Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
I find this particular Hathor message to be one of their more densely packed bodies of information, and even after reading it multiple times I still find new levels of insight.
There are several areas discussed, but I will confine my comments to the Aethos and the Sound Meditation that will form the first part of the World Meditation on Nov. 4th.
The Aethos
My first encounter with the Aethos occurred about a year ago in preparation for a Hathor Intensive called Transmissions of Light. A few months before the event I was in one of my periodic existential funks when one of my mentors escorted me through the realms to the 10th dimension where he instructed me to just “sit” with the Aethos.
I was immediately calmed and soon entered what I recognized to be a type of Samadhi (yogic trance) in which I began to sink deeper and deeper into a non-dual state of consciousness. The agitation that had so clearly commandeered my mind for several hours suddenly dissipated in a matter of several minutes. And this, no small feat, had transpired just by me “sitting” in the presence of the Aethos.
As the Hathors mention in this message, the idea of non-duality shows up in various Perennial Philosophies, some of which can be traced back to the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita of ancient India, the non-dual teachings of various mystics and sages as well as the essential teachings of Buddhism, to name but a few.
由於The Hathors在資訊中提到了關於非二元性的觀念已經在眾多的長青哲學書籍中提出,而其中一些書籍能追溯到古印度的《奧義書》與《薄伽梵歌》,不但在各式各樣的神秘教派與聖賢都有教導非二元性的概念,而且也是佛教最根本的教義,這只是其中一些例子。
The Aethos I “sat” with was, as I said earlier, a 10th dimensional Hathor, and whenever I sense this being clairvoyantly, I clearly see “it” as a ball of light comprised of thirteen counter-rotating spheres embedded within each other. My sense is that the ratios established by these counter-rotating spheres combine to create a non-dual energetic, which is what affected me so strongly.
I referred to this being as “it” because it has no sign of gender. Whereas the Hathors I have encountered in the 4th through the 9th dimensions have both a light body and a gendered anthropomorphic form, the Hathors I have encountered in the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions present themselves solely as geometric light forms.
我提到了我用“它”來代表這位存有,是因為它沒有任何性別的特徵。而我在第四維度穿越第九維度時,我所遇到的The Hathors都有光之身體的形態或是具有性別特徵的人形形態,而我在第十維度、第十一維度與第十二維度所遇到的The Hathors都僅僅只是以神聖幾何光體的形態呈現自己。
The Aethos Sound Meditation
When I recorded The Aethos Sound Meditation, it was this 10th dimensional Hathor who guided me. From an engineering standpoint, it was a fascinating experience. As I recorded each of the eight tracks that comprise the recording, this being would alter my voice in distinct ways and in distinct ratios to previously recorded sounds. After laying down the foundation tracks I simply layered and looped them, according to “its” guidance, in order to approximate the light fluctuations that comprised “its” being. There was no electronic manipulation of the sound—meaning that I did not alter the EQ in any way, nor was any reverb or other effect applied to my voice. The sounds you hear in The Aethos Sound Meditation are completely natural and devoid of any effect, as hard as it may be to comprehend after listening to it.
At the end of this message, you will find two links to two different versions of this sound meditation. The first is 5 minutes and 4 seconds long. It is a way for you to test the waters, so to speak, and I would suggest you start with this one. See what unfolds for you in the short five minutes it takes to listen.
Work with this five-minute audio file in the ways the Hathors suggested. First just listen to it with your full attention on the sounds. Then listen to it with your focus of attention in your Heart Chakra (beneath your sternum and in the center of your chest). Then listen to it with your attention in your Throat Chakra. Next listen to it with your focus in your Third Eye (between your eyes at the bridge of your nose), and then, finally, listen to it with your attention in your Crown Chakra (at the top of your head). You might want to do these in separate listening sessions to avoid “energetic overload.”
與這5分鐘的音訊檔一同工作的方式,The Hathors建議,起初僅僅只是用你充份的注意力聽著它的聲音。然後在聽著它時將你的注意力焦點放在你的心輪(在你胸骨的下方與胸部的中心),再來聽著它的同時將你的注意力放在你的喉輪。接著下一步,在聽的同時將你的焦點放在第三眼(在鼻樑上方與你雙眼之間的位置),最後,同樣在聆聽的同時,將你的注意力放在頂輪(你頭頂的位置)。你也許會想要分不同階段進行以避免“能量超載”的情況發生。
The second version is for those who are choosing to join the World Meditation on November 4th and/or for those who wish to enter into the presence of the Aethos for longer periods of time. This second audio file is 30 minutes long, the length of time the Hathors will be spending with the Aethos prior to the symbolic holding of hands in the final stage of the World Meditation.
