【大角星人信息】 4月22日信息:《無條件的愛的本質》
2012-04-23 11:32
We come once again to inform you that there are many changes about to takeplace in your world. Be not afraid as you observe changes to that which youhave always known to be a certain way. Be not afraid when edifices of powerbegin to crumble, for the time is drawing very near to when you will be seeingtruth come bursting forth onto your planet in many forms–forms of informationalnews, forms of talk among yourselves, and forms of the visiting of planetarybrothers and sisters who now await the correct time to enter into the picture.This is all part of spiritual evolution which will not be fully complete by theend of this year as many have been led to believe, but is well on its way. 我們再次告訴你們,在你們的世界很多變化即將發生。在面對你們長久以來所熟悉的事情發生轉變的時候請不要感到恐懼。在權力的大廈崩潰的時候請不要害怕。新的時刻已經非常接近了,事實會以多種形式從你們的世界迸發出來,以新的資訊管道的方式,以在你們之間談論的方式,以及與你們很多來自星際的兄弟姐們見面的方式。現在這些兄弟姐妹們都已經為此準備就緒,等待著在合適的時間以主動的方式進入這提升的宏偉畫卷中。直到今年年底前,並不是所有來自精神進化的各方面的進程都會完全展開,就如你們一直被引導所相信的,但是整個進化過程正在很順利地進行中。
All is proceeding according to plan. All is moving quickly forward into newways of seeing and being. That which is finished is finished, however rememberthat it is you who are creating your new world, not us. Many tend to await thearrival of others to change things. It is your enlightened awareness that ismanifesting as your outer world. You are the creators. That is why we oftencannot answer questions asked about what is going to happen, because we do notknow what you are choosing to create. We too are watching and waiting as youcreate a new enlightened world. 所有的一切都在根據計畫進行著。所有的一切都在迅速進入新的觀察方式,新的存有方式。已經結束的就已經過去了,但請記住,是你們創造著自己的世界,不是我們。很多人都在等待其他人的到來,為他們改變眼前的一切。但是這一切其實是你們進一步發展的意識以物質的形式在你們外部世界的表達而已。你們是自己現實的創造者。這也是為什麼我們經常無法回答你們關於"將要發生什麼事情"的問題,因為我們不知道你們會怎麼選擇。當你們創造新世界的同時,我們也在觀察和等待。
This is a time of strife, loss, and suffering for many but these experienceshave been necessary in order to shift humanity out of their comfort zones, soto speak. There are still many, who unless forced, will choose to simply remainsteadfast in what is old and finished regardless of how unsatisfying it mayhave become for them. All who are ready, are now in the process of clearingphysical cellular memory as well as any dormant energies still within theemotional and mental bodies. This is necessary in order to assimilate the newand higher frequencies of ONE–frequencies of Light and unconditional love.These clearings can at times be uncomfortable. Your job is to allow theprocess, rest more if you need it, but do not claim that which is leaving, backin. This is often inadvertently done through saying; “I am so depressed, I amso this or that…” which occurs because you are re-experiencing some of theseold frequencies as they release. Often you feel them as physical or emotionaldiscomfort, but as spiritually aware individuals your job is to simply allowthe process. If an issue keeps presenting itself to your thought, then look atit, for it may be something needing to be released in a more conscious waythrough an honest examination of your belief system. 對很多人來說,這是一個艱難的時刻,伴隨著失去和困苦的時刻。但是這些體驗對你們進一步發展是必要的,因為需要有一些體驗促使人類從舒適的區間走出來。即使這樣,仍有很多人,除非被逼迫,仍會選擇以前的道路,無論這些道路對他們來說已經是多麼不適合的體驗。所有已經準備好的人們,現在正在淨化物理細胞深處記憶,正在激發很多存在於感情和意識體內的正在沉睡的能量。這個過程對於你們身體吸收新的更高層次的能量,也就是來自"一"的充滿光和無條件的愛的能量來說是必要的。這些淨化過程經常是一種非常不舒適的體驗。你們的工作是允許這個過程發生,如果你們需要,請更多地休息。同時請不要強迫那些正在試圖離去的能量回到你們的身邊。這個過程總是以突然間冒出來的攜帶沮喪情緒的話語的形式表達出來,例如:我是如此失望,我是如此地……。你們這麼說是因為當你們釋放這些舊能量的時候,你們正在重新體驗它們。通常,你們會以物理或者感情方面的不適體驗到它們,同時從精神角度,你們會意識到,你們的工作就是允許這個過程自然展開。如果一件事情重複出現在你們的思想中,那麼請重新審視它,因為這件事情有可能需要以某種主觀意識的形式釋放出來,例如通過誠實地檢驗你們的信仰系統。
