【拿飛利人】 412日信息:《請將你們內心燦爛的色彩帶到世界的每個角落》

2012-04-12 16:05


We come to guide and support at a time on planet earthwhere confusion abounds and frustration lives yet all is in plain view. We askthat you allow your vision to clear and the feelings that are arising to beshown to you for all is now perfect. For those who are triggered by our wordsand feel anger at them we guide to look below the anger, the creation of thehuman life experience is in your hands, no one else’s. Many humans are not ableto anchor this, such is the drama and crisis that they CHOOSE to interact withthat they are not able to use the vision gifted to them on incarnation. Foreach human BEing alive on planet earth was given the gift of vision. Weappreciate that those who sought to control and to contain have blurred thatvision but they are on planet no longer. Yet many will choose to believe theirvision has departed for good and it is not accessible to them any more. Weguide for you to look at this distortion and to allow it to dissolve.



Many are still trying to follow in a world that is nowled by SELF. There is no following, there was no following, merely theteachings of distortion by a race that tried to contain and suppress you. Weask why many are asking for teachers and to be led when SELF is creating? SELFis YOU, it is the core BEing, it is TRUTH, it is the energy that is YOU atsource yet many are listening or trying to follow the SELF of others. Why?



Those who sought to contain and control have left alegacy that needs to be dissolved yet many are breathing life into this legacyat each moment. To follow another to allow that other to dictate your lifeexperience is to defer to distortion. For they cannot create your lifeexperience for they are not YOU. Does this resonate? We watch as many humansswap one god for another god then swap again, all the while ignoring the factthat they are god. Does this resonate? YOU are god of your life yet you allowothers to dictate that life to you. Does this resonate?



Life is experienced it is not “done” to you, it is not“forced” upon you for there is always choice, even when it is not seen it isstill there and can still be chosen. Yet many are not choosing they are merelyallowing themselves to be swept along on the tide of dissolving energies. Weguide you to look at the concept of the dissolving, all that is not TRUTH willbe dissolved upon planet earth. As there are layers of distortion, some verydeep others just a veneer the speed of the dissolving will change. For thosedistortions that are merely the gloss over TRUTH they will disappear rapidly,for those distortions that are deeply held within human consciousness they maketake longer to dissolve, but dissolve they will. The vibration of thedissolving will be felt subconsciously and unconsciously before it will becomeobvious to those who are able to see with the vision that they are. Yet manyare now holding tightly onto the distortions, claiming allegiance to adistortion that sees them out of balance, out of LOVE and out of SELF. We askfor all to be aware of this and to process ALL information through the heart forthe heart KNOWS TRUTH.



If something does not resonate then it is not YOUr TRUTH,once more we guide on the vibration which is YOU. YOU are unique, we ask foryou to absorb and process this TRUTH. No two lives on planet earth areidentical yet many are trying to create groups of belief that deny this TRUTH.If all are unique then YOU are unique yet you try to blend with something thattells you that you are not unique. Does this resonate dear ones? Do you see howyou are trying to hide in the forest yet the forest is changing?

如果有些人無法對這些話語做出反應,那是因為這些話語並不是你們真實。再一次,我們站在屬於你們自己的振動層次引導你們。你們是獨一無二的,我們請求你們吸收這些話語,品味這些真實。這顆星球上沒有任何靈魂是完全相同的, 然而很多人仍在試著創造群組的信仰意識,並否認每個人都是不同的這個真實。如果所有人都是獨一無二的,那你們就是獨一無二的,然而你們在嘗試和某些試圖告訴你們,你們不是獨一無二的意念相融合。你們對這些話語有反應麼,親愛的朋友們?你們看到自己是如何努力將自己隱藏在不斷變化的森林中了麼?


We ask for all to look at SELF, we do not mean the selfthat is human for that is not the part that you are trying to harmonise at thistime dear ones, the human part of self is the part that is the vehicle, it isyour flesh and bones, it is your mind and it is your movement across thephysical planet. We ask for you to look at SELF, this is YOU, this is theenergy that is eternal, it is the YOU that is now asking to be reborne throughthe flesh and bones of self. Do you understand our guidance? We ask that SELFis illuminated for it is YOU. SELF is the deepest part of YOU it is theuniverse that is YOU, it is the magic that is YOU and is it the BEing that isYOU.

