


Channeller: Suzanne
Lie   20130813

中文翻譯: 林琚月2030816


States of Consciousness and Perception

“覺知意識”狀態  “理解力”


Our brains are electrical and filled
with neurons and individual cells connected to one another by dendrites and
axons. Every time we think, move, feel, or remember something our neurons are
working. That work is carried out by small electric signals that zip from
neuron to neuron.  These signals are generated by different electrical
potentials carried by ions on the membrane of each neuron.

我們的腦是電子架構充滿了 ‘神經元’和獨立的細胞透過樹突和軸突觸互相連接每次我們思考移動感覺或是記憶起某些事時我們的神經元就在工作中這些運作都是透過小小的電子訊號在神經元間跳躍傳遞訊息這些訊號是由每個神經元的膜層中所攜帶的不同的離子電勢感應層所生產出來的訊號.


All of our physical perceptions are
registered on our physical brain.  However, our physical brain is a
component of the hologram of our 3D reality. Our mind, on the other hand, is
that which connects us to our Cosmic Mind, which resonates beyond the 3D
hologram. Whereas our brain is the physical operation system of our earth
vessel, our mind is the electricity that runs that operating system. This
electricity is our consciousness.

所有我們的物質感應理解 ~~~ 都儲存在我們的物質大腦但是我們的物質大腦只是我們三維實相的全息影像的一部份而已. 我們的心智~~~ 反而連接我們到 我們的‘宇宙心智’的連線 ~~~ 它的共鳴度是超越我們的三維實相的.  所以我們的物質大腦是我們地球載具的物質作業系統我們的心智則是運作這個作業系統的 ‘電力’.這‘電力’就是我們的“覺知意識”.


Our mind, which is actually our
consciousness, is actively assisting us to connect with our Cosmic Mind. Our
state of consciousness determines whether or not we are able to successfully
connect with and function from our Cosmic Mind. Since we are in the process of
shifting from our third dimensional operating system to our multidimensional
operating system, it is vital that we awaken our multidimensional

我們的 “心智” ~~~ 事實上就是我們的 覺知意識 ~~~ 是非常積極的在協助著我們連接上我們的 ‘宇宙心智’所以我們的“覺知意識” 狀態決定了我們是否能夠成功的連接上並且從我們的 ‘宇宙心智’來運作所有的事情. --- 由於目前我們正在由第三維度的作業系統提升轉變到我們 ‘多維度作業系統’的程式當中所以~~~ 非常重要的是 ~~~ 我們要喚醒我們 ‘多維度的覺知意識’.


Our multidimensional consciousness is
blocked out by fear and activated by unconditional love. Unconditional love is
free of all judgment, and judgment is one of the primary thought-forms that
lower our consciousness. Judgment is a thought-form, a thought joined with an
emotion, which is always fear-based. Whenever we judge anything, there is a residue
of fear, even if it is hidden in our subconscious mind.

我們 ‘多維度的覺知意識’目前是被恐懼所壓住而只能用 ‘無條件的愛’來啟動. ‘無條件的愛’~~是一種 ‘沒有批判’的愛.  批判評判’是一種降低我們覺知意識的主要 ‘思考模式’ --- 它是一種與情緒結合的 ‘思想 --- 所以總是一種以恐懼為基礎的思想當我們批判任何事其中總是含有恐懼的殘留陰影, --- 即使是隱藏在我們的潛意識心智之中的.


Therefore, the release of all judgment
is a vital component for activation of our multidimensional consciousness. Our
physical consciousness is only connected to our physical senses. Hence, we can
only perceive that which resonates inside the hologram. On the other hand,
love-based emotion
that is love without conditionsallows our
mind to connect with our Cosmic Mind.

因此, “釋放所有的批判”是一個主要的部份工作 ~~~ 來啟動我們的‘多維度的覺知意識’. 我們物質的覺知意識只能連接到我們物質的感官感覺因此我們只能感應到在 (三維)全息場’ 內的共鳴的頻率而另一方面“以愛為基礎的情緒” --- 那是一種沒有條件的愛--- 可以讓我們的心智連接上我們的 宇宙心智.


Our mind, which is the state of
consciousness that is driving our brain, is directed toward either
survival/fear or creation/love. Conditional love is a form of fear, whereas
unconditional love is free of all remnants of fear. We have spent most of our
physical incarnations knowing only conditional love. Conditional love is based
on "I will love you if you..." or "If you do not ... I will not
love you."