What about unconditional love? What is unconditional love? It is not the dreamyromantic view that television shows, movies, magazines would have you believe.Nor does unconditional love mean being anyone’s door mat. Unconditional Love isan attained state of consciousness that sees through appearances to the truth.Unconditional love manifests through an innate recognition of mankind’sspiritual nature in spite of whatever human frailties they may be manifesting.Unconditional love is a consciousness that sees humor in the world, and is notgoverned by strict and rigid rules declaring that an individual must live onlyin accord with a particular set of concepts in order to be loveable.Unconditional Love is the ability to say what needs to be said, which may onoccasion have to be firm or even seemingly harsh, while within remembering thatthe individual or individuals are spiritual beings. This way, the words carryand energy of love and do not reflect the negative. 那麼無條件的愛和這個過程有什麼關係呢?什麼是無條件的愛?無條件的愛並不是你們電視劇中,電影中,或者雜誌中展現出來那種戲劇化的浪漫感情。無條件的愛也不是任何人的門墊或者跳板。無條件的愛是一種意識狀態,可以穿越表像看清事實的意識狀態。無條件的愛以一種內在的,可以看透人類精神狀態的本質的方式表達出來。不管人類的弱點以何種方式暴露出來,無條件的愛都可以看到隱藏在這些弱點背後的人類的精神狀態的本質。無條件的愛是一種可以以幽默的方式觀察這個世界的意識狀態,它並不被嚴格的法則所控制,也並不是說人們必須遵循某一系列準則才有資格被愛。無條件的愛一種可以以敞開心懷表達需要被表達的東西的能力。儘管在內心深處每個人都意識到這個個體或者這群個體是靈魂的存有,這種自由的表達在某些情況下有可能是困難的,或者是極大的挑戰。以這種方式,這些攜帶著能量的語言會充滿愛,而不會反應出負面的能量。
Unconditional love is the ever present realization of ones own self asdivine being in spite of personal failings. It is a recognition of the ONEmanifest as the many. It is an ability to see loving humor those situationshumans often find themselves in, and also in those who may seem different or“odd” by current human standards. It is an appreciation for differences amongpeople and an understanding of their point of view without entering into theirparticular energy field. Unconditional love is also the recognition that sincethere is only One Life, it is the life of all living things, and not just humanbeings. 無條件的愛是一種永不停息的認知,一種可以包容個人的瑕疵,並且意識到自己是來自神聖的存有的認知。它是一種明白"一"可以以多種方式表達的認知。這是一種可以以充滿愛的幽默感看待自己所處位置的能力,以及可以以充滿愛的幽默感看待那些以人類目前的標準看似古怪的人或事的能力。無條件的愛是一種讚揚並感激人們之間的不同,並且在不進入他們的特定能量場的前提下可以理解對方的觀點的能力。無條件的愛也包括,理解到所有的一切屬於一個共同的生命體,這生命體的定義不僅包括人類,還包括有生命的一切。
This understanding is a facet of your awakening process dear ones, you arequickly moving into a deeper and more true awareness of unconditional love butit often takes a so called disaster to force some individuals to actually lookinto another’s eyes and recognize that in spite of social, economic, or racialdifferences, all are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are notsaying that unconditional love means becoming best friends with everyone youmeet, but we are saying that like it or not, the new energy is one ofunconditional love and if you choose ascension for your path, you must begin toaccept that in spite of appearances, all living things are in and of the OneDivine Source for It is all there is. 事實上這種理解是你們覺醒過程的一種表達,你們正在迅速進入越來越深層次地對於無條件的愛的理解。但是在這個過程中,如果無視社會,經濟,或者種族的差異,強迫某些個體通過"別人"的眼睛去認識無條件的愛,這樣的行為經常會導致災難性的教訓。所有生命都是正在進行人類體驗的來自靈魂的存有。我們並不是說無條件的愛的含義是讓你們與遇到的所有人都成為最好的朋友。我們想說的是,不管你們是否喜歡,這新的能量是源自無條件的愛的,如果你們選擇以你們的方式揚升,你們必須開始接受這個事實。儘管你們和周圍的人的有不同的外表,所有有的生命都處在"一"的能量之源中,所有的生命都是這"一"的能量之源的一部分。因為這就是所有一切的本質。
We are the Arcturian Group . 我們是大角星人
文章翻譯:Cappuccino 文章來源:http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html |
轉載自-- http://hi.baidu.com/gongjian19/blog/item/6d800fc8fdb94f75b219a80f.html