Beloved Ones,
As you go about your daily
activities and perform your earthly duties, know that you are also, on a higher
level, serving in a capacity as the divine changemakers. By your high and
positive intentions which you set each day, you set the template for the world
to follow. As you each read or hear these words, you absorb the energies that
are embedded in each word and integrate these into your five body system. These
times call for individuals to be adaptable and flexible, to go with the flow of
events, both in their personal lives and in the greater world around them and
to remain firmly grounded into the earth with peaceful serenity and calm.
Many there are who are now searching for answers to their
many questions, some do so quietly, following their innate inner wisdom and
others seek outwardly by expressing their viewpoints in a more strident manner.
All are reflecting the awakening that is occurring within. All need to be
supported and nurtured in these changing times by being encouraged to go beyond
their former perceptions to reach beyond previous limitations. They need to
achieve their higher potential and reach to the stars. As they question and
seek the answers to their many questions, they find even more questions to be
answered. Such is the way of expansion and growth within each person.
You have set the standard for excellence by maintaining a
higher vision of the world of your future and it now behooves you all to remain
steadfast upon your paths. Maintain your focus as you continue to release the
remaining remnants of the old paradigm thinking and perception from your cells
and five body system. Set a strong image of yourselves as divine beings of
Light, love and power. See yourselves in your Light bodies, feel yourselves as
your Light bodies each day, if only for a few moments. As you do this, you
begin to remember that you are, indeed, Light and this will empower and
encourage you in a myriad of ways that bless you, your loved ones, and the
greater world around you.
Hold the thought that your body is a temple of the living
Light and that you are now returning it to the pristine purity of its divine
origin. You are the ambassadors upon this planet to show the way by example. We
realize that this can seem to be a dichotomy as the purging from within you
continues as you set your intentions for the higher visions and versions of
yourselves but we ask you to persist in your efforts. Forgive yourselves of all
the emotional eruptions that seem to come out of nowhere and seem to make your
intentions, beliefs and efforts a silly fantasy. Realize that it is merely the
workings of awakening that are occurring and that it is temporary and cyclical
in nature.
As your dormant DNA/RNA/LNA strands continue to be
activated, you will continue to experience temporary side effects in ways that
affect each of you differently. Be patient and loving with yourselves and in
your relations with others. Exercise self restraint as you go through
your changes and transformations when possible, and we fully realize and
understand, that sometimes, it is just not possible, for metamorphosis is a
powerful process and must be outwardly expressed at times. Try to return to
your center as soon as you can after such an episode and forgive yourselves
your seeming lapses in behavior, growth and improvement. It is only the
releasing of the patterns of the old world paradigm that are at work. It is all
ultimately benevolent for you and your world.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
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