The Re-Birthing Process
烏瑞爾天使長透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊
田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載
我們生命中的所有事件 都帶著我們經歷一個完整過程的開端、過程、與終點
然後 繼續引領我們進入另一個完整過程
過程的終點可能並沒有被感覺到 並且這些過程常常是彼此重疊的
因此 一個新的過程可能在另一個尚未終了時開始
這聽起來有點複雜 確實便是如此
過程的本身是什麼 以及我們在過程的什麼階段並沒有那麼重要
我們將融入新的智慧與知曉 為下一個人生階段而準備
The events in our lifetime take us through cycles with a beginning, middle and an end, that then lead us into other cycles. Cycles are not always orderly or obvious, the end can feel nothing like an ending and cycles often overlap, so a new cycle can begin before one ends. If this sounds confusing, it is. But the cycles and where we are in them (we all look forward to the end) are less important than what cycles do, which is bring us to re-birthing, where we emerge with new wisdom and understanding, prepared for the next cycle and steps on our life journey.
我們會忽略最重要的部份 那就是重生
一個過程的終點有時會以「一個領悟」而到來 而非被結束
我們領悟--不論曾有的重心是什麼 現在已經結束了
When we spend our time looking for the end of a cycle we ignore the most important part, which is the re-birth. How has the cycle changed us, what do we now know and how are we prepared for our next steps are questions we can ask, instead of “am I done yet?” And we risk missing the ending entirely because there is often not a traditional ‘ending’ with closure, completion and a sense of finality. The end of a cycle sometimes arrives with, instead of closure, a realization that whatever we have been focused on is now over and we need to move on or we will stand alone in our desire to have the completion we think we need.
事實上 它們比結局更重要
因為我們常會在終點被卡住 懷疑與不確定下一步要去哪裡
不論我們是否已準備好 我們都得開始另一段過程
我們在過程的終點 而我們需要的是運用所學挺進到一個新的路徑上勇往直前
每一個過程的終點 我們都處在一個新的處所
What happens in the beginning and middle of a cycle is just as important as the end. Indeed, they are more important because it is at the end that we can feel stuck, in doubt and unsure of where to go next. The cycle is over and we need to make a move. Unless we are ready to do that, we begin another cycle. We think that being stuck means that we have not made any progress yet that is far from the truth—we are at the end of a cycle and what we need to do is apply our learning, forge a new path and move ahead. What does that mean? With the end of a cycle we are at a new place and where we go next is up to us.
我們會體驗任何一個這些區塊的過程 並且偶爾會同時體驗數個
舉例來說 我們會反映家族的議題在親密關係、事業中
What are cycles about? Any area of healing that we have agreed to complete sets the focus for our cycles. They appear in the area of relationships, health, work, career, success, finances, children and parents, siblings, friends, and our place in the world. We will experience cycles in any one of these areas and often we have them in several areas at the same time. We can, for example, mirror our family cycles in our intimate partnerships, career and have health problems that reflect the emotional energies we are processing. Since every aspect of our life is connected energetically, we cannot isolate our issues and healing to a single area—they will be expressed on many different levels and in all of our life situations.
因此 我們選擇有挑戰性的親密關係、我們沒有做的選擇、錯失的機會、以及那些我們運用潛力之中的元素來選擇去顯化的…都與表達療癒能量有關
Cycles begin in childhood, which is when the energy of our healing work is established and they continue throughout our life. Everything we do is related to some aspect of a cycle and we unconsciously gravitate towards the experiences that will help us complete them. So the challenging relationship we choose, the choices we do not make, the missed opportunities, and the elements from our field of potential that we choose to manifest are all related to expressing the energies of our healing cycles.
當我們移往一個嶄新而不同的能量層面時 報償便是更棒的領悟、學習與療癒
我們如何知道我們已在那裡 並且當我們重生時會發生什麼?
我們通常不會知道已經成功 直到移進下一個階段時明白過來
變得更為關心自身的能量被使用到哪裡 且能夠做出不同的決定
我們只會有一個知曉的感覺 和平寧靜會悄悄的從內在蔓延出來
The re-birthing process is the reason we engage in cycles and what we can look forward to achieving. It is our movement into a new and different energetic level whose reward is better understanding, learning and healing, not the end of cycles. How do we know we are there and what happens when we are re-born? We often don’t know we have succeeded until we move into another cycle and realize, usually midway through it, that we are more detached, less involved in the drama, more careful of where we are putting our energy and making different choices. There is no fanfare, our ‘done’ button does not light up, we just have a feeling of knowing and peace that sneaks up on us, letting us know that we are at this new level.
因為過程是生命的一部份 所以它們不會真正終了
當我們完成一個過程 我們便進入另一個不同能量振動層面的過程
我們變得更有接受性、更無懼 下一個過程便更能輕易掌握
即使我們心碎 我們也知道會有更高的目的在適當的時刻出現
並且 帶著嶄新的領悟 我們會擁有真正的和平與喜悅 並且能站在自己的力量中
於是我們重生 並達成曾設定的生命目的
穿越恐懼的空無 進入那無盡的、開展的 天堂般的喜悅中
Cycles do not end as they are a part of living. When we complete one we move into another at a different level of energetic vibration. We become more accepting, less afraid and the cycles are easier to manage. The challenges are no longer life-shattering, even if our heart is breaking, we know there is a higher purpose that will be revealed to us at the right time. And with our new understanding we have true peace, joy and stand in our power. Then we are re-born and have achieved what has been the purpose of all of our lifetimes, stepping across the void of fear and into the timeless, unfolding joy of heaven.