
【銀河議會聯盟】 320日信息:《跨維度星際會議的邀請》

2012-03-21 23:37

Greetings, we are the High Council of Orion, The GalacticCouncil of the Elders and the Galactic Council of twelve, we come through ourchannel at this time to make our presence known to you on planet earth. Ourchannel is able to hold the energies of all of these councils as she has beenbriefed on the members of these councils and there role in the shaping of thenew earth. There is much information that we have to guide you at this time andwe are here to introduce our roles and our functions so that you may anchorthis information and remember us.



As the planet earth now begins to vibrationally takeshape for the new to unfold it is now our role to introduce the councils andhow we will work with the human race. It will become knowledge amongst thosewho are now able to detach from the teachings of distortion and to go withinand remember who we are. For many of you serve on these councils and in effectwe are asking yourselves to remember YOU. Such is the distortion on planetearth that our words may trigger many who are not at a vibrationally level toaccept their origins. This will rapidly change as the new unfolds across planetearth and the new is accepted and anchored within by those who have incarnatedon planet earth to seed and grow the new energies. 



We ask at all times for you to process our words throughthe heart, for the heart KNOWS TRUTH. Many are in chaos and unable to anchorthe new for they are not detaching from what is taught across planet earth.This is the challenge for many in this their human life journey and we guidefor all to be aware of this. The words that are shared on various platforms arehollow for all unless you are able to go within and to FEEL our energies. Thetime is now for the new to unfold and our channel is aware of this. Thechallenge for the human race is to allow the new to unfold and to allow theenergies to align them with the new, for to stand in judgement of a race ofBEings that are here to introduce themselves sees you locked into the scriptsand the teachings of a race that sought to contain and alienate you. 



The time for the movement into harmony and the work tobegin to harmonise ​​the races that are all around you with the human race isnow. Many are in the distortion of planet earth being taken over, of racesstepping in and bringing a new earth to planet earth. We guide for you to lookat this distortion and to accept the limitations that it would bring. We arenot here to “take over”, we are here to work closely with the human race tobring the human race into line with all other races. There is much the humanrace is not able to digest and we guide the time to address this is now. Thereare enough humans awake at a level to be able to communicate with all realmsand to anchor the new, therefore those who are now fighting the chaos and logicwithin have choices to make. We are not here to make those choices for you,that is your choice and yours alone. We are there to help those who now ask formore evidence that the human race is not alone and we guide that the evidencefor want of a better word will begin to reveal itself to all who are able tounderstand the energetic changes on planet earth. 

踏入和諧的世界,帶著和諧的心與人類周圍所有的種族和諧相處的時刻到了。很多人仍在這顆星球舊的,扭曲的教導下,維持著擔心被" 佔領" 的恐懼。擔心被正在跨上前來準備將新的地球帶給人們的星際家人們" 佔領" 。我們引導你們看清這扭曲的教導,引導你們看清這教導帶給你們的限制。我們在這裡不是為了" 佔領" ,我們來到這裡是為了和人類緊密合作,將人類帶入其他種族的大家庭。在人類種族中有很多人仍無法用心吸收這些資訊,我們引導大家,進一步闡述這點的時刻到了。現在,已經有足夠多人類覺醒到可以和所有領域交流,並且可以錨固新的事物的程度,也因此,那些現在正在混亂和邏輯中掙紮的人們已經有了選擇權。我們在這裡並不是為了幫你們做出選擇,這是你們自己的選擇,而且這個選擇只有你們自己可以做出。我們在這裡幫助那些在尋求更多證據,證明人類並不是孤獨的人們。我們引導那些在尋求證據,想證明他們所夢想的更好的世界確實就在眼前的人們。理解地球正在變化的能量的人們會知道,美麗的世界即將開始展現在你們面前。


