then every Occasion inwhich you openly accept an idea that is beyond your accepted parameters, thatidea activates yet another part of your brain into purposeful use.

Each time you do that, the expansive idea will offeritself as a carrier to expand your field of belief, and allow greater Cosmicreasoning. That process, sincerely repeated,will attract new ideas with studyand meditation. In kind, this cycle will activate other portions of your brainfor more expansion, new programming and new reception, by accepting in clearmind Mer-Ka-Na.



When you have no doubt, when you know and it isabsolute….it is Belief. It is through expanded mind that you begin the steps ofcreating your destiny. How do you functionally expand the brain and open thedoors to Divine Mind ? It is not done in one illuminating flash realization. Itis not a one step Divine Anointing. The sacred pathway to what you may term‘Enlightenment ‘ is achieved in deliberate steps.



There are many in metaphysics that want to open the bookof knowledge and skip over to the final chapter. It doesn’t work that way. It begins by self exploration. By carefully auditing whatworks and does not work for you. In this method you allow fresh and expansiveideas to enter the brain from the Divine Mind as high frequency thought. Thenyou process and contemplate it, experience the new concept by embracing it.Acting it out. Evolve it and drive it with emotion , and live the newinformation into knowledge and wisdom.



The Static in the Field


The issue most humans have in not changing their beliefsis blind acceptance of mental 3d programming. You can think positive thoughts,think positive change, but if in your deeper mind you doubt they will occur,then they will not. .Doubt is one blockage that prevents manifestation ofyour desires. If you doubt, you do not believe. Doubt in the brain creates abio-chemical reaction. It activates a neuron carrier in the brain that flowsfrom the Pituitary gland to the Pineal and blocks the ‘gateway’ from opening.The doubt is there because you do not believe.



As we have mentioned, the survival aspect programming ofthe Personality Ego brain utilizes ‘fear’ in duality as a warning system.However, the duality aspect, the double edge of that sword, is that fear out ofcontext can reach into many negative emotions including depression,doubt,hatred, jealousy and self contempt. These are at their root, negative aspectsof fear, and fear creates static in the auric field, and can lead to auricbleeding. As taught in the Metatronic Keys, the human Aura must be integral toamplify into Mer-Ka-Na. A fissured or disrupted energy field is unable tooptimally operate in the Law of Creation.

如我提到的,在以求生程式為基礎下,自我大腦利用二元世界的恐懼作為警告系統。然而,二元的思維方式是把雙刃劍,不合時宜的恐懼會引起很多負面感情,包括抑鬱症,懷疑,憎恨,極度,以及自大。這些情緒都根植於恐懼,恐懼產生能量場中的靜止部分,會損傷能量場。如我在麥達昶的鑰匙(Metatronic Keys)中所談論的,人類的能量場必須是完整的才能擴展為馬卡巴。有裂紋的,或是被擾亂的能量場是無法在吸引力法則下發揮最大作用的。(待續)


轉載自-- http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/3782f989496c94bd0df4d2d9.html








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