
(重要)大角星人指導: ‘現在在發生什麼事? ’與 ‘如何創造你的實相’


Suzanne Lie Multidimensional News Message From The Arcturians

Channel: Suzanne Lie 20130314

中文翻譯: 林琚月 20130315

By MomT - Posted on 14 March 2013

pleiadedolphininfos Thursday, March 14, 2013


Creating Your New Reality


You are now in the process integrating the higher frequency light streaming from the Galactic Center into your earth vessels, emotions and neural synapses. Once integrated, this light will affect your every emotion, thought and action. Furthermore, this Higher Light is activating your 97% Ascension DNA, which is awakening your innate potential as the creator of your reality.

你們現在正在一個程式當中 --- 將來自銀河中心的更高頻率光能整合進入你們的人身載具當中, 情緒當中, 以及神經觸突當中. 一旦整合完畢, 這光能會影響你們的每一個情緒, 思想和行動. 更重要的是 --- 這個 “更高頻率光能”會啟動你97%的揚升DNA, --- 因而能夠喚醒你們內在的潛力來變成


Therefore, we ask you to spent as much of your time as possible with Gaias planet Earth to more fully embrace the escalating electromagnetic fields of light that were bombarding our planet. The new synapses that are activated in your brains will allow you to absorb new information that was inaccessible to your formerly limited brain capacity.


因此, 我們請求你們儘量花時間在地球蓋亞身上 --- 來充分擁抱這不斷增加的電磁光能量場 --- 那是在過去一直轟炸入地球的能量. 你的新的, 剛被啟動的腦神經突觸 --- 會讓你可以吸收更多資訊 --- 那些資訊 --- 是你以前有限的腦容量所無法吸收的東西 --- (現在卻不但可以而且還越來越多.)

In order to come into your full power you will need to release ALL of your old patterns of thought and emotion. Free of these limiting patterns you can surrender to the unknown and enter the chaos of immense change. You, our ascending friends on Earth, are NOW being called upon to undergo the process of: releasing limitation, surrendering to the unknown, entering the chaos, and acting in a novel fashion.


為了讓你自己可以獲得恢復~~你完全的能力~~~你將會需要釋放掉 “所有全部”--- “老舊的思想模式和情緒”! 當你自己不再承受這些“老舊的思想模式和情緒”干擾之後 --- 你才能全身心投入未知 ---你才能走進這 ‘巨大的改變’ 的 ‘混亂’ 之中!

所以~~你們~~~我地球上揚升中的朋友們 ~~~ 在 “當下”~~被呼喚來進入這個程式: 釋放掉過去 “思想的限制”, “對未知臣服謙虛”, “走入混亂”, 同時用一種全新的型式來做自己(所有行動).



釋放掉過去 “思想的限制”


When you realize that you must release old patterns of limitation you are faced with the realization that YOU are the creator of your life. Since you do NOT know how you can make the best choices, you recognize that all you can do is to surrender to the chaos of extreme change. It is through this surrendering into the new patterns of multidimensional life that you release the old habits and addiction of third-dimensional physical life.

當你能理解到為什麼你必須釋放掉過去 “老舊思想的限制”之後 --- 你才能明白 ~~~ “你” 是自己人生的 “創造者”!

由於你現在 “並不” 知道如何去做最好的選擇, 所以你能理解 --- 你全部能做的事 --- 就是對這 ‘極端的改變’ 的混亂狀態臣服.

就是透過這個 ‘對多元維度生活方式’ 的臣服 ---

你才能釋放掉舊的習慣, 以及對 ‘三維物質生活’ 的沉迷!

Releasing the old and embracing the new will propel you into great evolutionary leaps of consciousness. Through these higher states consciousness you can more easily remember how to be the Master of your Energy. Learning can cause a fear of failure and doubt about whether or not you can learn.


放掉舊的, 擁抱新的, 可以將你推入偉大的 “覺知”進化跳躍之中. 而透過擁有這些更高的覺知狀態 --- 你就能更容易記起 ---

如何掌握你自己的能量. --- 而非是‘學習’時會製造出的對失敗的 ‘恐懼’以及 對自我能否學習的‘懷疑’.

On the other hand,remembering, although frustrating at times, forces you to recognize your higher expressions of SELF, a great antidote for any fear. However, there are many emotions that you will need to embrace and release during your deep communications with your true SELF.


在另一方面, 回憶 --- 雖然有時很掙扎挫折, 卻強迫了你的記憶去認出你的高我 ! --- 是一個強力解毒劑~~~來解除 ‘恐懼’. 無論如何 --- 有許多情緒是你需要去擁抱與釋放的 --- 當你與你的 ‘本我’ 做深入的溝通的時候.