For many the coming days and weeks will be challenging inthe extreme as logic has no part to play in a new way of BEing for a race thathas been taught for all of its existence that the universe is but a certainway. Akin to a child being shown that there is no santa but that santa is theirparents we guide that many will not be able to understand the changes that arenow appearing on planet earth. This is due to the holding on of the logical wayof dealing with information. Logic is your challenge at all times for yourworld is now no longer based on the rules that were enforced by those whosought to contain and suppress you. The rules have now been dissolved. Many arenow in chaos for they are trying to live by the rules that are no longer inoperation. This is causing deep frustration to many and the way out of this isto go within to the heart. There is a rea​​son for your incarnation in thistimeline, dimension and planet and we guide that reason is within you. To lookto others, to rely on those around you for information that is entirelypersonal sees you look to give the power that is YOU away. For too long humanBEings have been kept vibrationally stunted in growth, that growth for many ofyou is now to be rapid and expansive.



For those who challenge our words we ask for you to gowithin, we are not here to convince for that is not our role. We will guide onthe roles of the councils and we are here to ask those who are awaiting ourwords to take their places. To attend councils we ask for you to go intodreamtime and deep meditation and to ask to be shown. That is all that isneeded for access to our councils. What will keep you from accessing is thebelief that you are alone and that all is somehow a huge conspiracy. For thoselocked in conspiracy theories we ask for you to look at this. Why would youconspire against yourself? You are the one creating this life experience and weask why you would have written this script within it? 

對於那些挑戰我們話語的人們,我們請求你們進入自己的內心。我們在這裡並不是為了讓你們相信,因為那不是我們的角色。我們會站在議會的角色中引導你們,我們在這裡詢問那些在等待我們的話語,等待取回他們自己的位置的人們。如果你們想加入議會,我們請求你們進入夢中或者冥想中,並請求道路展示在你們面前。那是接近我們的議會所需要的一切。阻止你們接近我們的唯一障礙是你們相信" 自己是孤獨的" 的想法,這想法本身就是一個巨大的謊言。對於那些仍將自己鎖在謊言中的人們,我們請求你們看這一點。為什麼你們要用謊言欺騙自己?你們是自己生命體驗的創造者,我們請問你們,為什麼你們將這謊言寫入自己的生命劇本中?


There is much that will converge to allow the anchoringof the new energies and we guide the release of what is taught to you as a raceis the starting point. It is new clean sheet you are offered, a new way ofBEing, the choice of whether to step into that which you in essence ARE isyours. We are asking for those humans who are now ready to move in vibration toaccess that which was always theirs to BE. 



The councils have decreed that the aligning of the humanrace be a joint effort between all races and at the pace and level of thehighest vibration carried within the human race. We guide we have briefed thosewho carry this level of vibration and we ask they to take their positions. Formany the questions of how they know who these humans are is now uppermost andwe guide you to the knowledge of the rainbow warriors. The “legends” of thissoul group have been distorted within your history books and we guide that therainbow warriors are being briefed on the next level of energy that is beinganchored on planet earth. We are unable to guide in depth on this subject atthis time for many of the rainbow warriors are only now stirring. The cleansingand healing of the rainbow warriors is now taking place, the swords replacedwith the colours of the new rainbows to reflect the peace that is now beinganchored within planet earth. 



These are a soul group who are here at this time andcarry the blood of ALL races within their veins. They are the new humans whoare now appearing all over the planet earth. You will find them by followingtheir rainbows. For they space hold for the human race as the human race nowbegin to remember who they are and why they are here.



The High Council of Orion now calls out to all memberswho share lifetimes on this planetary system to remember and they send thesymbol of the spider for those who are now only beginning to awaken. Thiscouncil will sit in session from now until the end of your April to begin todiscuss ways of holding the space and how their members can assist those humanson earth who are aligned to this star system. We ask all members who areinc​​arnated in human form to heed the call of the council and to attend withindreamtime to be updated on the unfolding energies and that which will unfoldenergetically for all on planet earth. 



