2012-03-02 22:29
Greetings beloveds, we come before you today to speak ofLove. We are your comrades in this beautiful undertaking to which you havebecome so committed since time without beginning. The quality of Love istransforming. You have probably noticed it, dear ones. It has taken on anessence you have not seen for many eons. Take a moment to feel the quality.Bathe in it and absorb it. Be very cognizant of its nature. By now, you areexperiencing Love in a different Light. 問候,親愛的靈魂們,今天我們來到你們面前和你們交談關於愛的事情。在時間還沒有形成的時刻,我們就已經是你們的同伴,和你們一起走在這條你們一直如此努力前行的路上。你們也許已經注意到,愛正在發生質的改變。你們已經為此等待了數萬年。花一點時間去感覺這新的變化吧。淋浴在這愛中,吸收她,感受她的本質……現在,你們正在不同的光中感受愛。
You know now that Love is your essence, not justsomething that you feel or give out at will. It makes up your whole being. Itgoverns your decisions; it colors your world. It Is your world; it Is you. Itis everyone around you if you choose to see it that way. Enter into that worldnow. Let it color how you look at things, how you react to things, how you takeaction. It is the essence of you. No one can convince you otherwise anymore. 你們現在知道,愛不僅是你們可以感受到或者隨意給出的東西,她是你們的本質。她控制著你們的決定,點綴著你們的世界。是你的世界,是你。只要你如此看待,你會發現愛就在你周圍的每個人身上。現在,進入那個世界吧。讓她裝點你們所看到的,改變你們的行動,以及你們對事情的反饋方法。她是你們的本質。沒有人可以向你們進一步強調這個事實了。
We see you all expanding into this new concept of Love sothat nothing will ever be the same again. You have stepped into the New Earth.Welcome! You can choose to step out of it into illusion if you choose, but whatwould be the point? You have come all this way to be here. Now start layingyour roots down into it. Nourish and nurture Mother Earth and yourselves intothis new beginning. Love hasarrived and so have you. Keep breathing as if you are filled with it and seeothers as if they are filled with it. The old is falling away like dead cellsthat have lost their purpose. Wash them away with this new quality of Love. Bein it. See everything from that standpoint now. You have arrived. 我們看到你們正在擴展並理解這新的愛的概念,這種行為下,所有的一切都會改變。你們已經踏入了新的地球。歡迎你們!只要你們願意,你們可以選擇走出幻象,但這會帶給你們什麼呢?你們已經走過了如此長的路。現在,終於可以在此休息,並紮根於此。滋養並呵護著地球母親以及你們自己,來進入新的時代。愛已經伴著你們到來。請繼續呼吸,就像你們已經充滿了愛,看著周圍的人們,就像他們也充滿了愛。舊的一切正在剝離,就像已經失去意義的死去的細胞。用這新的愛將它們洗淨吧。沐浴在這愛中。現在,以這種觀點看待一切吧,你們已經到達。
It is time now to decorate your new home of Love with allthe aspects you wish to bring into it. What do you want to decorate it with?Patience? Acceptance? Creation of your desires? Cooperation with others? Joy?Innocence? Lightness? What do you want to embrace? What do you want to sharewith others? It is all up to you. Many of you are blossoming into who youreally are. It has nothing to do in many ways to who you were a few months ago,or even yesterday. There is so much flux, there is so much change, as youtransform and shape-shift into your true essence. 是時候用你們所期望的一切裝點你們充滿愛的新家。你們想用什麼裝點你們的新家呢?耐心?接納之心?創造的渴望?合作?快樂?光?還是天真燦爛的純真?你們想擁抱什麼?你們想和別人分享什麼?這些都取決於你。你們中的很多人正在綻開,變成你們真實的本質。這和幾個月前,甚至昨天的你們都有很大不同。在你們改變,並踏入你們的本質的過程中,有如此多變化伴隨著你們的改變,有如此多在流入。
Do not try to figure it out. Just allow yourselves tomorph into the Real you, the you that is so full of love and promise, and clearlike a new-born baby ready to take on experiencing its new environment that ithas been born into. For, you are being reborn. Look around you. Everything canbe new and looked at in a different light now. Make sure you allow that. Get toknow the new you. Discover the new world around you as a baby does as it grows.Everything is possible, everything is new, and everything is exciting to thatbaby. 請不要嘗試將他們一個個列舉出來,允許你們自己蛻變成真正的你們,這樣就足夠了- 充滿愛和希望,像一個新生的嬰兒一樣準備去體驗即將降生的新環境的嬰兒。因為,你們正在重生。環顧你們的周圍。所有的一切都會是新的,都沐浴在不同的光中。請允許自己帶著這種眼光去看。瞭解新的自己。發現你們周圍的新世界,就像孩子們成長的時候所做的一樣。所有的一切都是可能的,所有的一切都是新的,所有的一切對這孩子來說都是如此讓人欣喜的。
Try it out. Look at the world as if you have just beenborn and your mother is your Higher Self, teaching you about life and aboutLove and about Truth, seeing it from the 5th Dimension. Imagine that, dearones. It is time to look at everything from the perspective of your Higher Selfin the 5th Dimension. It is your guide, as are we, or any spiritual beings inthe 5th Dimension or higher that you choose to help you in your forging of yournew Reality. We are withyou, always, as you take on this task of transformation into the 5th Dimension.We are your comrades in Peace and Love, Archangel Michael. 嘗試著這麼做。就像剛出生的嬰兒一樣看著這個世界,你們的母親就是你們的高我,從第五維度教導著你們,教導你們關於生命,關於愛,以及關於真實。親愛的朋友們,想像一下。是時候從你們的高我角度看待所有的一切了。高我是你們的導師,就像我們,以及任何處在第五維度以及更高維度選擇在你們孕育自己新的真實的時候來幫助你們的靈魂存有們一樣。在你們承擔進入第五維度的轉變過程中,我們一直和你們在一起。我們是你們的同伴,帶著愛和平靜。
Thank you, Archangel Michael 謝謝你們,大天使麥克
翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源:http://www.franheal.wordpress.com