
【昴宿星高級議會】 0522日資訊:《漂在物質和反物質之間》

2012-05-24 15:08

Welcome dear ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light,we come forth and wrap our arms of light around you. Yes, dear ones we know wehave left you by the wayside, yes dear ones we hear the cries in your heart. We stand back as we watch our dear children of the stars battle what isthick, dark, and chaotic. We stand along side the battlefields of your lifeas great generals of light that seek to know they have taught their soldierswell. The generals themselves do not walk onto the battlefield but standaloft ready to lead and instruct. We are above in the crescents oflight and you are down in the valley of the shadow of life.


We watch your hopes leap from the cliffs as we ourselvesbear the brunt of what you are feeling – the pain and despair. The engineof divine intervention has not set flight as of yet. We ask you to holdtight Dear ones, to what you know is truth. You hold a seed of hope andlight that can never dim. It is in this place that you must seek refugefrom the daily regiments and entrapping of self-pity. It is in this placethat you will find peace. It is in this tiny point of original light thatwe can align with you taking you to a new level of love.


As your humanness grows more giant-like in all of itsfrailties, you will begin to cast a bigger shadow. Every doubt, everyfear, every point of escape within your consciousness casts a very long shadow.You feed what is dark by your fears allowing yourself to become a victim overand over again, reveling in that point. You grow heavy as unleavenedbread with each word of negativity. It is you, dear one, that cast thisshadow and it is you, dear ones, that must retract that darkness and not let itblind your light.


You stand at a threshold of molecular decomposition thatannounces to you that you no longer spin in the same direction that you have inthe past. You no longer spin in truth as you have and you no longer spinin belief as you once did. As you stand in this entry 0casting a verylong shadow of doubt you come to a point of decompression, like a balloon thatspins out of control, you stand in between here and there. You existbetween matter and anti-matter.


You try heartily to hold on to who you once were. Your humanness is despondent for it feels as it has lost control of the goodship of lollipops that it once sailed upon. You feel as if life tricksyou into a corner painting yourself into a place that is triangular and fanlikeof shape. Once you believed with all of your heart and soul that youcould manifest and create whatever you desired. Once you believed so muchdeeper than the wellspring of your belief at this point of life. You havegiven up, The sound of that giving up beckons its self. A shot in thedark is what we ask of you. Just point and shoot toward the movement in thedark night of the soul. You must believe with all of your vibrations thatnothing can destroy what you know yourself to be.


You have allowed the dark mistress of life to slap youinto a place of compliance. You have allowed matter to own you. Thevery molecules of your light discuss your future. Every aspect of your being,both positive and negative, resembles a battery being charged. Imaginethat you are storing light like a solar device and you have a positive chargeor you have a negative charge. Imagine every thought of your 186,000second day you are positively charging or negatively charging the solar batteryof your life. You are in a place in between here and there, a place ofpretend, a place that sculpts itself from your positive or negative charge toevery thought and situation.

你們已經放任黑暗的女主人將你們摑入只懂得順從的境地。你們已經允許物質佔有你們。你們在光中的每個分子都在討論著你們的未來。你們存在的每個方面,無論是從正面或負面, 這個過程就像一場戰爭。請想像你們就像太陽能板一樣可以儲存光,而你們同時擁有正極和負極。請想像你們每天186000秒中,時刻都在給你們太陽能電池的正極/負極充電。你們正處在這裡和那裡之間,處在一個中間位置,一個任何正面或者負面想法或者情況都會改變你們極性的中間狀態。

The energy of time wraps around you in a ‘not’. Thefeeling of life is an ever-changing illusion. They seem real to thetouch and they seem real to the taste but they are not. Your humanness islooking for a way out of present dilemmas. We ask you to step outside ofyourself and at the same time step into the very deep chasm of self. Seethe beauty that you are, the master that you are, the being of light that youare deep within.


You must gather you if you are to walk into thecreational fullness of your life. Each and every day you wake up worryingabout what the day bring. Worrying about yesterdays backwash. Youare a pro-creator and activist in your life. You are not standing by thesidelines cheering someone else on. You are the person behind the curtainwith ruby slippers on battling those flying monkeys. Yes, life beats at yourdoor like a hungry wolf. Yes, life breaks through your protection.Yes, life is thick and sticks to the bottom of your soul.


You are light and you can be nothing but light – the layers of self you wear as winter clothing on the hottest day do not benefityou. The misery of others that beckons you down the rabbit hole, dearAlice, is part of the release and karmic procedure you have signed up for whileon Earth. the people in your life that trip you up, that snare you, thattrap you are those that you are karmically in-debt to, on multiplelevels.


Many come upon the doorway of your heart scratching as ahungry bear in the night. You stand in the center of this cabin feelingas if any minute you’ll be devoured by the very thing that comes to claimyou. It is at this point of complete desolation that you mustbreathe and enter your God Light, the original cell of God that lives withinyou. It is only in this place that your star brethren, your lightbrethren, the masters can enter and assist you. When you are in a place of fearthe door to you is barred and locked. The star beings twinkle for you everynight but you do not see it and feel it because the day has left you in ahardened place.


Please dear ones go to this place of light, this singleentrance to the God within. Just be there for a moment, feel all thosethat believe in you, feel all those that love you, feel all those that are partof you on every level of DNA. You have never been forsaken, nor havenever been abandoned. We stand by you and believe in you even when you donot believe in yourself. Everything has lent itself to thenow - every incarnation, every word, every love, every hate. You are atthe Apex of your Light. Instead of drowning in the sorrows of others, stand united with all levels of your light and with all aspects of thosethat support you in light. When you hear of another’s sadness, do notdrown as you rescue them, but stand in a higher place to assist them.

親愛的朋友們,請踏入在你們深處的心之領地,踏入進入神聖的唯一的大門。哪怕只在那待一小會,感受那些存有對你們的信任,感覺他們的愛,感覺存在於你們DNA中的每一層。你們從沒有被拋棄,從來沒有被遺忘。即使你們不相信自己的時刻,我們也站在你們的身邊。所有的一切編織在一起,構成了你們的現在- 每次轉生,每個話語,每個愛,每段恨。你們正站在自己的光之頂峰。請不要將自己淹沒在對別人的悲歎中,請和你們的每一層光連接在一起,和每一個從光的層次説明你們的存有們站在一起。當你們聽到別人的哀歎,在你們嘗試營救他們的時候請不要被他們也拉入水中,請站在更高的層次嘗試説明他們。

You are so loved beyond time and beyond space. You havebeen well seeded for this time. You will be the saving grace by yourbelief and so it is. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan 傳遞






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