The Galactic Councils also sit in session and now ask forthose who are aligned with the Council of Twelve and the Council of Elders toattend the meetings that are now in session for the next couple of months. Itmatters not what time you attend the meetings for time is but a teaching ofdistortion that many are unable or unwilling to detach from in this dimensionand planet. It will be agreed in session the way forward for the deep awakeningof the human race and the speed and the depth of the anchoring of the newenergies. We ask for all who are aligned with these councils to attend.


Although we are now stating these councils are in session in the words that areused on planet earth the vibrational call has gone out across the universe. Forthose who are able to hear us on the interdimensional levels the sessions havenow commenced. We ask for all to go within to process our words. On paper ourwords may make little sense and we fully acknowledge and appreciate this.However such is the incarnation of many souls on planet earth this is but afurther symbol and sign that all is now unfolding at speed. 



For many the signs and symbols, the synchronicities arenow speeding up, the human BEing works on many levels the reading of words on apage but one level. As the multi dimensionality of your BEing is anchoredwithin and you begin to detach from the depth of teachings of distortion onplanet earth then you will begin to operate on all timelines and dimensions inwhich you exist. The symbols will merely trigger that which is within you toallow the unfolding of the new. The human race now steps into the unknown andmany will tr​​igger if they hold on tightly to what they have learned. For thelearning on planet earth was distorted by those who sought to control andcontain the human race. 



We as a governing body in the universe are not allowed tointervene with these teachings for the law of free will is in operation andcovers the entire galaxy. That is a matter of choice for the human BEingincarnated on planet earth. The galactic laws are there for all , those whosought to distort and to contain your race have been further reprimanded fortheir concealment of these laws. The human BEings who have been briefed of thegalactic laws in operation will disseminate them across the human race as thehuman race is able to detach from the distortions and once more anchor TRUTH.



We guide once more for clarity, it not within the laws ofthe galaxy for other realms to interfere with the teachings that are inoperation within planet earth. The reason that many are falling to frustrationis the anchoring of these teachings. The SOUL path of many is to show theirfellow humans the distortions that are in operation and how to live throughthem and dissolve them. We ask for those who state that something is impossibleto acknowledge the lives of those who have moved past impossible. The blocksare your choices dear ones, if you choice to believe a distortion then we canguide the distortion but we are not permitted to remove it. That is the work ofthe human who is experiencing the distortion and the resulting block.



There is much to discuss at the councils and we warmlyinvite all who are able to attend. Attendance is asked for all are one and thecouncils are now working to integrate the planet earth into the variouscouncils who are in operation throughout the galaxy. It is envisaged thatupdates akin to “Minutes of the meeting” will be posted by our channel when sheis available to take through the words. Those who are in attendance may alsobegin to disseminate the information. We do not meet in secret, we do not meetto discuss events and situations in the absence of the human race for that isnot allowed. A representative from all races are part of all councils in thegalaxy. We start with the councils that have the least amount of members asvibrationally they are easier for the human race to attend. Such is thedifference in vibration for many of the councils that it would not be possiblefor many humans to attend at once en masse. The energetic space holding wouldbe too great at this point. However as planet earth gains in energies andvibration this will be possible and more information around the meeting ofother councils that are of interest to the human race will be dissemninated. 



The way of the new earth is now dear ones, no longer areyou kept in the dark as to what is happening across planet earth and withinyour galaxy. We guide once more that attendance to the council meetings isvoluntary but we anticipate a high turn out for these meetings hence the lengthof sessions. We are unable to explain this further in this dimension usingmerely words, more information is available for those who choose to interactwith us. It is a choice dear ones, all is vibration in the universe, raisingthe vibration you hold sees you access all that has been denied to you for aeons.Those who sought to control and contain keeping your vibration artificially lowto prevent access to higher dimensions. 



We are confident that many are able to access our wordsthrough the heart and once more we send our love and our blessings out acrossthe planet earth. For a race that has seen much chaos and much change you areprogressing at astonishing rates. All races welcome you home . Until wecommunicate with you further interdimensionally we wish you peace andhappiness. 



通過Karen Doonan 通靈

翻譯: Cappuccino






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