
Beloved Ones,

As you move through your days,
know that you are serving a greater purpose than is readily apparent to you.
You are each vibrating at a higher level than the majority of humanity at this
time and this sometimes causes confusion within your human selves in terms of
keeping steadfast upon your path. For many of you as you look at the world
through the lens of the news media in your current times, it appears that the
world and the people in it have gone completely mad. This is the crumbling
structure of the old paradigms at work and your focus on maintaining peace and
harmony within you and in your sphere of energetic influence helps to create
the new Earth reality in your now moments. What we focus upon is the reality
which is being created and those who influence the news media of the day know
this also which is why there is such a repetition in the reporting of these
stories. This is why we advise each beloved Light Beacon to not listen again
after hearing the news the first time.



Keep steadily being yourselves, be present in each moment
and allow your higher aspects to continue to integrate into your human
template. Much is being accomplished in this way and if you each look at your
life even six months ago, you would see the incredible progress that has taken
place, especially within your own growth and potential. You now have the
ability to be the observer in your life as well as the doer and this has been
leading each of you into greater insights and revelations in regards to your
habitual patterns of behavior that could use some improvement or a different
approach. As you have been doing this work, you have released many programs
that were not serving your own highest good and this in turn has affected the
people whom you love in a positive manner which in turn created positive change
within each of them.


This has also facilitated the need for growth for these ones
and some have resisted this impulse by behaving in divisive manners which
created separation. Hold fast and allow the cosmic energies to do their work of
transformation. For some of your loved ones, greater patience and compassion is
required of you. We realize that it is difficult to not react to those who
resist the ways of love and unity, just know and believe that there will come a
time in the not too distant future when this will change. The higher
frequencies coming into the Earth
s atmosphere
will create transformation within these individuals and the way forward for
each of you will become easier and brighter.


Many upon the Earth at this time are feeling the effects of the
higher energies and as you know, when greater Light is absorbed what is
expressed from the individual is that which does not resonate with the higher
frequency. It is important to allow these individuals to express the feelings
and thoughts which arise from within them and to not take what they say and do
personally. This is what we call loving detachment. Give them your love and
compassion but do not allow their projections to enter your own auric field.
You can be of greater service in this way as you become the role models of a
humanity expressing their Divine selves which eventually all of humanity will
emulate upon your planet.


As you all continue to release and let go of all that has
hindered your movement into the higher dimensions, there will come a time when
the polarities which held humanity in conflict for many ages will begin to
gradually disappear. The growth process takes time and patience in order that
each person
s soul lessons and insights are gathered
and experienced in the completion of their physical life embodiment in the
lower dimensions and a new journey of physical embodiment in the higher
dimensions begins to take precedence. This will be a joyous moment for all when
it occurs.


Until next week

I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒



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