The earth vessel that you are wearing was created from the third dimensional elements and the fourth dimensional Elementals that enliven your form. However, Earth is raising Her resonance. Since matching the resonance with a given reality is how you adhere to that world, you will need to match your resonance with ascending Earth to continue your personal ascension.


你的人身載具是由第三維度物質所製造出來的, 然後由 ‘第四維度’的 “原素”來 ‘運作’. 但是, 地球仍持續在提高她的共鳴頻率. 由於你必須能與這個世界共鳴 ~~~否則無法生存在這個世界上 --- 這是一個 ‘生存現實條件’! ---

所以你需要 ‘持續的調整與揚升中的地球的頻率’對齊 ~~所以你必須 ‘持續作個人的揚升’!!!

In other words, in order to remain attached to the Matrix of Ascending Earth, you must surrender to the unknown in order to stay in entrainment with the frequency of Gaias Earth. Entrainment is the practice of matching your brainwaves to a desired frequencywhereby you and other oscillating systems can interact to assume the same frequency of expression.

換言之, 為了持續與 ‘揚升中的地球之矩陣’保持連接 --- 你必須對 ‘未知’臣服, 保持一個謙虛開放的態度, --- 如此你才能跟隨得上地球蓋亞目前的頻率.

Entrainment(搭上車跟上來) --- 就是一個練習 --- 去把你自己的腦波搭配上所需要的頻率--- 因此所以, 你以及其它正在搖晃中的系統都可以彈性互動而承接到同樣的頻率的化現.

Therefore, when you match your energy field with the electromagnetic field of Earth, Her rise in frequency will pull you along in Her wake. In the same manner, your personal ascension energy field assists the planetary ascension. Through entrainment, the higher frequencies of light that are bombarding Earth change not only Earth but all Her inhabitants, as well.


因此, 當你把自己的頻率場與地球的電磁場對準時, 她頻率的提升也會拉抬你你的提升 --- 在她蘇醒的過程當中. 以同樣的方式, 你的個人揚升能量場也協助了星球的揚升. 透過 “entrainment共乘互享的跟隨方式”--- 這些轟炸到地球上的更高頻率光能量所改變的 --- 不只是地球自己, 還包括了她之上的所有的生命體, 也一樣.

The resonant frequency of any reality must be matched, entrained, in order for you to experience that frequency of reality. Many of you have begun your inter-dimensional explorations and are finding that fact to be true. What you may not have discovered yet is that you CAN DO ANYTHING you place your intention upon and then fill with unconditional love.


所以如果你想要 “體驗” “任何實相” --- 你就是必須 與該實相的頻率共鳴, 配合, 共乘互享的跟隨, 才能留在那實相裡. 你們許多人已經開始了 ‘穿越維度’的探索, 也明白了這個事實.

而你們可能還沒發現 --- 就是你們有能力做任何事 --- 只要你們把專注力放上去並且用 ‘無條件的愛’充滿 --- 就可以做到!

Your thoughts are your personal light synapses that entrain your thinking with the different frequencies of your mental light matrix. Furthermore, you can entrain your mental matrix with any possible realty by projecting unconditional love onto that matrix.

你們的思想 --- 就是你個人光能量的突觸 --- 可以透過你思想的頻率與你不同的心理的光能量矩陣乘載共用頻率. 除此之外, 你可以透過你心理的光能量矩陣與任何可能的現實所需頻率去乘載共用頻率 --- 並且透過灌注 ‘無條件的愛’進入那個矩陣.

The unconditional love both opens the Portal into that reality and binds you to that reality. Unfortunately, a forgotten program is an unused program. Therefore, many of your higher frequency mental programs have been forgotten. Auspiciously, it is during this phase of ascension that your multidimensional memory returns.


‘無條件的愛’可以打開進入你要的實相的星門, 並把你綁入那個實相. 只是可惜的是 --- 一個被忘掉的 ‘軟體程式’就是一個 ‘沒在用’ 的程式. 因此, 你們有許多高頻率的心理程式都被遺忘了. 好運的是 --- 這段期間的揚升過程會喚回你們 ‘多維度’ 的記憶.






There are many extreme changes that must be made during this phase of transition because the old, third/fourth-dimensional patterns are in juxtaposition with the incoming, fifth-dimensional energy patterns. These conflicting energy patterns create the chaos that precedes great change.