我們的心智 --- 那是一種 “覺知意識” 狀態~~~ 也是運作我們大腦的(作業系統), 也是朝向生存恐懼或是 創意愛 的方向來運作‘有條件的愛’是恐懼的一種形式 --- 但是‘沒有條件的愛’是沒有任何恐懼遺毒的愛我們過去在物質世界的大部份轉世都只知道  ‘有條件的愛’. ‘有條件的愛’是奠基於 “我會愛你假如你…” 或是“假如你不怎麼樣或沒怎麼樣… 我將無法愛你.


Love was often used as a reward. If we
were good (good being determined by a source outside of you) we received love.
If we were bad (again determined by an external source) we were denied love.
This conditional love bonded us to the 3D hologram, as it kept us in a state of
fear. This fear, no matter how small or how unconscious, lowered our
consciousness to the resonance of the third dimension. Hence, our perceptions
were limited to the five physical senses of our physical form.

愛常被用來作為一種 ‘獎賞’. 假如我們乖good的話 (good與否是由你之外的別人來決定的我們就會得到愛假如我們不乖bad的話, (bad與否再度是由你之外的別人來決定的. ), 我們就會被拒絕而得不到愛這個 ‘有條件的愛’把我們綁在了三維全息場中, --- 因為它把我們綁在恐懼狀態之中這個恐懼不論多小或是多麼毫無知覺, --- 會降低我們的  “覺知意識” 狀態到第三維度的共鳴中去.

因此我們的各種 ‘理解力’都被限制在我們物質形式的物質五官感覺中去.


In order to fully activate our
multidimensional perceptions, we need to log out of the "good-enough
game." This "game" is based on an external source, which judges
whether or not we are good enough to receive love. The only way to log out of
this game is to love our self unconditionally. Once we have remembered how to
love our self unconditionally, the opinions of external sources are only a component
of the 3D Game to which we are no longer limited.

為了要完全啟動我們 “各種多維度理解力”~~~ 我們必須退出 “我夠不夠好的這個遊戲”中來.   “遊戲” ~~~ 是奠基在一個外面的來源 --- 它評判我們夠不夠好 --- 值不值得接受愛. --- 要退出這遊戲的唯一方法就是去 ~~~ ‘無條件的愛我們自己’! 一旦我們記起了如何去無條件的愛我們自己, --- 外來的意見就只是三維遊戲的一個部份而已 ~~~ 而且我們不再受它的限制了.


In other words, we may still be
choosing to play this game, but we are not attached to its outcome. We no
longer seek to find reinforcement for our efforts in that reality, as we know
that we are still playing that game because we have chosen to and not because
we have to. Once our mind has connected us with our Cosmic Mind, our
consciousness is multidimensional and the 3D Game is only one of the myriad
realities in which we participate.

換言之我們仍然可能會選擇去 ‘玩這遊戲’, 但我們對於 ‘結果是不在乎的我們不再在三維實相中去尋找 ‘確認和肯定’ ~~ 對於我們付出的努力--- 因為我們知道我們是自己選擇來玩遊戲的而不是因為我們非參加不可. 一但我們的心智連接上了 ‘宇宙心智’ ~~~ 我們的覺知意識就是 ‘多維度’ , 而這三維遊戲只是我們所參與的 --- 許多像萬花筒一般的實相中 --- 其中的一個實相罷了.


It is wise to remain in constant
contact with our Cosmic Mind, as the 3D Game is very addictive. This game is so
addictive because it activates any hidden fears of not beinggood enough.
If we allow our consciousness to drop out of unconditional love in which ALL
external feedback is an illusion, our subconscious may take the helm. When our
subconscious is in command, we are ruled by our wounded child/ego.

持續保持與我們的 ‘宇宙心智’的連線是聰明的 ~~ 因為三維遊戲是很容易上癮中毒的. 這毒癮的癮頭如此之重 --- 因為它會啟動任何隱藏的恐懼 --- 關於 ‘自己不夠好’這件事如果我們允許我們的覺知意識去掉落出 ‘無條件的愛’之外, ---在‘無條件的愛’中 ‘所有’ 外來的意見都只是一個 ‘幻覺’ --- (若失去了這樣自我宇宙心智的主宰你的 ‘潛意識’ 就會佔據你的心智主導一切. 而當我們的 ‘潛意識’帶頭時我們就會被一個 ‘受傷的小孩’ 所帶領 ---也就是我們受傷的(膨脹的自大又自卑)ego小我.