第二個版本是為了那些希望在11月4日加入世界冥想的人所準備的,他們可能會希望讓自己處在Aethos領域的存在之中並沉浸較長的一段時間。第二首音訊檔是30分鐘的長度,在這時間長度範圍下,The Hathors將會使用先前所提過的象徵性意義--共同攜手--來進入Aethos領域,並作為世界冥想的最後階段。
If you plan to join us in the World Meditation, I strongly urge you to begin listening to this extended version well in advance of November 4th. This is so you have experience with the various states of mind that the sound meditation produces in you.
Directions for The World Meditation
As the Hathors mentioned, the energetic of the Aethos will be extended to all those participating in the World Meditation for a period of twenty-five hours, beginning at 3:00 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) on November 4th and ending at 4:00 PM PST on November 5th. This means you can enter into the meditation and join with the world sangha (community) anytime during that twenty-five hour period. For the precise time of the Meditation in Seattle for your time zone, you can consult various world time sites, including
The Hathors也提過,來自Aethos領域的高度能量將會延伸到那些參與世界冥想的人身上,而這高度能量將會長達25個小時的時間,從11月4日下午3點PST(PST,太平洋標準時間)時間開始,並結束於11月5日下午4點PST時間(注:北京、臺灣、香港時間為2012年11月5日上午7點至2012年11月6日上午8點)。這意味著在這25個小時的時間內,你能夠隨時進入冥想並加入世界僧伽(群體)。在西雅圖舉行的冥想時間相對於你所在時區的精確時間,你可以參考各式各樣的世界時區網站,像是。
Begin the Meditation by listening to The Aethos Sound Meditation for 30 minutes. This is to raise your state of consciousness, and to prime the pump of creation, since the Hathors contend that non-dual states of consciousness are cantilevers to creative states.
在你開始冥想時聆聽30分鐘的Aethos領域的聲音冥想。這將有助於提升你的意識狀態,為創造力的灌注(/傾注)做準備,而The Hathors也提過非二元性的意識狀態是懸臂於創造的狀態。
Then you imagine that your KA (your etheric double), or some version of you, floats up to a position 60 miles above your location on the planet. You then imagine holding hands with others around the world. This joining of hands is an act of imagination signifying an acknowledgment of interconnectedness. As the Hathors explained, this type of interconnectedness does not negate our differences. It is inclusive of them. The act of holding hands above the Earth acknowledges that we are all interconnected, including other life forms and even energetic intelligences as well.
然後想像你自己的KA(你的乙太雙生),或是其他版本的你,在天空飄浮著,距離你在行星的位置上方大約是60英里處。並想像自己與其他人共同攜手一起圍繞著地球。這種共同攜手的景象是一種象徵性的意義--認可你們彼此是相互連結性的關係。然而The Hathors也說明過,這種類型的相互連結性並不能否定存在於我們之間的差異性。包括他們也是如此。這種在地球上方共同攜手的動作,是去認可我們彼此之間是相互連結性的關係,也包括著我們與其他眾多的生命形態有相互連結性,即使是具有高度能量的智慧存有們也是與我們有相互連結性的關係。
How long you remain in this imaginal state is up to you. I would suggest at least 5 – 10 minutes. When your mind wanders, and it most likely will, just bring your focus of attention back to the “you” that is floating 60 miles above the Earth.
After you complete the World Meditation, it would be an ideal time to engage The Sphere of All Possibilities to energize whatever personal outcomes you wish to manifest. If you have not read this Hathor Planetary Message, it would be good to do so before the World Meditation.
If this is like other Hathor World Meditations in the past, it could be an energetically charged experience. If you encounter a lot of intensity during the meditation, it would be good to rest afterward, even lying down if possible.
If you are so inclined, you can enter into the Meditation repeatedly and as many times as you wish during the twenty-five hour period. Your comfort zone would be the guide here.
Note: If you choose to work with the 30 minute Aethos Sound Meditation, please download it to your computer and refrain from listening to it from our server. If too many people listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation from our server, at any given time, the server may crash—keeping others from being able to hear or download it. Please do not depend on listening to this sound meditation on our website on the day of the meditation. The server will not be able to “serve” everyone. Download it before the day of the meditation.
Important Note: Do not listen to The Aethos Sound Meditation in situations requiring alertness such as driving a car or while operating machinery.
Do not plan to listen to this from our site on the day of the meditation. You must download it ahead of time and be ready.
Click here for The Aethos Sound Meditation (5 mins 4 secs)
Click here for The Aethos Sound Meditation (30 mins)
Tom Kenyon
c2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved You may make copies of this message and distribute it any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter its content in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. The Aethos Sound Meditation audio files are not part of this message and may not be posted on any other site. They are for your personal listening purposes only.
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