我們請求你們所有人看著自己, 我們指的不是你們作為人類的自己,因為作為人類的自己並不是你們在此刻正嘗試與之融合的自己。親愛的朋友們,你們肉體部分的自己只是一個載體,只是你們的肉和骨,只是你們的意識,只是你們在這個物理星球上的行動。我們請求你們看著真正的自己,那是永恆的能量,那是正在嘗試跨越你們的肉體和骨髓而獲得重生的自己。你們理解我們的引導麼?如果那部分自己正在照亮你們的心,那是因為那就是你們的本質。這部分自己是最深層次的你們自己,是像宇宙般的你們自己,是像魔法般的自己,那個存有才是你們自己


Many are looking at the self that is human and we askthose who are doing this to step out of this teaching of distortion. A racethat sought to control and contain was always to leave teachings of distortionaround SELF, for to hide SELF in plain view was to control and contain. Toallow you to access SELF would be to allow you to SEE clearly and that wouldhave ended their reign, do you see this dear ones?



Their reign has now ended but their legacy lives on inthe humans who are not allowing SELF to be seen. For SELF is real, self iscreated in human form to allow for movement and experience on this planet. Itis not YOU. YOU ARE SELF.



We ask for those who are able to hear and see our wordsto anchor them and to allow the memories to surface. For the journey back toSELF is through the dimensions it is not through the 3D world in which thevehicle for SELF resides. Does this resonate? Do you understand our guidance?Many are only viewing themselves in 3D this is borne out of allowing the mindof the vehicle to take control. The link to SELF is the heart, for the heart isyour connection to all that IS. It is not possible to connect to SELF any otherroute than the heart, for only the heart knows TRUTH.



We are the Nephilim and we now call to all who can hearus to remember. For that is the journey in this vehicle, on this planet, inthis timeline and dimension, for the journey back to SELF is to allow the heartto remember.



We ask that you allow SELF to be borne to the vehiclethat has been allocated for you on this planet, we ask that you allow thatvehicle to open up and allow SELF to be reached. For to walk on this planet inhuman form is to be a human BEing, to walk on this planet connected to SELF isto LIVE. You are not here to walk the planet alone, you are here to LIVE, toLIVE is to experience all that YOU ARE. Many are allowing themselves only toexperience the human part of self, that is the part that sees no future, thatis the part that sees only what is presented in 3D format to them, it is NOTSELF.



SELF can see through the dimensions for SELF is eternaland exists in all dimensions. Seek not to allow the vehicle to merely transportyou from one part of this planet to another, seek to harmonise YOU with thevehicle and then allow the miracles to be shown to you. For the human eyes ofthe vehicle in which you reside have restricted vision. The eyes of the humanvehicle can see only part of the picture. To view the world through the eyes ofSELF is to see infinity. We are the Nephilim and we ask that you heed the callto SELF. All those who are able to see and hear our words are asked to remember,for the golddust that you are is now taking shape and becoming real. We askthat those who are able to anchor the colour gold now allow their vision toclear for the vibration of the golddust is now expanding and growing. As thisgrows and expands more will heed the call. We ask that if you are here onplanet earth to work with the energies of gold that you awaken to SELF, forSELF will help you to remember why you are here.



We talk with the rainbow children and we ask all tobreathe, take a breath as the gods that you are for the human vehicle issluggish. We ask that you step out of the 3D realities you have worked underand make SELF visible in a world that is now crying in frustration. The workthat is asked of YOU now calls to you, do you heed the call? We call all whocan hear us to the councils for they are now in session. We ask that SELFremember the reason for incarnation in this timeline and dimension and we askthat the gold be anchored. The rainbows now walk the earth in human form and wewelcome them home. We ask that SELF acknowledge the colours that are within andthen paint them clearly across the planet earth.



We walk among you for we are you and you are we, until wecommunicate once more we bid you good health and happiness.



Karen Doonan傳遞





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