在這段地球轉變時期, 有許多 ‘極端地改變’ 必須發生 --- 因為那些老的, 三四維度的模式是與不斷進來的, 第五維度的能量模式,並列在一起. 而這兩個互相對抗的能量模式創造了混亂 ---

在 ‘偉大的改變’ 能夠完成之前.

In order to entrain your energy with the fifth dimensional energy, you must release all your third dimensional thinking, emotions, habits and behaviors. If you choose to ignore what is going on around you, rather than surrendering to the chaos of radical change, you will remain entrained with the third dimension and will not become entrained with the fifth dimensional energies of ascending Earth.


為了要讓你的能量順利上車到 ‘第五維度能量’中去, 你必須釋放掉你全部的 ‘三維思考模式’, 情緒, 習慣, 以及行為. 如果你選擇去忽視掉你身旁正發生的事 --- 而不去臣服在這 ‘極端轉變’ 的混亂之中, 那你就會繼續搭乘合流 ‘第三維度’能量, 而無法轉搭上車合流到目前揚升中的地球的‘第五維度能量’中去.

When you must adapt in order to survive and/or stay the course of ascension, you will find the courage to enter the chaos. Happily, leaving the familiar allows you to begin the activation of long-forgotten matrixes within your brain. Fortunately, when you are faced with a new challenge, you can find the courage to enter the unknown with an open mind.


當你必須適應才能生存, 或是停留在 ‘揚升的路線’ 上時, 你就會找到進入混亂之中的勇氣. 令人開心的是 --- ‘離開熟悉的一切’ 這件事可以讓你開始啟動你早忘掉的 ‘頭腦中的矩陣’. 幸運的是 --- 當你面對著一個新的挑戰時, 你會找到勇氣, 並抱持著 ‘開放的胸襟’ 來走入未知之中.

It is the open mind that is so vital. If you judge a possible shift in your thinking, you will close that door and remain stuck in patterns of thought that have become obsolete. You ascending ones are in the same situation that I was in while on the Ship. If you do not find a way to call upon your forgotten resources, you will not be able to experience the long awaited take off into new territories of reality.


一顆 ‘開放的心胸’ --- 是最…最要緊的事! 如果你試著去評論你思考中可能的一個改變(: 懷疑而不是接受與臣服)的話, 你就會把 ‘揚升’ 之門關上, 並讓自己的思想卡在過時的模式當中. 你們揚升的一們目前所經歷的就是我以前在飛船上時所經歷的. 所以如果你不去叫喚你遺忘的那些資源的話, 你就無法經驗你等待許久的 “新維度實相”的 “起飛與進入”!

If moving into the unknown frightens you, think how afraid you will be if you miss this moment. Fear is very illogical and can be contained by logical thinking. As soon as you speak to your fear, you are in a superior position to that emotion. First, you have to calm your fear by telling it, Thank you for sharing that we are in a dangerous situation. Listen to me Fear, I need you to calm down NOW so that I can take charge of this situation. Once you talk to your fear in an authoritative manner, your consciousness raises beyond the unconscious reaction of Fight/Flight and into the consciousness of mastery of your energy.


如果轉移進入未知是一件讓你害怕的事的話 --- 想想看 --- 你將會有多害怕? --- 如果你錯過了這時刻! ‘恐懼’ 是很不合乎邏輯的 --- 所以可以用 ‘邏輯’ 來限制住它. 當你開始與自己的恐懼對話之後, 你就站在一個超然於恐懼的位置之上了. 首先, 你必須讓 ‘恐懼情緒’ 冷靜下來 --- 告訴它: “謝謝你讓我知道我們現在是在一個危險狀況裡面. 但是, ‘恐懼’ --- 請你聽我說 --- 我需要你冷靜下來, 這樣我才能處理狀況.”當你用這種權威的方式跟 ‘恐懼’ 說話, 你的 ‘覺知’ 能力就提高了. 超過了 ‘害怕恐慌’的反應轉而進入對自己 ‘覺知能量’ 的掌控.

Also, if you continually monitor the thoughts that you allow to stay in your mind and the emotions that fill your body, you are already becoming the authority over the energy field that you hold in your body and project out into your world. In fact, becoming the Master of your Energy is the basis of activating your multidimensional perceptions and abilities.

同時, 如果你持續監控你允許留在心中的思想, 以及你充滿自己身體的情緒, 你就已經在成為管理自己能量場的主宰 ---不論是你留在你身體的想法, 或是你放射到你環境中的想法. 事實上, “成為管理自己能量場的主宰”這件事 --- 就是 ‘啟動你多維度理解力與能力’的基礎.