Therefore, while playing in the 3D
hologram, it is important to continually remain cognizant of our subconscious
mind's constant need for unconditional love. In other words, to maintain the
master of our 3D vessel, it is vital that we constantly fuel it with
unconditional love for our self. Loving our self unconditionally instantly
frees us from the 3D Game, as the addictive quality of that game is that we are
NOT good enough.

因此當我們參與這三維全息場時, ~~~非常重要的是 ~~~ 我們要持續保持警覺 ~~~ 關於我們 “潛意識心智”的持續需求 ~~~  ‘無條件的愛’的持續需求換言之要掌控好我們三維的載具, ~~~ 非常關鍵的是~~~ 我們持續用  ‘無條件的愛’來澆灌自我補充能量. 當我們無條件的愛自己的時候~~~ 可以立即從三維遊戲中將自己釋放出去. --- 因為這遊戲的毒癮癮頭本質就是 ‘我們不夠好’!




Therefore, if we can do or be or have
whatever the game dictates in any given time, we will be good
enough--according to some external judgment. Time is the other hook to the 3D
Game. While we are living in the NOW our past does not exist as a source of
judgment and the future is the creation of our eternal NOW.

因此如果我們能做到或是只是這樣,或是擁有這心態 ~~~無論這遊戲在任何時候要求什麼時 ~~~ 我們都會夠好!!! --- 依照某些外來的評判 ‘時間’ 是另一個三維遊戲的 毒癮癮頭當我們生活在 ‘當下’裡我們的過去不存在 --- 這也是一個外來的評斷, ---  未來 是我們所創造出來的永恆的 ‘當下’.


It is quite impossible for our brain
to live in the NOW, except for when all our 97% multidimensional DNA is fully
activated. Falling back into time is a constant challenge while that DNA is
still being activated. Our third dimensional brain says, "If I do not DO
or BE or HAVE what that outside source demands, I will not be 'good enough.'"

要讓我們的大腦居住在 當下 這概念中 --- 幾乎不可能! --- 除非當我們97% 多維度的DNA完全被啟動時!  而當這DNA被啟動的同時,持續掉落回 ‘時間陷阱 中是個挑戰 --- 當我們三維的大腦說 : 如果我不去做或是成為或是擁有符合外來訊息意見的要求的話我將不夠好!


Being "good enough" is the
primary addictive quality of the 3D Game as it keeps us in our wounded ego that
is NOT good enough. Hence, the constant flow of unconditional love to our self
is vital to protect us from our addiction to third dimensional judgments.

三維遊戲的最主要的的毒癮癮頭本質 --- 就是 我們不夠好! ---這件事把我們困在受傷的ego小我中 --- 而那是永遠不夠好的因此非常關鍵的是~~~ 我們持續用  ‘無條件的愛’來澆灌自我補充能量--- 來保護我們自己防禦 ‘三維評判的毒癮’誘惑.


Also, as our mind creates a strong
bridge into our multidimensional, Cosmic Mind we can maintain a strong
connection to our higher expressions of SELF that exists outside the 3D hologram.
From the perspective of our Cosmic Mind we can use our expanded perceptions of
clairvoyance (higher frequency sight), clairaudience (hearing) and
clairsentience (feelings) to perceive the higher dimensions of our reality that
resonate beyond the confines of the 3D Matrix.

同時由於我們的心智創造了一個很強的橋樑 ~~ 連通了我們 ‘多維度宇宙心智’所以我們能夠維持一個強力的連接 ~~~ 與我們的 ‘高我’ ~~~ 那是存在於三維全息場之外的從我們 ‘多維度宇宙心智’的這角度的 ‘理解感應能力’ ~~~ 我們可以使用我們擴大了的clairvoyance千里眼(高頻率視覺能力遙視能力), clairaudience千里耳(聽覺)clairsentience心電感應未卜先知能力(感應力) ~~ 來感應到更高維度的我們的實相 ~~~ 而不再受制於三維的矩陣.


    創作者 玄禾 的頭像


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