
Beloved Ones,

Many of you are in the process of the further simplifying of your lives in all of its facets. As more Light enters your personal energy field, you are finding yourselves leaving behind all that would hinder or bind you to the past and the letting go of all that no longer serves your higher purpose becomes much easier. This evaluation and letting go process of Ascension into the higher realms of consciousness is most prevalent at this juncture, as your habitual thought patterns which you have carried within your minds from early childhood to your present moment comes up for review yet again.



It has been a difficult process for you to get to know yourselves and what is truly important to you, in the healing and reclaiming of your natural state of wholeness and personal power. This is the current step for most of you – the realization that you are indeed the creator of the reality that you are experiencing at the present moment. It has or is requiring of each of you to look deeply within to observe the patterns of thought that you have for the most part subconsciously carried, and which have manifested in your reality, perhaps in ways that have created events, situations or circumstances that continue to bring into your lives that which you do not want or envision for yourselves.


Many of you have been amazed and disconcerted by the sudden onset of behaviors and speech that are not your normal mode of conduct. Be aware that these come from the deepest levels of your Being where they most probably have taken root in early childhood and been suppressed and repressed as inappropriate and unacceptable by the constructs of the society you grew up in. This is why we counsel that you to be good to yourselves as these come up. All that is stored within your cells from the past is coming up for the gaining of insight, wisdom and knowledge.


As children, you were innocent and spontaneous in your thoughts and actions. If you were sad, you cried. If you were happy, good spirits were evident, If you were angry, you stamped your feet and freely expressed your feelings with full engagement of all your senses. In your innocence you acted – and were told these actions were not appropriate. Children simply live in the present moment and do not harbour thoughts of past or future or the complexities of adulthood. They simply experience what is before them at the present moment. This is what living life fully in its truest sense means.


You are all regaining this ability to be in the moment to appreciate all the joys and wonders of creation in its most simplest and basic of ways. All of the complexities of life as currently experienced are beginning to fall away and what you retain is that which is of the greatest value in the new beginning now opening up before you. As you journey upon this path, you will recognize those who are beginning to experience the processes that you have already left behind you. Give them compassion, kindness and direction when appropriate. Always remember that maintaining your highest Light during these times is of prime importance. Stay true to yourselves.


Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒



    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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