
Beloved Ones,

As the waves of Light continue
to wash over the planet, all hidden corners of the world which flourished in
secrecy and negativity are now being exposed to the light of truth. Each one
that is exposed helps to lift the veils of illusion from the consciousness of
humanity. The Earth continues her relentless cleansing and purging, readying
herself for ascension. The pace of this cleansing will now step up in
intensity. Those who remain asleep and unaware that change is occurring all
around them will be nudged further to awaken from their sleep. All illusions
are being cut away by the revelations that are coming forth and humankind
stands on the brink of a crossroads.



People power is very much in evidence around the world and
will become an even greater force than before. Each soul will make choice; to
continue upon the path that is dissolving before their very eyes or to embrace
another, more loving way. They will stand in unison with the courageous people
who lift up their voices and proclaim a better way. The quiet revolution for
sweeping changes grows in its power and reach. The hearts of humanity open
further in a silent reaching to connect with their divine essence. Love will
find a way. Communities will come together in solidarity and unity. Families
will gather to preserve their connections with each other and to celebrate and
honor their ancestors.


Waves of gratitude within the hearts of all will pour into
the heart of Mother Earth as all realize the extent of her love for her
inhabitants. It is becoming clearer that humanity is in symbiotic relationship
with her and that she is trying to renew and change in a way that is the least
damaging to her inhabitants but as in the process of birthing, there will continue
to be pressure in various parts of her being that will need to be relieved.
People are looking at the signs of changes around them and realizing that this
is the way that Mother Earth speaks to their hearts to inform them that change
is imminent.


We watch with wonder the amazing tenacity of the human soul
as it struggles to overcome the conditioning of generations of beliefs that has
been stored in their very cells which no longer serves the path of Light that
they are on. The effects of the battle within each heart of opposing forces
will begin to subside and a lightness of being will prevail. Do not falter on
the path that you have chosen for it is the right one for you and those whom
you love. You are never alone, for the legions of angels stand at your side in
support and camaraderie. They try to lighten your load by using humor so that
you can move forward over any seeming obstacles upon your individual path.


You are deeply loved and acknowledged for your pioneering
and resolute spirit. You are honored for your tenacity and courage. The
heavenly choirs are singing praises to humanity for the role they are playing
in the cosmic plan that is now unfolding. Be still and open your heart to their
voices as they lift the Earth and all upon her to a higher consciousness. Be
still, Dear Ones, and know that you are the Divine in manifestation here on
Earth. Hold this thought. All is well.



Until next week

I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒




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