This chaos forces you to adapt by engaging in deep introspection so that you can call upon forgotten resources. Through this deep inner inspection you will re-connect with your multidimensional thinking. Your multidimensional thinking is coded to receive the Light Language of the higher frequencies of reality.

目前的 ‘混亂’就是強迫你 --- 透過 ‘深刻的反省’ --- 來適應的 ‘動力’ --- 這樣你才能召喚出來那些忘掉的資源. 透過這個深刻的內心的反省, 你可以重新與你 ‘多維度的思考方式’ 重新連接. 你 ‘多維度的思考方式’ --- 是被設定了一個密碼 --- 可以去接收 ‘更高頻率的現實的光的語言’的.

Then, via Light Language, you will receive all the assistance that you need in order to act in a novel fashion. Your first novel action will be to project your consciousness into the Core of any person, place or thing with which you are interacting. In order to project your mind into the Core of that which you wish to interact or alter, you must first go into the Core of your SELF.

然後, 透過 “光的語言, 你會收到你所需要的全部協助來用 ‘新的角度’來重新從事所有的事. 而你所做的第一件新鮮事就是把你的 ‘覺知’ 放射入任何人或任何地方或任何事的核心中 --- 任何你正在與之互動的所有人地事中.

而為了從你內心放射到你想要與之互動的任何事地人之核心 --- 你就必須先走入你自己的核心!!!

It is through your own Core that you enter into the NOW. Your Multidimensional SELF lives in the NOW, and is in constant connection with your third/fourth dimensional expression serving as your anchor into Earth.


只有透過你自己的核心你得以進入 “當下”. 你多維度的自己住在 “當下”, 而且與你 ‘第三四維度的自我表達’ 相連接 --- 做為你進入地球的 ‘錨定點’.

TIME is your anchor to the physical plane. Time, as you know it, only exists in the third/fourth dimension. It is your attachment to time that pulls you OUT of the NOW of the ONE.

時間是你進入物質層的‘錨定物’. 時間 --- 如同你已經知道的 --- 只存在第三四維度.

就是你對 ‘時間’的緊咬不放 ---

把你扯出了 “合一的當下” !!!

Within the NOW, you are also within the ONE.When you are ONE with all life, you can commune with every particle of reality and request that it agrees to follow your request. Within the NOW of the ONE, which is best accessed through your own Core, you can connect with the higher frequency of any given reality to repair what has been wounded.


當你在 ‘當下’ 時--- 你就在 ‘合一’之中. 如果你與萬物合一, 你可以與實相中的每一個部份溝通 --- 還可以要求 ‘它’接受你的要求.

在 ‘合一的當下’ 裡, --- 進去最好的方法就是通過 ‘你自己的核心’!

---你可以與任何 ‘更高頻率的實相’ 連接來 ‘修理矯正’ 任何 ‘傷害’!



Spontaneous Awakening




More and more of you are having Spontaneous Awakenings. These awakenings often occur after a long bout of depression, anxiety, illness or bad luck. These awakenings occur because the multidimensional light bombarding your planet is so intense that the light quotient of humanity is raising to Critical Mass. Light quotient is not the same as majority of people. At this point, the majority of humans are still struggling through the third/fourth dimension.


有越來越多的你們正在經歷 ‘直覺的覺醒’! 這些覺醒通常都發生在一段時間的心情憂鬱期焦慮生病或是壞運氣之後. 這些覺醒的發生是因為 ‘多維度的光能’轟炸地球得如此密集 --- 所以 人類的 ‘光商’ 也提高到了一個至高點. 但是‘光商’ 的提高與人口數量是不相等的. 到此時為止, 大部份人類仍然掙扎在第三四維度之間.

However, the light of the awakened ones is so intense that it over-shines the darkness of those who are lost in the briar patch of third dimensional turmoil. In fact, an awakened person holds ten times more light than their un-awakened companions. The differences between the two expressions of human consciousness create chaotic energy fields because the juxtaposition between the third/fourth and fifth dimensional parallel realities is causing a paradigm shift in your world. It was the same in my world when we entered this phase of ascension.


無論如何, 覺醒人們的光能是如此強烈, 它蓋過了黑暗的能量 --- 那些仍然迷失在第三維度的騷擾混亂的荊棘叢中的人們的能量. 事實上, 一個覺醒者的光能是十倍於他們未覺醒的同伴的. 而這兩種人類覺知能量的差異就製造出了混亂的能量場 --- 而 ‘第三四維度’與 ‘第五維度’ 平行現實能量的 ‘並列存在’ --- 就會造成你們世界的 ‘實相轉變’! 這道理在我們的世界的揚升階段也是同樣的現象同一個道理.

    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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